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Ibu Wajib Tahu, Ini Pertolongan Pertama Flu dan Batuk yang Menyerang Anak Saat Polusi Udara Memburuk<br>

Mother Must Know, This is the First Aid for Flu and Cough that Attacks Children When Air Pollution Worsens.

The deteriorating air quality has indeed been a serious concern lately, especially for those living in big cities. This condition makes mothers worry about the health of their families, especially their children who are vulnerable to flu and cough. After the pandemic ends, children start to engage in activities as usual and are busy with various outdoor activities such as school, extracurriculars, and tutoring. When their immune system weakens, flu, cough, and even respiratory infections become easily attack and disrupt children's activities. So, what is the first aid that parents should prepare in facing this condition?


Make sure the child gets enough rest.

Make sure the child gets enough rest.

When a child experiences flu and cough, their body will need more energy to fight against the virus and bacteria that cause infection. So, make sure the child gets enough rest at home.

It is better for children not to go to school when they have the flu and cough. Besides speeding up the recovery process, this is also done to prevent spreading the virus to their friends.

Just enough rest and sleep for 8-10 hours can help the body to naturally undergo the process of self-recovery.

"Meet the Fluid Needs of Children"

In a sick condition, both children and adults are susceptible to dehydration. So, while suffering from flu and cough, mothers can ensure that the intake of water is well maintained. Dehydration is a condition that needs to be watched out for as it can trigger other health problems in children.

Meanwhile, the flu and cough usually cause symptoms of mucus buildup in the respiratory tract that tends to be difficult to expel and makes the child feel uncomfortable.

Well, by increasing the consumption of plain water, it turns out that it can also help thin the phlegm so that it is easier to be expelled.

Asupan Nutrisi untuk Tingkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuhnya<br>

"Nutrition Intake to Increase Body Endurance"

"Cold is one of the common symptoms experienced by children when they have the flu and cough. Well, mothers can help alleviate these symptoms by providing the right comfort food, for example, warm chicken soup. The warm broth can help liquefy mucus, reducing the feeling of stuffiness in the nose, throat, and chest."

In addition, the intake of iron from lean meat in the soup can also help improve the immune system of children.

Mother can also provide fruits that contain vitamin C which has natural antioxidants to boost their immune system such as apples, papaya, and oranges to support their recovery process.

"Recognize the Symptoms of Flu and Cough in Order to Provide the Right Medicine for Children"

Flu and cough experienced by children can certainly cause discomfort. Therefore, mothers can help alleviate these symptoms by providing first aid in the form of the right, safe, and BPOM-verified flu and cough medicine for children.

Kenali Gejala Flu dan Batuk agar Bisa Memberikan Obat Anak yang Tepat<br>

But before that, let's first understand the difference between flu, cough, cold, and allergies experienced by children, okay! At first glance, cold and flu may seem the same, but they are actually different. In general, both are respiratory tract diseases. However, flu symptoms are usually more severe than cold symptoms. According to the website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, flu is caused by the influenza virus and can be quite severe. It usually causes symptoms such as fever for 3-5 days, headache, dry cough, and sore throat.

Mothers Must Know, This is the First Aid for Flu and Cough that Affects Children During Worsening Air Pollution

While cold symptoms are usually marked by the appearance of mucus-like fluid in the respiratory tract accompanied by a stuffy feeling when breathing. Children can also experience discomfort in the throat when they have a cold. However, the severity level tends to be milder compared to the flu.

For cough, there are 2 types of cough commonly experienced, namely dry cough and productive cough. Productive cough occurs when the body produces a lot of mucus in the respiratory tract. Meanwhile, dry cough is a cough that does not produce phlegm. Cough itself is actually the body's reaction to foreign substances entering the digestive system.

Apart from dry cough and cough with phlegm, children can also experience allergic cough, which occurs when the body reacts to allergens or triggers that enter the respiratory tract.

The substance that is classified as an allergen itself is quite diverse, it can be in the form of dust, pollen, animal fur, or poor air quality due to pollution. Other symptoms of allergic cough usually accompanied by itching in the throat, frequent sneezing, and runny nose.


Different flu symptoms and cough experienced by children, different medicines can also be used as first aid.

No worry, bodrexin Flu & Cough has 4 variants that can be adjusted to the needs and symptoms that arise in children!

Beda gejala flu dan batuk yang dialami anak, beda juga obat yang bisa dijadikan pertolongan pertama.

1. bodrexin Flu Cough Non-Phlegm DPH

If a child experiences flu symptoms such as fever, headache, sneezing, and stuffy nose accompanied by non-productive cough, bodrexin Flu Cough Non-Productive DPH can be the right choice. This medicine contains Phenylephrine and Diphenhydramine, which are safe as decongestants, and paracetamol for fever relief.


2. bodrexin Flu Cough with Phlegm PE

For the little one who is experiencing flu symptoms such as fever, headache, sneezing, and stuffy nose accompanied by productive cough, bodrexin Flu Cough with Phlegm PE can be relied upon. The Phenylephrine content in it is safe as a decongestant to help relieve stuffy nose, and paracetamol for fever relief.


3. bodrexin Cold Allergy PE

"Specifically for children who show symptoms of allergies such as runny nose, sneezing, and congestion, bodrexin Pilek Alergi PE can help alleviate them. Enriched with the safe content of Phenylephrine as a decongestant, it helps relieve blocked nose."


4. bodrexin Flu Cold PE

Finally, if the little one shows symptoms of a cold, fever, headache, stuffy nose, and sneezing, this product is the choice. bodrexin Pilek Alergi PE contains Phenylephrine which is safe as a decongestant that helps relieve stuffy nose and paracetamol for fever relief.


All variants of bodrexin Flu & Cough can be consumed for children aged 2-12 years, so it can be a trusted first aid choice for mothers. Come on, take care of the health of your little one in the midst of worsening air pollution! If your child is sick, make sure to always have the first aid that can be relied on, which is bodrexin Flu & Cough! For more detailed information about the product, just click here.

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