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Catat dan Hitung Kontraksi Saat Muncul Jelang Persalinan, Ini Alasannya

Record and Count Contractions When They Appear Prior to Labor, Here's the Reason

Write it down on paper when the contractions occur.

Record and Count Contractions When They Occur, Here's Why

Dream for pregnant women whose gestational age has reached 6 months or the third trimester of pregnancy, it is important to create a detailed birth plan. This is to ensure that the childbirth process can go smoothly, as well as to make the mother and baby comfortable and safe.

One of the signs of childbirth that mothers feel is contractions. The stomach tightens, accompanied by pain, can occur unexpectedly and become an initial sign that the childbirth process has begun. Facing such a situation, many mothers still do not fully know when they should visit a doctor.

Record and Count Contractions When They Occur, Here's Why

"Signs of Giving Birth"

"In pregnant women, the body usually gives signs such as lower back pain, sudden pain in the groin area, approaching childbirth. 'Pain during contractions can be felt in the front of the abdomen and radiate to the back,' said Jennifer Gilbert, a specialist obstetrician."

Tanda-Tanda Melahirkan<br>

"Contraction feels painful, but it is from this pain that we know the actual labor has begun. At this point, pregnant women may have difficulty speaking, walking, or doing other things. Contractions will not stop and tend to become more intense."
"say dr. Gilbert"


"What is Meant by False Contractions?"

False labor, also known as prodromal labor or pre-labor, is contractions without cervical dilation. According to Dr. Gilbert, these contractions help to open the cervix to facilitate the baby's birth. However, in false labor, the cervix does not experience such dilation.

Apa yang Dimaksud Kontraksi Palsu?<br>

"If you experience contractions and they are not painful or the pain only lasts for a moment, it might just be false contractions. Because true contractions cause more intense, frequent, and regular pain until you give birth."
The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "words Justine Kim, Obstetrician from New York City."


"When should pregnant mothers go to the hospital?"

Dr. Gilbert explained that usually when the amniotic sac breaks it becomes a sign of the beginning of labor. In fact, most pregnant women will give birth after their cervix dilates about 4 or 5 cm before the amniotic sac breaks.

During the amniotic fluid is still clear, pregnant women do not need to rush to the hospital. If the mother experiences contractions for a full 10 minutes, recurring every 5 minutes and lasting for one hour, then it is advisable to prepare to go to the hospital. Dr. Gilbert explained that if pregnant women reach this condition, it is highly likely that they will give birth within 24-36 hours later.

"Before giving birth, pregnant women usually undergo a detailed examination, where the heartbeat and blood pressure will be monitored. For pregnant women who give birth by cesarean section, they usually go directly to the delivery room without going through the examination. Only cervix and induction examinations are performed according to schedule."

"Symptoms that Should Not Be Ignored"

Experts emphasize the importance of monitoring symptoms at the end of pregnancy, such as vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movement, abdominal pain, and fever.

Besides that, it is necessary to be cautious if pregnant women feel itchy on their stomach, especially on the palms of their hands and feet during pregnancy because this could be an indication of intrahepatic cholestasis disease. Continuous headaches or changes in vision also need to be observed as signs of preeclampsia. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

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