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"Ruben Onsu Taken to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka"

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

"Dream - Sad news came from host, comedian, and entrepreneur, Ruben Onsu. He has just been rushed to the Emergency Installation (IGD) of RSUD Majalengka, West Java."

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

In the upload on Instagram @lambegosiip today, May 19, 2024, Ruben can be seen lying on a hospital bed with a very pale face. The husband of Sarwendah also appears to be in pain.

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Oxygen tube is seen attached to his nose. An infusion tube is also attached to his wrist. Ruben's condition at that time was not explained in detail."

Only information that Ruben was rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka while filling an event for one of the television stations. "Is your burden that heavy? Hopefully Ruben Onsu is given strength and recovery..aamiin," wrote the caption in the post.

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Ruben Onsu has not yet provided detailed information about the current condition of the father of three children. Previously, Ruben revealed to the public that he has been constantly going back and forth to the hospital for intensive treatment due to a rare disease, Empty Sella Syndrome (ESS)."

Knowing the Empty Sella Syndrome Disease Suffered by Ruben.

Quoted from AloDokter, Empty Sella Syndrome is a rare disease that occurs when the pituitary gland in the brain shrinks or is compressed. This disease can occur because the cavity where the pituitary gland is located is filled with brain fluid due to congenital abnormalities.

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

The condition can also occur due to injury, tumor, or brain hemorrhage. The pituitary gland is a small organ located beneath the brain and protected within a cavity of the brain called the sella turcica.

Ruben Onsu Rushed to the Emergency Room of RSUD Majalengka

This gland plays a role in producing hormones that regulate many functions of the body's organs, such as growth hormone, as well as hormones that produce sperm and eggs.

Empty sella syndrome often does not have any symptoms. If symptoms do arise, the person may experience complaints such as erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual desire, easy fatigue, irregular or complete cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea). There may also be an increase in pressure in the brain, leakage of brain fluid from the nose, headaches, and papilledema, which is a vision disorder caused by swelling of the optic nerve due to pressure in the brain. Source: Alodokter

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