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"Not Only Hormones, This is the Reason Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea"

Not Just Hormones, This is Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea

Dream - When pregnant, there are quite a few complaints experienced by mothers, one of which is nausea or what we know as morning sickness. This condition can occur not only in the morning but also in the afternoon and evening.

The nausea experienced by pregnant women usually occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and can last until the end of the first trimester. Some mothers even experience it throughout their pregnancy, you know.

Not Just Hormones, This is Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea
Not Just Hormones, This is Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea

This condition is certainly uncomfortable, isn't it? There are many factors that contribute to it. For Dream friends who don't know yet, here is a list of triggers for severe nausea in pregnant women.

<b>Peningkatan Kadar Hormon dalam Tubuh</b>

"Increase in Hormone Levels in the Body"

When pregnant, mothers experience fluctuations or changes in hormone levels that cause nausea, especially an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen levels. Typically, this condition is more commonly experienced during the first trimester of pregnancy.

<b>Penciuman yang Lebih Peka</b>

"More Sensitive Sense of Smell"

Have you ever experienced or had relatives who are more sensitive to smells during pregnancy? Certain smells that used to be tolerable or even liked can now make you nauseous while pregnant. This can be caused by several factors, such as hormonal changes, increased metabolism, and others.

Not Just Hormones, This is Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea

"Gastrointestinal Changes"

Pregnancy can cause changes in the digestive tract. Delayed emptying of the stomach and the rise of stomach acid to the esophagus may also occur during pregnancy. This is what then causes nausea and vomiting.

<Hiperemesis Gravidarum>

Actually, feeling nauseous and vomiting in the morning is a normal condition experienced during pregnancy. However, if a mother experiences it continuously and in a severe degree, it could be a sign that you are suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.

Hiperemesis gravidarum is a condition when pregnant women experience excessive nausea and vomiting, to the point where they are unable to properly intake food or water. In addition, this condition also causes mothers to not produce enough urine, which is dark in color, feel dizzy and weak, and even vomit blood.

Not Just Hormones, This is Why Pregnant Women Often Experience Severe Nausea

If left untreated, hyperemesis gravidarum can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and even weight loss. Therefore, if experiencing symptoms like these, please visit a doctor immediately!

How to Overcome Morning Sickness

1. Rest more, because fatigue can worsen nausea and vomiting. 2. Avoid spicy, oily, and overly sweet foods. 3. Eat small portions that are rich in carbohydrates. 4. Drink water little by little, but frequently. Do not drink a lot of water at once, especially during meals. 5. Avoid smells that can trigger nausea.

6. Consume ginger. You can consume it together with other food or in the form of candy. 7. Wear comfortable clothes and stay in a room that has plenty of air ventilation. 8. Engage in light activities that can distract you from the feeling of nausea. Report by Marha Adani Putri/ Source: Times of India

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