"Dream - Anang & Friends' performance at the closing event of the Indonesia National Team vs Philippines match in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, garnered disappointment from the supporters. They filled social media pages with various videos of Anang being booed by the audience."
In the closing event, Anang Hermansyah, Ashanty, and two other singers sang the song Gebyar-Gebyar, which was still warmly welcomed by the audience. After that song, Anang sang a romantic song titled Rindu Ini, which is his own creation.
At this moment, this husband and wife couple received a reaction from the audience who cheered for their performance. The national team supporters together tried to balance Anang & Friends' song by singing the songs 'Indonesia Pusaka' and 'Tanah Airku'."
The supporters' chant of the national team filled the stadium area, drowning out the singing of Anang & Friends. Shortly after, the voice of Atta Halilintar's father-in-law stopped, followed by Anang & Friends' decision to leave the field arena.
From the video circulating on platform X, Anang can be seen walking expressionlessly towards the exit corridor of the stadium. The man from Jember, East Java, walked in front of his wife who continued to observe the stadium atmosphere while holding her ears.
The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 40-year-old woman briefly looked back and to the side of the field. The video clip uploaded and shared by the undercover.id account has received numerous comments from netizens. Many of the netizens also criticized Anang & Friends' performance, which was deemed inappropriate for the sacredness of the Indonesian national team's match."
But there are also many who defend them and urge netizens to blame the committee who asked them to perform. "DON'T BLAME THE ARTISTS .., IT'S THE COMMITTEE," wrote the account @yoga_prayoga88. "They should have changed the song sung by the supporter instead of walking out," wrote the account @aldiansyahlukman. "The committee is so ridiculous, why invite artists for karaoke. Ruining the moment, don't understand the ritual after the match," wrote the account @agus_eswe.
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