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"Moment of Emotion: Police Officer Cries When Being Promoted by Colleague, Remembering His Late Wife"

Dream - Everyone certainly wants important and happy moments in their life to be accompanied by their loved ones. Like graduation moments, winning in a competition, and also moments of promotion for a police officer. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to be witnessed by their beloved family in their important moments. So, there is a hidden sadness in that supposed-to-be happy moment.

Touching Moment: Police Officer Cries When Promoted by Colleague, Reminded of Late Wife

As experienced by the police officer named Prawira Adi Pradhana, who had to cry during his promotion ceremony. The incident was recorded by Prawira's colleague named Eko Prasetyo on his TikTok account @ekoprasetyodsd.

"Touching, the promotion ceremony of PAG officer rank gel 2 2023 Prawira Adi Pradhana, Setukpa Sukabumi,"
write video description.


Prawira tries to be strong and hold back tears as his colleagues put on the officer's rank on his shoulder. This is because he cannot be given the rank by his partner. The reason is that his wife passed away due to an accident before the important event.

Touching Moment: Police Officer Cries When Promoted by Colleague, Reminded of Late Wife

"When one of our friends from Papua did not have anyone to put on his officer's rank because his wife died in an accident a few weeks ago. It was his friends and comrades who put on the rank to console him."

write to his colleague, Eko.


Although he has tried to be strong, Adi can no longer hold back his sadness. His tears burst, and his uncontrollable tears flow. His police colleagues who witnessed the incident immediately embraced Prawira to support him.

Touching Moment: Police Officer Cries When Promoted by Colleague, Reminded of Late Wife
Touching Moment: Police Officer Cries When Promoted by Colleague, Reminded of Late Wife

"Do not forget that his colleagues also congratulate Prawira and promise to always be by his side. 'Congratulations my friend, be patient my friend, a true friend will never leave his friend in any condition,' Eko wrote."

"Viral on Social Media"

The emotional moment shared by Eko on his TikTok has gone viral and has been watched over 5.6 million times. Not only that, many netizens were also touched and gave encouragement through the comment section of his video.


"Netizen Comment"

"Most uncomfortable seeing a man cry," wrote the account @ayutington00. "Seeing this, my tears instantly fell, Allah gives strength and endurance to the father," wrote the account @atnogeth. "I am moved, sir, seeing it," wrote the account @icacucongkejiendet. Report: Yulia Putri

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