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Avoid Worsening the Atmosphere, Here are 6 Etiquettes for Wives when Husbands are Angry, One of Them is Not Bringing Up the Past.

Avoid Worsening the Atmosphere, Here are 6 Etiquettes for Wives when Husbands are Angry, One of Them is Not Bringing Up the Past.

Dream - Household life does not always run smoothly. There are times when conflicts arise that provoke the emotions of both parties. In addition, problems faced by husbands and wives, such as work-related issues, can also negatively affect their mood, which then carries over to their home. As a result, this also affects their attitude towards each other. Especially for husbands who have the obligation to earn a living. Then, when they come home, which should be a place to rest, there is another problem that sparks emotions. Conditions like this also make them angry as a way to express their emotions.

Yes, living as a couple, besides having to love each other, also requires understanding one another. This also applies when the husband is angry. How should a good wife behave when her husband is angry? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Avoid Worsening the Atmosphere, Here Are 6 Etiquettes for Wives When Their Husbands Are Angry, One of Which is Not Bringing Up the Past
Etiquette of a Wife when the Husband is Angry

Etiquette of a Wife when the Husband is Angry

"When a husband is angry, a wife should understand what etiquettes should be followed to prevent the relationship from deteriorating. Here are some etiquettes:"

1. Do not use foul language and threats.

When the husband is angry, the wife should not speak harshly and utter threats. In situations like this, the wife must be able to control her emotions when her husband is angry. Because when the wife speaks harshly, especially threatens, the husband's emotional state, which is already not good, can feel hurt by your words. So, when one partner is angry, then one of them must be able to restrain their emotions. Especially in keeping their speech from uttering bad words.

2. Don't Say Divorce

In married life, words should always be guarded. Especially when emotions are unstable. Do not utter the word "divorce". This word should not be spoken carelessly without a truly strong reason. Especially when the husband is angry. Momentary emotions can arise in a household.

However, the solution is not by saying "divorce". As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Three matters, whether serious or jokingly, are considered serious, namely marriage, divorce, and reconciliation." (HR. Abu Dawud)

Avoid Worsening the Atmosphere, Here Are 6 Etiquettes for Wives When Their Husbands Are Angry, One of Which is Not Bringing Up the Past

3. Do Not Dwell on Past Issues

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "One thing that wives should not do when their husbands are angry is to bring up past issues. Sometimes, when emotions are running high, it is indeed difficult to control one's words. However, Dream's friends must still be careful to maintain control over their speech. When a husband is angry and the wife brings up past issues, there is no benefit to be gained. Instead, it only widens the problem."

Rasulullah saw said: "And I saw Hell. I have never seen a sight like today. And I saw that the majority of its inhabitants are women." They asked, "Why are women the majority of the inhabitants of Hell, O Rasulullah?" He answered, "Because of their disbelief." Someone asked him, "Do women disbelieve in Allah?" He replied, "(No, but) they disbelieve in their husbands and deny their kindness (of their husbands)."

"If you do good to one of your wives at a certain time, and then at some point she sees something (that displeases her) from you, surely she will say, 'I have never seen any goodness from you'." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Avoid Worsening the Atmosphere, Here Are 6 Etiquettes for Wives When Their Husbands Are Angry, One of Which is Not Bringing Up the Past

4. Not Following Desires

The next etiquette that a wife must do when her husband is angry is not to follow her desires. This is intended to prevent her husband's emotions from escalating. So, the essence is to restrain and control oneself. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad saw: "A strong person is not measured by fighting. A strong person is the one who can control himself when angry." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

5. Communicating and Giving Advice

Living in a marital relationship is not just about loving each other. But it also requires nurturing communication with one another. Whether the relationship is in a harmonious state or when there are problems. Just like when the husband is angry. Choose the right moment to talk to your husband. For example, when his emotions have started to calm down. Speaking softly and gently will make him feel more comfortable. While having a conversation, Dream friend can slip in advice that can also be interspersed with jokes to keep the atmosphere from being tense.

6. Story to Allah SWT

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The emotional condition of a husband who is not in a good state can also be shared with Allah SWT by a wife. This can be done after performing prayers. Sharing and praying for the goodness of the husband is the best decision. You can find peace and, God willing, there will be a way out given by Allah SWT. As Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 153: 'O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.'" (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 153).

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