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Apa Saja Hak Anak yang Harus Dipenuhi oleh Orang Tua Menurut Ajaran Islam?

What are the Rights of Children that Must be Fulfilled by Parents According to Islamic Teachings?

"By fulfilling children's rights, parents not only carry out religious commands but also build a strong foundation for their well-being."

"Dream - In Islam, the fulfillment of children's rights by parents is not only a moral obligation but also a trust that must be fulfilled in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Children are considered a blessing and a trust from Allah SWT that must be cared for, guided, and protected with love and responsibility. Parents in Islam are reminded to set a good example, nurture a sense of justice, and guide their children in developing their potential."

"By fulfilling the rights of children, parents not only carry out religious commands but also build a strong foundation for the well-being of their children in this world and the hereafter."

What Are the Rights of Children that Parents Must Fulfill According to Islamic Teachings?

The fulfillment of children's rights in Islam is an important step in creating a resilient, faithful, and noble generation. Therefore, this responsibility must be carried out with full awareness and sincerity for the happiness and blessings in the family and society as a whole. Below are some rights of a child that need to be fulfilled by their parents in Islamic teachings as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Children's Rights that Parents Must Fulfill in Islam

Children's Rights that Parents Must Fulfill in Islam

"1. Right to a Good Name"

"Children have the right to receive a good and meaningful name. A name is the identity of a child that will stick with them throughout their life, and a good name is a prayer and hope from the parents."

1. Hak atas Nama yang Baik

"2. The Right to Love and Attention"

"Children have the right to receive love and sincere attention from their parents. This is important for the emotional development of the child and to build a strong family bond."


"3. Right to Education"

"Children have the right to receive a good education, both religious education and general education. Religious education is important for shaping a child's character and morals, while general education helps children acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for life."

What Are the Rights of Children that Parents Must Fulfill According to Islamic Teachings?

"4. Right to Protection and Security"

"Children have the right to protection from all forms of danger, violence, and exploitation. Parents must create a safe and comfortable environment for children to grow and develop."


"5. Right to Basic Needs"

"Children have the right to fulfill basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and healthcare. Meeting these needs is important for the physical health and development of children."


"6. Right to Justice and Non-Discrimination"

Children have the right to be treated fairly without discrimination based on gender, social status, or other factors. Parents must provide equal attention and treatment to each of their children.

What Are the Rights of Children that Parents Must Fulfill According to Islamic Teachings?

"7. Right to Moral and Spiritual Guidance"

"Children have the right to receive moral and spiritual guidance in accordance with Islamic teachings. Parents must teach children religious values, worship, and good ethics."


"8. Right to Inheritance"

"Children have the right to receive inheritance from their parents in accordance with Islamic law. This right ensures that children receive a fair share of their parents' estate."


"9. Right to Maintain Family Relationships"

"Children have the right to maintain good relationships with other family members, including grandparents, siblings, and relatives. Interaction with the extended family helps children understand social values and family traditions."

What Are the Rights of Children that Parents Must Fulfill According to Islamic Teachings?

"By fulfilling these rights, parents not only carry out their duties as guardians of their children, but also prepare their children to become responsible individuals, of good character, and to contribute positively to society."

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