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Easily Scolding Loved Ones, Body Language Signals Need Me Time
Easily Scolding Loved Ones, Body Language Signals Need Me Time Illustration/ Photo: shutterstock

Dream- With the busyness of college or work that always piles up, it's not wrong to take a short break and try me time. Me time is needed by everyone to rest, not only physically but also mentally.

There are many ways to do it. For example, when you're at home, set aside time to enjoy a cup of warm coffee and focus on the aroma and taste while looking at plants without any distractions. You can also go to a cafe to listen to your favorite music, go to a salon/spa, or maybe spend the whole day doing hobbies and breaking free from routines.

It may sound trivial and unproductive, but me time has a significant impact on mental and physical freshness. So, what are the signs that you really need me time? According to Healthline, here are 5 signals that your body and mind send when you need alone time.

1. Everything Seems Unpleasant

The most noticeable indicator is when everything doesn't sound pleasant. For example, you complain more often, procrastinate tasks, and even lose creativity when doing something you usually enjoy. When this happens, it's better to take 'me time' to replenish lost energy.


2. Increased Appetite


When needing alone time, the body will also give signals of increased eating patterns. Usually, you feel like eating anything and suddenly crave snacks to relieve stress.

3. Overwhelmed by Light Activities

Feeling burdened by small things that are usually considered trivial is an indicator that the body needs time alone. If you experience this, it's best to take a break to calm down and rest first so that your energy can recover.


4. Wanting to Hide

Me time

Feeling like hiding and isolating oneself in the room continuously is also a signal that the body gives when you need 'me time'. Instead of doing it secretly, it's better to communicate with your family or partner if you need time to calm down and be alone. This is to avoid misunderstandings.

5. Easily Scolding Loved Ones

It's undeniable that when we feel physically and mentally tired, our emotions become uncontrollable. These emotions can explode towards anyone, even towards our loved ones even though they are not actually at fault.

If emotions have reached their peak, it's best to take time for yourself. You can go to bed while taking a deep breath or do hobbies that you like.



Report: Hany Puspita Sari/ Source: Health Line

Revealed, the Most Stressful Time of the Day

Dream - Stress arises suddenly and is unavoidable in our lives. It feels like there is never enough time to get everything done in the early morning, which is one of the causes of morning stress that can trigger anxiety.

A study in London that surveyed 2,000 adults revealed that the most stressful time is at 07:23.


There is a slight fluctuation in the most tense time of the day, depending on gender. Women usually face the first obstacle of the day slightly earlier than men, at 07:50 in the morning. For men, stress occurs at 08:43. Morning anxiety or stress can disrupt the ability of Dream's Friend to have a productive day.



Main Causes of Morning Stress

There is a lot to do in the morning, but not much time to do it. Anxiety can arise from your journey to the office, perhaps having to drop off your children first or just heavy traffic conditions.

This can be the reason why 07:23 in the morning is the most stressful time of the day. This condition is not the only trigger for morning stress that adults experience when they try to start their day.

Other activities also make the morning the most stressful time, such as when you often postpone waking up or even wake up late. In addition, other causes of morning stress include accidentally spilling something on clothes, accidentally breaking things, and having difficulty finding parking spaces.

There are many things that can trigger stress in a person. You can take steps to relieve anxiety with stress management tips.


Report: Devi Tri Aprilianza / Source: The Healthy


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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