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Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

"Should Children Memorize Multiplication? Let's Find Out"

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

Dream - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division become basic mathematical skills that are very important for children to have. These four concepts will later become the foundation for calculations in every problem.

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

It is important to understand the concept of the calculation in order to be able to face more complicated problems in the chapter and the next class. Entering grade 2 and grade 3 of elementary school, children will start learning multiplication.

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "The teachers at school usually ask the children to memorize it. Starting from multiplication 1-3, then multiplication 4-7, followed by multiplication 8-10."

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

Sometimes teachers also test the multiplication memorization of children. Perhaps fathers and mothers are asking, should multiplication be memorized? Arista Mariana Dewi, an elementary school teacher in Semarang, Central Java, provides an explanation through her Instagram @amarianadewi.

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

According to him, the most fundamental thing about multiplication is to ensure that children understand the concept, which is multiplying one number by another number.

"From Arista's experience, her students can easily understand the concept, but when they encounter problems, they cannot solve them quickly. 'They understand the concept of multiplication, but why is it difficult when there are problems? So, I shared this (multiplication table) with them,' she said."

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

He does indeed ask his students to memorize multiplication from 1 to 10. This is so that when they encounter more complicated problems with large numbers, they will not have difficulty and can solve them faster.

One thing that he pays attention to is that he does not force his students to memorize multiplication. "Of course, we don't force children to memorize because understanding the concept is important but the memorization process cannot be abandoned," he said. So according to him, the fundamental thing about multiplication is that children understand the concept well. After that, it is very important to memorize it so that children can be easier and faster when encountering more complicated problems in the next material, such as division.

Haruskah Anak-anak Menghafal Perkalian? Yuk Cari Tahu

"He suggests giving children multiplication tables to memorize every day. This will make it easier for children to remember multiplication. Maybe you can try it at home, Mom and Dad."

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