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Meaning of the Word Antithesis, Characteristics and Types of Antithesis Figures of Speech, Complete with Example Sentences
Meaning of the Word Antithesis, Characteristics and Types of Antithesis Figures of Speech, Complete with Example Sentences Meaning of the word antithesis (Illustration Photo:

Dream - In learning Indonesian language, there is a term called antithesis figure of speech that indicates opposition. Linguistically, antithesis consists of two words, namely "anti" and "thesis" which means placement. This antithesis figure of speech is used to compare two opposing things.

Perhaps among Dream friends, some may think that the meaning of the word antithesis is not very popular in everyday conversation. However, it is possible that even if you do not know the meaning of the word antithesis, it is often used in daily conversations.

Therefore, through this opportunity, we will learn together about the meaning of the word antithesis, antithesis figures of speech, and examples. So that Dream friends can more easily know, understand, and realize the existence of antithesis in everyday conversations or when reading a text.

Here is a more in-depth explanation of the meaning of the word antithesis as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Meaning of the Word Antithesis and Antithesis Figures of Speech

Meaning of the Word Antithesis and Antithesis Figures of Speech

Before discussing further, it is good for Dream friends to know the meaning of the word antithesis first.

According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), antithesis is a true contradiction; the expression of contradictory ideas in parallel word arrangements, as in the motto "Merdeka atau Mati" ("Freedom or Death").

Then antithesis consists of two words, namely "anti" and "thesis" which means placement.

Meanwhile, the general definition of antithesis figures of speech is a language style that combines the positions of two ideas by using two words or other forms juxtaposed to make the contrast more prominent.

Then antithesis figures of speech in language are taken from their basic words first, which are in the form of "anti". Where the word "anti" means opposing. And the word "thesis" is a statement supported by arguments in a work.

So, antithesis figures of speech are figures of speech that use a combination of words by comparing two opposing words in a statement.

Characteristics and Types of Antithesis Figures of Speech

Characteristics of Antithesis Figures of Speech

After knowing the meaning of the word antithesis and antithesis figures of speech, next Dream friends need to know the characteristics of antithesis figures of speech. By knowing their characteristics, you can more easily determine which ones are included in antithesis sentences. Here are some characteristics of antithesis figures of speech that Dream friends need to know:

  • Belong to the category of figures of speech of opposition.
  • Generally use antonym words and appear together.
  • Have two opposing words in one sentence or clause.

Types of Antithesis Figures of Speech

Then antithesis figures of speech are divided into two, which are explained as follows:

Action Antithesis

The first type of antithesis figures of speech is action antithesis, which contains actions or treatments that are opposite in lines of poetry. Where the two words are repetitions.

Hal Antithesis

The second type of antithesis figures of speech is hal antithesis, which is two words or phrases, where there are statements of opposing things in the lines and stanzas of a poem. The two words or phrases are the result of repetition.

Examples of Antithesis Figures of Speech

Examples of Antithesis Figures of Speech

After knowing the meaning of the word antithesis, characteristics, and types of antithesis figures of speech, the next step is examples of the antithesis figures of speech itself. With these examples, Dream friends will find it easier to understand. Here are some examples of antithesis figures of speech that Dream friends need to pay attention to:

  1. The butcher always considers the sharp bluntness of the knife used.
  2. Ridwan works day and night to support his children and wife.
  3. I stumble in pursuit of you, but you refuse to understand.
  4. The severity of punishment depends on the article applied to the suspect.
  5. Fathers can determine the health of a rabbit from the coarseness or fineness of its fur.
  6. The wetness or dryness of clothes will affect the price of laundry.
  7. Promotions on social media can affect the busyness or quietness of visitors to a store.
  8. A woman's beauty is not judged by her body being slim or fat.
  9. The body temperature of my sister is unstable, hot and cold.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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