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6 Keutamaan Seorang Istri Mencium Tangan Suami

6 Virtues of a Wife Kissing Her Husband's Hand

"By kissing her husband's hand, a wife not only shows respect and affection, but also strives to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT."

"Dream - Marriage in Islamic teachings is viewed as a sacred bond that unites two individuals in a holy covenant before Allah SWT. Couples who bind themselves as husband and wife have roles and responsibilities that complement and respect each other. One form of respect and affection taught in Islam is the encouragement for a wife to kiss her husband's hand. This act is not merely a symbol of respect but also an expression of love, sincerity, and obedience from a wife to her husband."

"In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explained that the good deeds performed by a wife towards her husband, including kissing his hand, can bring great rewards in the sight of Allah (SWT)."

6 Virtues of a Wife Kissing Her Husband's Hand

"This shows how Islam greatly emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and affection within the household. By kissing her husband's hand, a wife not only demonstrates her respect and love but also seeks to earn the pleasure of Allah SWT. This attitude is expected to strengthen the marriage bond, create harmony, and foster a sense of mutual appreciation between husband and wife. Below is an explanation regarding the reward for a wife kissing her husband's hand as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Anjuran Istri Mencium Tangan Suami

The translation of "Anjuran Istri Mencium Tangan Suami" to English is "Wife's Advice to Kiss Husband's Hand".

Kissing the hand of a wife is considered a form of respect of a wife towards her husband. However, is this required in Islam?

"Actually, in Islam it is not obligatory for a wife to kiss her husband's hand. However, it is done as a form of affection, so it is recommended to be done. As explained in a hadith: "It is not permissible for a human to prostrate to another human. If it were permissible for humans to prostrate to other humans, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands because of the great rights of the husband over the wife." (HR. Ahmad)"

Then, it is also explained in the Islamic Fatwa No. 28906: "It is permissible for a woman to kiss her husband's hand, and it is included in good interactions. And she is rewarded for it, whether the motivating factor for doing so is due to obedience or desire, and only Allah is All-Knowing."

The translation of "Keutamaan Seorang Istri Mencium Tangan Suami" to English is "The Virtue of a Wife Kissing Her Husband's Hand".

"In Islamic teachings, a wife kissing her husband's hand has several virtues that contain spiritual and moral values. Here are some virtues that Dream friends need to know:"

The translation of

The translation of "1. Tanda Penghormatan dan Ketaatan" to English is "1. Sign of Respect and Obedience".

"C kissing her husband's hand is a form of respect and obedience of a wife towards her husband. This is in accordance with Islamic teachings that instruct wives to honor and obey their husbands as long as it does not conflict with Islamic law."

The translation of "2. Mendatangkan Pahala" to English is "2. Bringing Rewards".

The good deeds performed by a wife for her husband, including kissing his hand, can bring rewards. As mentioned in several hadiths, every form of kindness done in the pursuit of seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT will receive a reward.

6 Virtues of a Wife Kissing Her Husband's Hand

"3. Strengthening the Marriage Bond"

"The attitude of mutual respect and affection between husband and wife can strengthen the bond of marriage. The act of kissing the husband's hand can deepen the emotional connection and foster a greater sense of love."


"4. Creating Household Harmony"

"By showing respect and affection through simple actions such as kissing the husband's hand, harmony in the household can be created. This helps to create a peaceful and loving atmosphere in the family."


"5. Exemplifying Noble Character"

"Islam always encourages its followers to emulate noble character. Kissing the husband's hand is one form of manifestation of good character, which can serve as an example for children and the surrounding environment."

6 Virtues of a Wife Kissing Her Husband's Hand

"6. Evoking a Sense of Gratitude"

This action is also an expression of gratitude from a wife for the presence of her husband as her life partner. By kissing her husband's hand, the wife shows her appreciation and respect for the husband's role and responsibilities in the family.


"In carrying out this action, it is important for the wife to do it with sincere and genuine intentions solely for the sake of Allah SWT. The virtue of kissing the husband's hand does not lie solely in the physical act, but in the sincere intention and heart attitude that upholds Islamic values in household life."

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