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Bunda Corla Praises Her Doll-Like Face, Annisa Pohan `Teases` AHY Laughs the Loudest
Bunda Corla Praises Her Doll-Like Face, Annisa Pohan `Teases` AHY Laughs the Loudest Annisa Pohan and Bunda Corla (Photo: @annisayudhoyono)

Dream - Annisa Pohan and her husband, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), are currently in Germany. In the wealthy European country, the son and daughter-in-law of the sixth president had the opportunity to meet a viral figure on social media, Bunda Corla.   

Annisa and AHY met Bunda Corla while working at a McDonald's fast food restaurant in Hamburg, Germany. The mother of one captured the meeting with photos and videos. 

Bunda Corla and Anisa Pohan

"I was Corla-ed... Corla... hope to see you again soon, Bunda Gueeeh @corla_2," wrote Annisa Pohan as quoted by Dream from her Instagram account on Friday, November 4, 2022.

Apparently, Bunda Corla took the opportunity to invite Annisa and AHY to do a live session on Instagram. They chatted and greeted their fans. 

During the live session, Annisa was delighted to meet Bunda Corla. She even laughed when Bunda Corla praised her for having a face like a Doraemon doll. 

Bunda Corla and Anisa Pohan

"Your face is chubby, like a doll," Bunda Corla said to Annisa Pohan. 

"Doraemon doll," added Bunda Corla, greeted with laughter from Annisa and her husband AHY. 

"My husband laughed the loudest, I was told that I look like a Doraemon doll by Bunda," said Annisa. 

The meeting between Annisa Pohan and Bunda Corla in Germany has received reactions from netizens. They were delighted to see the moments they spent together and the live Instagram session.

"Seeing Mbak Anissa live with Bunda Corla, it turns out that Anissa is very cheerful, beautiful, not like what the media has portrayed all this time..," wrote the account @catarinamonika.

"Oh my God, oh my God.. my goddderrrr," wrote the account @sharyanti878.

"MASHA ALLAH.. finally met Bunda Corla," wrote the account @senjamia_jns.

"Aiiih so happy to see them meet...," wrote the account @kartika_larashati.

Experience the Sadness of Miscarriage, Annisa Pohan Gives a Message to Those Who Ask When Will She Have Children

Dream - Sad news came from the family of Agus Yudhoyono and Annisa Pohan. The 7-week-old fetus that had been growing in Annisa's womb could not develop and had to be removed.

Although saddened by the ordeal she faced, Annisa tried to stay strong. Her experience of miscarriage made her feel the sadness of having only one child even though it had not been born yet.

In her post, Annisa explained in detail the cause of her miscarriage, from the beginning of the pregnancy to the doctor's decision to perform a curettage operation. As a mother, Annisa also poured out her heart and gave encouragement to other mothers who have experienced a similar tragedy.

Instagram @annisayudhoyono.

"For friends who have experienced the same thing as us, for those who are still trying to have children or who have experienced a miscarriage, stay strong! Everything is determined by the Almighty," explained Annisa Pohan on her Instagram account @annisayudhoyono.

"When Will You Have Children?"

Facing this ordeal, Annisa admitted that her feelings were mixed and it was not easy to get through it. She realized that everyone's trials are different. Only through prayer and surrendering, all the sadness in facing the trial can bring peace to the heart.

Instagram @annisayudhoyono.

Experiencing the sadness of miscarriage has been a valuable lesson for Annisa about the feeling of losing a child.

Annisa even gave advice to people who unintentionally made others sad by asking when they will have children, whether it's to friends, relatives, or neighbors.

"For those who like to ask 'when will you have a baby' and similar questions, such questions can bring sadness to some people," explained Annisa.

Replace the Question with Prayer

Instagram @annisayudhoyono.

Agus Yudhoyono's wife suggested replacing the question 'when will you have a baby' with a prayer for the person to be blessed with offspring soon.

"Because sincere prayers are truly meaningful, comforting, and empowering," added Annisa.

May It Be a Blessing

The mother of one hopes that the tragedy she experienced can be a blessing for her and her husband. She also prays for parents who have experienced a similar situation.

"I ask for your prayers, friends, so that this miscarriage tragedy can be a blessing for me and Mas Agus, and then Allah will replace it with something better for both of us. We send the same prayers to those who have experienced it," wrote Annisa.

Previously, the sad news of losing a developing fetus was announced by Annisa through her Instagram account. 

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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