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Princess Wears Sexy Clothes to Smooth Out Harassment Scenario, Here's What It Looks Like
Princess Wears Sexy Clothes to Smooth Out Harassment Scenario, Here's What It Looks Like Princess Wears Sexy Clothes to Smooth Out Harassment Scenario, Here's What It Looks Like ( Fanani)

Dream - The Public Prosecutor's Office (JPU) stated that Putri Candrawathi was involved in supporting the scenario of the murder of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, which was planned by Ferdy Sambo.

According to the prosecutor, Princess Candrawathi intentionally changed into more revealing clothing to support the harassment scenario.

This was conveyed by the prosecutor while reading out the indictment against defendant Ricky Rizal at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday, January 16, 2023.

When Putri arrived at the Duren Tiga official residence, the prosecutor believed that Ferdy Sambo's wife deliberately changed into more revealing clothing.

Princess Wears Sexy Clothes to Smooth Out Harassment Scenario, Here's What It Looks Like

This is based on the testimony of a witness who stated that Putri was wearing a brown sweater and black leggings when she arrived at Duren Tiga.

With the intention of self-isolation, Putri then entered the room to change into clothing that the prosecutor considered more revealing than her previous attire.

Princess Wears Sexy Clothes to Smooth Out Harassment Scenario, Here's What It Looks Like

"After being inside the house, it was deliberately conditioned to have a sexy appearance by changing into more revealing clothing," said the prosecutor.

"With a shirt with green and black striped clothes and green shorts with black stripes. So it becomes the cause that the victim seemed to intend to harass or rape witness Putri Candrawathi," he added.

Prosecutor Believes There Was No Harassment in Magelang, Putri Candrawathi and Brigadier J Were Having an Affair

Dream - The Public Prosecutor's Office (JPU) stated that Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawatahi, did not experience any harassment at the Magelang residence. The prosecutor stated that the incident that occurred was an affair between Brigadier J and Putri Candrawathi.

This was conveyed by the prosecutor while reading out the indictment against defendant Kuat Ma'ruf at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday, January 16, 2023.

The prosecutor stated that they disagreed with the testimony of expert witnesses from the Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association, Reni Kusuma Wardhani, in the trial, who stated that there was sexual harassment.

"We respond to the expert testimony of Dr. Reni Kusuma Wardhani regarding the existence of sexual violence, which contradicts the testimony of other experts who have taken oaths, stating that in Aji Febriyanto as a polygraph expert, it was stated that witness Putri indicated deception on the polygraph when asked 'Did you have an affair with Yosua in Magelang?' which was also stated in the BAP," the prosecutor said.

The prosecutor stated that based on the facts admitted by the defendant in the trial, there was no sexual harassment experienced by Putri Candrawathi on July 8, 2022, at Sambo's official residence in the Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta.

The prosecutor also stated that Bharada Richard Eliezer and Sambo's housemaid named Susi were not aware of any sexual harassment in Magelang.

Based on these testimonies, the prosecutor believes that there was no sexual harassment. The prosecutor also stated that there was no testimony indicating that Putri took a shower, changed clothes, or underwent a medical examination after the alleged harassment.

"In relation to the testimony of witness Putri Candrawathi stating that she did not take a shower or change clothes after the sexual harassment incident, even though there is a witness named Susi who is her female assistant. Witness Putri Candrawathi also did not seek medical attention after the sexual harassment incident, even though she is a doctor who is very concerned about health and hygiene," the prosecutor explained.

"The initiative of witness Putri to speak with the victim for 10 to 15 minutes in a closed room after the alleged harassment, there is no witness Ferdy Sambo requesting a medical examination even though Ferdy Sambo has decades of experience as an investigator."

"And the actions of Ferdy Sambo allowing witness Putri Candrawathi and the victim to be in the same group and the same car for self-isolation in Duren Tiga, as well as the testimony of Kuat Ma'ruf regarding 'thorns in the household,' it can be concluded that there was no harassment on July 7, 2022, in Magelang but rather an affair between witness Putri Candrawathi and the victim Yosua Hutabarat," the prosecutor said.

According to the prosecutor, Kuat Ma'ruf knew about the affair between Brigadier J and Putri and was involved in planning the murder.

"Defendant Kuat Ma'ruf was involved in planning the taking of Yosua Hutabarat's life," said the prosecutor.

The prosecutor also mentioned Kuat's testimony in which he asked Putri to report to Sambo to avoid any thorns in their marriage. According to the prosecutor, this shows that Kuat knew about the affair between Yosua and Putri.

The prosecutor also mentioned Kuat's testimony in which he asked Putri to report to Sambo to avoid any thorns in their marriage. According to the prosecutor, this shows that Kuat knew about the affair between Yosua and Putri.

"Defendant Kuat Ma'ruf himself, both in his testimony as a witness and as a defendant, stated to witness Putri Candrawathi to report Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat to witness Ferdy Sambo so that there would be no thorns in the marriage of witness Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi," the prosecutor said.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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