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"Dream - In household life, Islam places marriage as a sacred and blessed bond. As a husband, the responsibility carried is not only limited to providing for physical and spiritual needs but also to building a household filled with love, affection, and happiness. Making one's wife happy is not merely an obligation but an act of worship that brings blessings to the husband and his family. Islam teaches that a wife's happiness is a reflection of the noble character of a husband. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"

Want to Make Your Wife Happy? Here are 7 Ways Taught in Islam, One of Which is Helping with Household Chores

"The best among you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best to my family." (HR. Tirmidzi) This hadith emphasizes the importance of the husband's role in creating a harmonious and happy atmosphere in the household."

"By making the happiness of his wife a priority, a husband not only fulfills religious commandments but also weaves a relationship filled with love and mutual understanding. The happiness of the wife will radiate in every aspect of family life, creating a generation that grows in affection, and ultimately, receiving the blessings of Allah SWT. Now, here are some ways that a husband can make his wife happy according to Islamic teachings as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Want to Make Your Wife Happy? Here are 7 Ways Taught in Islam, One of Which is Helping with Household Chores

"1. Providing Halal Sustenance"

"A husband is obligated to provide sufficient support to his wife, both in the form of material needs such as food, clothing, and shelter, as well as spiritual and emotional needs. The support given must come from lawful and good sources, as this is one of the main responsibilities of a husband. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"

"Indeed, you do not spend your sustenance (wealth) with the intention of seeking (to see) the face of Allah (on the Day of Judgment) except that you will receive a great reward, even the food that you give to your wife." (HR. Bukhari number 56)

"2. Be Gentle and Full of Love"

"Rasulullah saw is an example in being gentle towards his wife. In a hadith, Rasulullah saw said: "The most perfect believer in faith is the one who has the best character, and the best among you is the one who is best to his wife." (HR. Tirmidhi). Being gentle, not harsh, and full of affection is one way to make a wife happy."

Want to Make Your Wife Happy? Here are 7 Ways Taught in Islam, One of Which is Helping with Household Chores

"3. Respecting and Appreciating Wives"

"Respecting and appreciating the opinions, feelings, and roles of a wife in the household is very important. A husband must avoid belittling or disrespecting his wife, as well as provide space for the wife to take an active role in the family. In addition, a husband should also behave well towards his wife. For example, not hitting his wife. Sayyidah Aisyah ra said:"

"The Messenger of Allah never struck anyone with his hand, whether it was his servant or a woman, except when fighting in the way of Allah." (HR. Muslim no. 2328)"

"4. Be Fair"

"If a husband has more than one wife, Islam requires the husband to be just to all his wives. Justice in this case includes time, attention, and sustenance given to each wife. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever has two wives and leans towards one of them without the other - in one narration - is unjust between the two, then on the Day of Resurrection he will come in a state where one side of his body is leaning." (HR. Ashabussunan)"

Want to Make Your Wife Happy? Here are 7 Ways Taught in Islam, One of Which is Helping with Household Chores

"5. Assisting with Housework"

"Rasulullah saw is also known to often help with household chores. Helping his wife with household matters is not only a form of affection but also shows that the husband appreciates the hard work of his wife. As explained in a hadith: Urwah said to Aisyah, "O Ummul Mukminin, what did Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam do when he was with you (in your house)?" "

Aisyah said, "He does (like) what one of you does when he is helping his wife; he repairs his sandals, sews his clothes, and lifts water in a bucket." (HR. Ibn Hibban)

6. Giving Advice in a Good Way

"Although they are already living a married life, husband and wife certainly cannot escape from making mistakes. However, both must remain patient when their partner makes a mistake. For example, if the wife makes a mistake, the husband can offer advice in a gentle manner. This is to ensure that the wife does not become further engulfed in feelings of guilt and sadness. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"

"Istrinya (sometimes) like a rib (that is bent and hard). If you straighten it, you might break it. If you (let it be, and continue to) enjoy it, then you enjoy someone who has a bend (flaw) in them." (HR. Bukhari, sahih no. hadis: 5239)

Want to Make Your Wife Happy? Here are 7 Ways Taught in Islam, One of Which is Helping with Household Chores

7. Treating Your Wife Well

"Islam teaches that a husband should engage with his wife in a good manner. This is also what Allah SWT has taught through His words in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 222: "They ask you (Prophet Muhammad) about menstruation. Say, 'It is a discomfort.' So, keep away from women (from having intimate relations) during menstruation and do not approach them (for intimate relations) until they are pure (after the menstruation period)."

"When they are truly pure (after performing the mandatory bath), mix with them according to (the provisions) that Allah has commanded you. Indeed, Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 222)

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