"5 Prayers for Children to Obey Their Mother's Words, Practice Every Day with Consistency"
"Obedience and devotion to one's mother is the path to Allah's pleasure and His paradise."
"Obedience and devotion to one's mother is the path to Allah's pleasure and His paradise."
"Dream - In Islamic teachings, a mother occupies a very special and respected position. Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW explicitly command every child to be devoted and obedient to their mother. The words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW further emphasize this when he said, "Your mother, your mother, your mother, then your father," highlighting the importance of a mother's position in a child's life. Obedience and devotion to the mother are not only forms of respect, but also a path to Allah's pleasure and His paradise."
"Besides that, as a mother, one should always pray for her children. One way is to recite a prayer so that the child is obedient to the mother. Here is the prayer for the child to be obedient to the mother as summarized by Dream from various sources."
Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved:
" This prayer should be recited three times after completing the prayer:
Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dzurriyatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alna lilmuttaqina imama.
Meaning: "O our Lord, grant us, our wives, and our descendants as a joy to our eyes, and make us leaders for the righteous." "
Sure! Here’s the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Ibu juga bisa membacakan beberapa surat dalam Al-Quran untuk sang anak. Misalnya saja surat Al-Fatihah, Ayat Kursi, dan dilanjutkan dengan membaca surat Al-Insyirah dan surat Taha ayat 1 sampai 5. Surat-surat itu bisa dibaca ketika anak sudah tidur. Lalu, tiupkan ke kepala sang anak." translates to: "Mother can also recite several verses from the Quran for the child. For example, the Al-Fatihah, Ayat Kursi, and then continue by reading the Al-Insyirah and Taha verses 1 to 5. These verses can be read when the child is already asleep. Then, blow on the child's head."
To request that the child obey their mother's words, also read the following verse from As-Syura, verse 19: Allāhu laḍīfum bi'ibādihī yarzuqu may yasyā`, wa huwal-qawiyyul-'azīz. Meaning: "Allah is Most Gentle with His servants; He provides sustenance to whom He wills, and He is the All-Strong, the All-Mighty."
"Rasulullah SAW also advised parents to recite this prayer for their children, which can be found in Surah Ali-Imran verse 83: Afaghayra dini llahi yabghuna walahu aslama man fis samawati wal ardi taw'an wakarhan wailayhi yurja'un."
Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Meaning: "So are they seeking a religion other than the religion of Allah, while to Him submits whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or by compulsion, and to Him they will be returned." This prayer can be recited softly in the child's ear. Whether they are already asleep or not. Insya Allah, if practiced consistently, the child will find it easier to listen to their parents."
Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: ```html Allahumma barikliy fii awladiy, wa la tadhurruhum, wa waf fiqhum li tho'atik, war zuqniy birrohum. Artinya: "O Allah, grant blessings to me in my children, do not bring calamity upon them, grant them guidance to obey You, and bestow upon me sustenance in the form of their devotion." ```
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