"Dream - Anang Hermansyah finally clarifies his performance in the match of the National Team against the Philippines in the World Cup Qualifiers at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium (GBK) went viral on social media."
Apart from apologizing to the supporters of the national team who witnessed the match, Anang Hermansyah explained that he left the field. According to Anang, actually he had asked the committee not to continue when the first song, Kebyar Kebyar, finished.
"To clarify the matter, it is not true that our song was turned off. In fact, when the first song ended, Kebyar kebyar, we had already requested to stop the second song."
write Anang Hermansyah quoted Dream from his instagram account, Wednesday June 12, 2024.
Anang suspects that the committee continued with the second song because it was in accordance with the event's rundown. But because the committee kept going, Anang and Ashanty went to the back and asked the committee to stop for the next song. After that, they chose to leave.
"However, maybe because the event committee also prepared the event and it has been approved, they continued according to the event rundown and minus one kept playing until finally we looked back several times and asked them to stop, and in the end, we went to the back and asked the committee's headset operator to stop."
tutur Anang Hermansyah.
Father of four children emphasized that he was not stopped by the committee or supporters of the national team, but decided to quit and leave the field because it was no longer in line with the momentum on the field. However, Anang still feels guilty for not learning the culture and customs that are usually done during a football match.
"So it's not that we were fired, but we requested to be stopped because the atmosphere we saw was no longer in line with the momentum. We really hope that when the players are on the field, we are informed or briefed, and again, this is also our fault for not studying the culture and what should be done when this happens."
tutur Anang Hermansyah.
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