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Fulfill Your Child's Nutrition with vidoran Xmart, Quality Milk with imunUp Formula
Fulfill Your Child's Nutrition with vidoran Xmart, Quality Milk with imunUp Formula (c) Shutterstock

Choosing the right milk for a child is not an easy task for a mother. Because every mother wants the right, quality product that can fulfill the nutrition needs of their little one during their growth and development. By choosing the right milk, mothers can support their precious child to become an active, smart, healthy, and resilient individual.

The good news is, now there is vidoran Xmart milk, a quality growth milk that uses milk from cattle farms in Australia and New Zealand, high in good nutritional content to support the growth and development of your little one. Find out why this milk is a must-have to fulfill your little one's nutrition needs?

Has a Complete Composition Trusted by 9 out of 10 Mothers

Fulfill Your Child's Nutrition with vidoran Xmart, Quality Milk with imunUp Formula

vidoran Xmart milk is the right choice that has been trusted by 9 out of 10 mothers. Because this product has a complete composition that can support the fulfillment of your little one's nutrition and improve their resilience. What are the nutritional contents in it?

It is said to be complete because vidoran Xmart is milk that has imunUp formula in it. Moreover, this growth milk is the first in Indonesia with imunUp formula enriched with Cod Liver Oil, high in vitamin C, D3, E, and zinc, DHA (omega 3&6), high in protein, iron, and a source of dietary fiber inulin.

As for the high content of vitamin C, D3, E, and zinc, it functions to support the immune system of your little one so they don't easily get sick. Then, the Cod Liver Oil content, taken from deep sea waters, contains omega 3 (DHA & EPA), as well as natural vitamin A and D which are beneficial for optimizing your little one's intelligence. 

Meanwhile, omega 6 (linoleic acid) in the imunUp formula is an essential fatty acid needed for the growth and development of your little one. Omega 6 cannot be produced by the body, so children need to get this omega 6 intake from external sources, one of which is milk that has been enriched with linoleic acid. So, it's not wrong if mothers choose vidoran Xmart as the main milk for their little one.

Not only that, the high protein content in the imunUp formula is also very good because it acts as an essential macronutrient. Then, there is iron which is a component of hemoglobin that is useful for carrying oxygen throughout the body. What's interesting is that the dietary fiber source (Inulin) in the imunUp formula is a soluble dietary fiber derived from chicory plant roots, and it functions to improve the digestive health of your little one. How complete is that, right, Mom?

A Healthier Choice for Your Little One

In addition to the complete imunUp formula and high DHA content, vidoran Xmart milk should also be chosen because it is healthier for your precious little one. As information, vidoran Xmart now comes with lower sugar content. So, mothers no longer need to worry about their little one experiencing obesity or even diabetes. 

Although it has lower sugar, the taste of vidoran Xmart milk is undeniable. There are two variants to choose from, vidoran Xmart 1+ for children aged 1-3 years and vidoran Xmart 3+ for children aged 3-5 years. Both of them also come in honey and vanilla flavors that your little one will surely love. Let's support the growth and development of your little one to become a strong, active, and intelligent child with milk from vidoran Xmart.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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