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Not Even a Week Married to Bella Bonita, Denny Caknan Has Already Shampooed 16 Times
Not Even a Week Married to Bella Bonita, Denny Caknan Has Already Shampooed 16 Times Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita

Dream - Denny Caknan shares his life after marrying Bella Bonita on Friday, July 7, 2023. Jokingly, Denny, who was performing on stage, admitted that he has shampooed 16 times even though his marriage is not even a week old.

Denny made the confession while performing at the 2023 Prambanan Jazz event on July 12, 2023. In between his stage performance, the former lover of Happy Asmara asked for permission to drink due to exhaustion.

"Let me drink first. I'm exhausted, understandable for newlyweds," said Denny Caknan on the TikTok account livekalimantanborneo2023.

Without being asked, Denny, who just drank, added to his joke by admitting that he has shampooed 16 times since marrying Bella Bonita.

"I've shampooed 16 times already," said Denny Caknan.

Denny Caknan


Previously, Denny Caknan openly asked his friend how to have a baby boy.

"Mig, how do I have a baby boy?” asked Denny Caknan

His desire was revealed because one of his friends, Migga, uploaded a short message from Denny Caknan to Instagram.

Denny Caknan Officially Married, Happy Asmara's Comment Highlighted

Dream - Denny Caknan officially married Bella Bonita on Friday, July 7, 2023. The wedding reception was held at The Sun Hotel, Madiun, East Java.

This couple's marriage was highlighted because Denny suddenly announced the happy news after posting a photo of his beloved two days ago on Instagram.

Denny and Bella Bonita's wedding was indeed grand. The entire social media world discussed this couple's wedding.

However, what also caught attention was Happy Asmara, Denny Caknan's former girlfriend. Happy had been in a relationship with Denny Caknan.

When they were still dating, Happy and Denny looked romantic. Many fans thought Happy would marry Denny, although some considered it just a gimmick.

But the reality was different, they broke up and Denny Caknan is now officially married to Bella Bonita, celebrating with a grand party.

Denny Caknan

However, Happy seems unbothered. That's okay. The singer from Kediri even congratulated and prayed for Denny and Bella Bonita to have children soon.

"Cieeee, it becomes a reality. Congratulations, Mas @denny_caknan and @bellabonita_r.a, may you be blessed. Have children soon," said Happy Asmara.

Happy also prayed for the smoothness of Denny and Bella Bonita's journey.

"Bismillah, may God always provide assistance and smoothness in everything. Go ahead, let's wait for the launch of the next generation," she added.

Denny Caknan

Happy Asmara's comment immediately caught the attention of netizens, many of whom gave her support to stay strong in accepting the reality of her life. Because Happy and Denny had been in a relationship for more than two years, but it ended halfway.

"Be patient, sis. Best wishes to you," said the account @rizhaagustinadn.

"@happy_asmara77, sis Happy, I can't be as calm as you. You're amazing, sis," responded the account @oktaviawulandari99.

"@happy_asmara77, stay spirited, my sis ❤️ hopefully you find an even better match," wrote the account @marcellina_ichi.

Congratulations to Denny Caknan on Officially Marrying Bella Bonita, the Dowry Becomes the Highlight

Dream - After announcing his relationship with Bella Bonita, Denny Caknan officially married his sweetheart by holding a wedding ceremony at the Sun Hotel in Madiun, East Java on Friday night, July 7, 2023.

In a video uploaded by the Instagram account Lambe_turah, Denny gave dowry in the form of jewelry weighing 12 grams and 12 thousand riyals or around IDR 48 million.

Bella and Denny's wedding carried the theme of East Java, as seen from the traditional Javanese bridal attire. The dangdut singer looked handsome in a white traditional Javanese outfit, while Bella looked beautiful in a white kebaya and a hair bun.


After the wedding ceremony on July 7, 2023, there are plans to hold a reception in Ngawi, East Java on August 18.

Regarding Denny Caknan's sudden wedding, it was actually planned since March 2023. However, due to Denny's busy schedule, it was only held on July 7, 2023.

"We kept this wedding plan a secret from anyone, from any media. The same goes for the engagement ceremony," said Denny Caknan's Manager, Aprizal Wahyu Saputra, as quoted from Liputan6.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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