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10 Penemuan Dinosaurus Terheboh Sepanjang 2023, Ada yang Menguak Makanan Terakhirnya

"10 Most Sensational Dinosaur Discoveries Throughout 2023, Some Unveiling Their Last Meal"

Since the word "dinosaur" was coined in 1842, paleontologists have continued to uncover many primitive details about the "terrifying reptiles". Researchers have also consistently discovered new fossils of these animals year after year up to the present. So, here are various shocking dinosaur discoveries in 2023.

1. Mamalia yang menggigit Dinosaurus

1. Mammals that Bite Dinosaurs

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Mammals were not the weak party in the Mesozoic era as often depicted."

In July last year, researchers discovered amazing fossils of a Cretaceous mammal the size of a cat, Repenomamus, which appeared to have bitten the ribs of a Psittacosaurus, a dog-sized horned dinosaur. Researchers do not know why the mammal and dinosaur were wrestling, but the damaged dinosaur bones indicate that the mammal had a bite strong enough to confront a reptile several times larger.

2. Some amazing dinosaur eggs

Sometimes, paleontologists get lucky. The discovery of the Qianlong shouhu dinosaur is one such finding.

2. Beberapa telur dinosaurus yang menakjubkan

Dinosaur sauropodomorph — long-necked herbivores that walked on two legs and are closely related to later giants like Apatosaurus — are known not only from the bones of adult animals but also from eggs and embryos. Analysis of eggs, in particular, indicates that they were shelled and suggests that early dinosaur eggs likely had equally flexible shells.

3. Dinosaurus bertaring mengunyah tanaman.

3. Dinosaur with fangs chewing plants.

Dinosaur Troodon has become a little problem for paleontologists.

Dinosaur, initially named based on its teeth, requires a lot of comparisons and debates over the years to understand what the appearance of the animal is like. Troodon appears similar to the slender Velociraptor, but with large and unusual teeth. Although Troodon has sharp teeth and sharp clawed feet to catch lizards, mammals, and other prey, it seems that this dinosaur often prefers plants.

4. Dinosaur giants have evolved repeatedly.

We are often amazed by the large size of dinosaurs, especially plant-eating sauropods with long necks like Patagotitan and Argentinosaurus.

4. Raksasa-raksasa dinosaurus berevolusi berulang kali.

However, the size of the dinosaur is not constant.

Analysis of 250 sauropod species published in May found that true members of this group of dinosaurs evolved into superlative sizes at least 36 times over a period of one hundred million years. This finding emphasizes that there may be various evolutionary routes in different habitats for the evolution of giant sizes, and super large sauropods continuously recreate their way of life with large sizes.

5. Tyrannosaurus eats other dinosaurs as its final meal.

5. Tyrannosaurus eats other dinosaurs as its final meal.

Finding the right dinosaur food menu is so challenging for researchers. But sometimes they are lucky.

"Eating other dinosaurs"

Paleontologist from Alberta discovered the skeleton of a young Gorgosaurus, an agile Tyrannosaurus, approximately 75 million years ago. Within its body, remnants of small dinosaurs were found severed, indicating that Tyrannosaurs preferred their hind legs - which makes sense due to the large muscles in their thighs and tail.


6. This lawyer is damaging the replica of the dinosaur.

The magnificent Paleozoic Museum in Central Park was planned to be opened at the end of the 19th century with replicas of dinosaurs and ancient creatures. However, those models were destroyed and buried in 1871.


The latest study shows that lawyer Henry Hilton is a "true criminal" who ordered the destruction due to the cancellation of the museum. The Central Park project's board of supervisors is concerned about the competition with the nearby American Museum of Natural History, leading to the decision for destruction. Hilton, who likes to dispose of useless items, likely destroyed the dinosaur statue as part of a routine process rather than an act of vandalism.

7. Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur in the southern region.

Paleontologists still have a lot to learn about how dinosaur evolution occurred in the Southern Hemisphere.

7. Ilmuwan menemukan dinosaurus baru di wilayah selatan.

Even, in this June, experts named a new shovel-beaked dinosaur that survived much longer than expected. Named Gonkoken nanoi, this dinosaur resembles the famous hadrosaurus like Edmontosaurus at first glance. However, Gonkoken has a closer relationship with the ancestor of hadrosaurus, having a similar evolution in appearance.

"Developed from various regions"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The ancestral Gonkoken likely evolved from ancient North America to Cretaceous Chile, evolving alongside hadrosaurs in an area never reached by Edmontosaurus."


8. Dust from asteroid impacts floats for years.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The Cretaceous period ended with the impact of a six-mile-wide asteroid, which resulted in approximately 75 percent damage to life on Earth. Fragments from the impact created an infrared pulse that nearly burned the planet on the first day after the impact, but the collision effects lasted much longer."


"Surviving for 15 years"

The following translation from Bahasa to English preserves the HTML tags: "A study published in October found that the silicate dust produced by the impact lasts for 15 years, inhibiting photosynthesis, and contributing to cooling while life is recovering."


9. This species has a very long neck.

Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum has one of the longest necks of all time, measuring over 45 feet in length.

9. Spesies ini memiliki leher yang sangat panjang.

Research reveals splint-like bones protruding from the neck vertebrae, called cervical ribs, help provide stability to the neck of dinosaurs and evolve along with the increased air sacs in dinosaur neck bones. The stability provided by these bone struts in the neck allows dinosaurs with long necks to evolve with lighter and more fragile neck bones.

10. Dinosaurs have lips to lick.

A study published in March proposed that predatory dinosaurs and many other dinosaurs had teeth that were concealed by fleshy lips, not dissimilar to those seen on modern lizards. The lips would protect the teeth and help prevent them from drying out when exposed to air, without hindering the famous biting power of T. rex.

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