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To Ensure Brigadier J is Dead, Ferdy Sambo Shoots Twice in the Head
To Ensure Brigadier J is Dead, Ferdy Sambo Shoots Twice in the Head © MEN

Dream - Public Prosecutor (JPU) believes that Ferdy Sambo also shot Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. The prosecutor said the former Head of the Propam Division of the Indonesian National Police shot Brigadier J in the head during the murder incident at the official residence in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

The prosecutor expressed this opinion while reading the indictment for defendant Ricky Rizal at the South Jakarta District Court on Monday, January 16, 2023.

Initially, the prosecutor said that Bharada E fired three or four shots at Brigadier J's body. Then, Sambo stepped forward and fired two shots to the head, causing Brigadier J's death.

"Based on the facts presented in court, according to the testimony of witness Richard Eliezer, and then witness Ferdy Sambo approached the victim Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat who was lying near the front stairs of the bathroom in a prone position, still moving in pain," said the prosecutor.

"Then, to ensure that he was really dead, witness Ferdy Sambo, who was wearing gloves, held a firearm and fired twice directly at the back left side of the victim's head, causing the victim to die," the prosecutor added.

Furthermore, Ferdy Sambo's shot penetrated the back left side of Brigadier J's head and penetrated the nose. As a result, there was a burn mark on the left side of the nose due to the bullet's trajectory.

"And the damage to the base of the skull in two places resulted in damage to the base of the skull, the right eye socket, and caused blood leakage in the lower right eyelid, where the bullet's trajectory caused damage to the brainstem," he said.

Previously, Ferdy Sambo asserted that he did not participate in shooting Brigadier J. He stated this when he became a witness in the trial with defendants Bharada E, Kuat Ma'ruf, and Ricky Rizal.

Initially, Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso asked how many times Bharada E shot Brigadier J. Then, Ferdy Sambo answered five times.

"If you are honest, I want to ask this as my final question. How many times did Richard shoot?" the judge asked.

"After the incident, I only found out it was five times," said Ferdy Sambo.

Despite knowing the number of shots fired by Bharada E, Sambo still insisted that he did not participate in the shooting.

"After the incident, according to you, you saw it, right? You were in front, right?" the judge asked.

"I have already explained, Your Honor. The incident happened very quickly," Ferdy Sambo firmly stated.

"Did you participate in shooting or not?" the judge pressed.

"I have answered at the beginning, I did not participate in the shooting," Ferdy Sambo replied.

However, the judge revisited the autopsy results of the gunshot wounds on Brigadier J's body. The autopsy concluded that there were seven entry gunshot wounds and six exit wounds. One bullet was lodged in the body.

"If you say five, then who fired the other two shots?" the judge asked, perplexed.

"I don't know," Sambo replied.

"Was there someone else who fired the shots?" the judge questioned.

"I don't know," Ferdy Sambo answered.

"Well, the judge will conclude later," the judge said.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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