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Romantic Story of a Couple Who Fell in Love Again Because of Covid-19
Romantic Story of a Couple Who Fell in Love Again Because of Covid-19 Touching Story of a Couple Who Fell in Love Again When Exposed to Covid-19, Cancelling Divorce (SCMP)

Dream - Not all couples who file for divorce end up with the end of their marriage. There are still many married couples who initially wanted to separate but managed to reconcile and rebuild their relationship harmoniously.

Like this couple's story, who initially intended to divorce before being reunited due to one of them falling ill.

Instead of wanting to separate quickly because the divorce petition had already been filed, the seeds of love, which seemed like they would wither, actually blossomed again. This couple fell in love for the second time.

Initially, they had registered for divorce after eight years of marriage. While waiting for a month to calm down and waiting for their documents to be processed next year, they continued to live together in one house.

At that time, the wife fell ill. The woman contracted Covid-19, which made her condition very weak.

The wife couldn't even leave the bed and had to ask her husband for help in taking care of her.

Who would have thought that this incident would make them rediscover the reasons why they decided to get married.

As reported by SCMP, the picture of the husband diligently taking care of his wife caught the attention of netizens on social media.

He was seen opening the door while bringing a bowl of rice. On another day, he even prepared porridge and tried to cool it down before his wife ate it.

At that moment, the wife could feel the love from her husband, whom she had known for 12 years. The wife said that previously they found incompatibility due to communication issues.

But when she fell ill, she realized her husband's patience and attention, and changed her mind about continuing with the divorce.

"My husband is a quiet person, but he works hard. He said, 'let's look forward together'," said the wife.

The story of this couple who didn't get divorced because of Covid-19 caught the attention of netizens, especially because many people were getting divorced at the beginning of the pandemic.

Hundreds of married couples filed for divorce when the lockdown was imposed in China.

According to marriage registration officials in Sichuan Province, China, most of them wanted to divorce because they spent a lot of time together during isolation and ended up arguing frequently.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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