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Heboh Curhat Netizen Bertemu Banyak Pasien Anak Cuci Darah

Netizen's Excitement Sharing About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

Netizen's Viral Story About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

"Dream - At the end of 2022 to 2023, cases of kidney failure in children in Indonesia increased drastically. This was due to the consumption of cough syrup contaminated with ethylene glycol. This case did not only occur in Indonesia, but in several other countries."

Netizen's Viral Story About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

The text translates to: "The disease of kidney failure in children is indeed always worrying. This time it has become a hot topic again due to a tweet from a netizen with the account Haru D. Fold, on the X application, who wrote "Honestly shocked at RSCM, there are so many kids, thought they were here for treatment, turns out they are on dialysis."."

Netizen's Viral Story About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

Sure! Here is the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "This of course immediately triggered concerns among internet users. Especially parents who have children. One of the conditions that requires children to undergo dialysis is experiencing kidney failure."

The translation of "Gagal Ginjal Pada Anak" to English is "Kidney Failure in Children".

Many people believe that kidney failure can only occur in adults, but children can also experience it. Quoted from, kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys can no longer perform their function of filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood. In children, this condition can be acute (sudden) or chronic (long-term).

Netizen's Viral Story About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

"In the early stages, quoted from, kidney disease in children often does not show symptoms, so it can sometimes be missed and only discovered in adolescence. Symptoms only begin to appear when kidney function has started to decline or is damaged."

The translation of "Penyebab Gagal Ginjal Pada Anak" to English is "Causes of Kidney Failure in Children".

There are several conditions or diseases that can trigger acute kidney failure, including:
Disruption of blood flow to the kidneys, whether due to infection, severe dehydration, or heavy bleeding
Obstruction along the urinary tract that can be caused by kidney stones, blood clots in the urinary tract, and urinary tract cancer
Side effects of consuming certain medications that can cause toxicity to the kidneys.

Netizen's Viral Story About Meeting Many Pediatric Dialysis Patients

- Glomerulonephritis or inflammation of the kidney tubules - Conditions that can disrupt the flow of oxygen and blood to the kidneys, such as heart disease and heart attack.

The translation of "Gejala Gagal Ginjal Pada Anak" to English is "Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Children".

"On children who experience kidney failure, the symptoms that appear are similar to those experienced by adults. Parents must be aware, so they can be more vigilant. Here are the symptoms:
High blood pressure
Weight loss or slowed growth
Edema (swelling) especially in the eyes, legs, or ankles
Fatigue or lethargy
Nausea and vomiting
Frequent urination or less urination
Blood or foamy urine"

The translation of "Pengobatan" to English is "Treatment".

"Treatment for children with kidney failure highly depends on the cause and severity. Here are the therapies usually provided: Dialysis therapy (blood washing): A procedure to filter blood when the kidneys cannot function efficiently. Kidney transplantation: The provision of a donor kidney to the patient. Medical treatment: Administration of antihypertensive medications, diuretics, or immunosuppressants. Source: Kemkes\/"

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