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Household with Bebi Silvana Reportedly Cracked Due to Polygamy Issue, Here's Opick's Statement
Household with Bebi Silvana Reportedly Cracked Due to Polygamy Issue, Here's Opick's Statement Opick and Bebi Silvana

Dream - Religious singer Opick speaks up about the condition of his household with Bebi Silvana, which is reportedly cracked. The singer, whose full name is Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdausi, confirms that there are no serious problems in his marriage up until now.

"We are all fine here. Insha Allah, all of this is for self-improvement, for all of us to become the best, to give the best," said Opick in Jakarta, Thursday, May 25, 2023.

Regarding Bebi's decision to leave the house, Opick believes that his wife is not running away or escaping. His wife indeed went to take care of her sick mother.

Reported to Run Away from Opick's House, Here's Bebi Silvana's Statement

"She came home, her mother has kidney stones, she just had surgery. There's no problem," he said.

Regarding the news that Bebi decided to leave the house because Opick is polygamous again, the singer of Tombo Ati denies it. 

"No, I'm not polygamous. Allah is my witness," he said.

Reported to Run Away from Opick's House, Here's Bebi Silvana's Statement

Dream - Opick's assistant, Lukito, said that Opick's household is fine. He denied the news that Opick's wife, Bebi Silvana, ran away from her husband's house.

"No, it's not true. Everything is fine," said Lukito when contacted by the media, Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

Lukito emphasized that until now, Opick is still responsible for his wife and child. According to him, the singer from Jember, East Java, still provides for his family.

"It's impossible not to," Lukito said firmly.


Meanwhile, in her insta stories post, Bebi admitted that she cannot provide any clarification regarding the condition of her household with Opick. Because, at the moment, she is focusing on taking care of her sick mother.

"I apologize for not being able to clarify anything yet, I am currently focused on family matters, focused on my mother and currently staying at the hospital where my mother is being treated, so I have to leave Hashusein at my aunt's house," she said.


However, Bebi's last statement about her household caught attention. She asked for prayers so that she and her husband can improve the situation.

"Please pray so that both of us can introspect ourselves and continue to try to improve the situation to be better," she said.

Rumors about this household issue arose after Bebi Silvana made a post about her life. She wrote that they will live without disturbance and without anyone trying to get rid of them.

"We will live without disturbance, oppression, envy, jealousy, and no one else will try to get rid of us," Bebi wrote.

Lukito suspects that Bebi Silvana's complaints are just an outpouring of exhaustion. "It's just a mother's venting, she's probably tired. It's normal," he added.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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