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Benefits of Limiting Sugar Intake in Iced Tea for a Healthy Lifestyle
Benefits of Limiting Sugar Intake in Iced Tea for a Healthy Lifestyle Benefits of Limiting Sugar Intake in Iced Tea for a Healthy Lifestyle (Shutterstock)

Dream - Sweet iced tea is one of the most easily accessible sources of sugar for the community. However, the Indonesian Nutrition and Food Expert Association (Pergizi Pangan) emphasizes that the community needs to limit daily sugar consumption to improve a healthy lifestyle.

"It cannot be denied that the role of the private sector, especially the food industry, is increasingly important in developing food products that consider nutritional and health aspects, including for those who need to limit sugar intake, in addition to taste aspects," said the Chairman of the Indonesian Nutrition and Food Expert Association, Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, MS.

One response to the effort to limit sugar intake, the Indonesian Nutrition and Food Expert Association awards the 2023 Nutrition Care in various categories such as innovative products, innovative programs, and innovative leaders.

One of the awards for innovative products is given to Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar as an Innovation of Less Sugar Tea for the choice of tea beverage that supports the healthy lifestyle of consumers, especially those who limit sugar intake.

Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar

"Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar has taken innovative steps that deserve appreciation because this product can be an alternative choice that supports the lifestyle of consumers, especially those who need to limit sugar intake," he said.

According to Yuna Eka Kristina, Head of Public Relations and Digital at Teh Pucuk Harum, Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar is an alternative choice for people who limit sugar intake in their bodies.

"In Indonesia itself, tea has become part of the daily life and culture of the community. In addition, currently, people are increasingly prioritizing a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, we hope that the title given by Pergizi Pangan as an innovative less sugar product that supports a healthy lifestyle can facilitate tea lovers to still enjoy it without worrying about excessive sugar intake," she said.

There are 5g of sugar content in every 100ml of Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar. Based on the recommended guidelines, sweet drinks like iced tea are considered a healthy choice if they have a sugar content of 6g per 100ml. The calories contained in Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar are 45 kilocalories in every 240ml.

"With this content, it can be said that Teh Pucuk Harum Less Sugar is the right healthy choice," said Yuna.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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