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Astonishing, Amanda Manopo Appears Natural Without Makeup
Astonishing, Amanda Manopo Appears Natural Without Makeup Amanda Manopo, photo: Muhammad Akrom Sukarya/KLY

Dream - Amanda Manopo's appearance looked different when attending the press conference for the latest film, Kupu-kupu Kertas. The owner of the full name Amanda Gabriella Manopo Lugue amazed with a natural and without makeup look.

Amanda intentionally appeared natural to fit the character of her role in the film.

"It's not required for work and her character is tomboy," said Amanda Manopo in South Jakarta, Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

Despite having to appear differently than usual, the former girlfriend of Billy Syahputra feels comfortable with her natural appearance.

"It's not complicated," she said.


As for her role in this film, Amanda plays a woman named Ning who is portrayed as a woman involved in the bloody events of G30S PKI in Banyuwangi, East Java in 1965.

Amanda Manopo

"I am interested because I am working with great people, great partners. So I want to explore myself in acting and we will see the execution later," said Amanda Manopo.

For Amanda Manopo, this film is also a sign that she is returning to the big screen after several years of starring in soap operas.

"I have been in soap operas for quite a long time and now I'm back to films, there are new challenges, meet new people," she said.

Amanda Manopo

This film, Kupu Kupu Kertas, stars Amanda Manopo, Chicco Kurniawan, Iwa K, Reza Arap, Ayu Laksmi, Fajar Nugra, and Seroja Hafiedz.

It will be released in December 2023.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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