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"10 Types of Animals that Have Whiskers, What is Their Function?"

"When you think of whiskers, the first thing that might come to mind is a cat or a dog. Many mammals have these additional furry tools. Did you know that mammals are not the only animals that have whiskers? Let's discover the animals that have whiskers, and understand the function of whiskers in the following animals."

The translation of "Apa Itu Kumis?" to English is "What is a Mustache?"

"Whiskers are stiff hairs that generally grow on the faces of animals. In mammals, whiskers are also called vibrissae. These special hairs are rooted deep within the skin."


The whisker follicles are filled with nerves and blood vessels, making the whiskers very sensitive. They often grow around the muzzle, but in some animals, they grow around the eyes or even inside the nostrils. Whiskers can be short or very long, depending on the species that grows them.

Mengapa Hewan Memiliki Kumis?

The translation of "Mengapa Hewan Memiliki Kumis?" to English is "Why Do Animals Have Whiskers?"

"In many species, whiskers act as sensors that help animals perceive what is around them."

"They capture and transmit vibrotactile information to the brain, which means allowing animals to sense vibrations. Its position at the front of the face helps keep the animal's head and some of its most important body parts safe. This enables the animal to navigate its environment and track prey, even in dark conditions."

The translation of "Hewan Apa Yang Punya Kumis?" to English is "What Animal Has Whiskers?"

Scientists believe that the ancestors of ancient mammals had whiskers. Although the placement and structure of the whiskers have diversified along with the evolution of species, most mammals still retain their whiskers. Here are some animals that have whiskers.


"1. Carnivore"

"All animals that belong to the order of mammals Carnivora have whiskers. This includes cats, dogs, bears, seals, walruses, mongooses, raccoons, weasels, langurs, and others. Many carnivores rely on their whiskers to help them hunt."

1. Karnivora

"2. Rodent"

The touch of whiskers is a very important sense for rodents, which use their whiskers to search for food and gather information about their environment.

The translation of "3. Kelelawar" to English is "3. Bat".

Scientists have found that whiskers help bats move and maneuver in the air with agility. Whiskers also help them find and eat their food.

The translation of
The translation of

The translation of "4. Cetacea" from Bahasa to English is "4. Cetacea." The term "Cetacea" refers to the order of marine mammals that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The text remains the same as it is a scientific term.

"Dolphins and toothed whales are born with whiskers that usually fall out before reaching adulthood. Sensitive hair grows from bumps on the heads of humpback whales and other whales, helping them sense their underwater environment."

"5. Cloven-hoofed Animals"

"Like other mammals, hoofed animals tend to use their whiskers for foraging and navigation. Some of them, such as deer and horses, have little whiskers and no muscle control over those whiskers."

5. Binatang Berkuku
6. Gajah

The translation of "6. Gajah" to English is "6. Elephant".

The elephant has whiskers along its trunk. Its whiskers are concentrated around the tip of the trunk. These hairs make the trunk very sensitive to touch.

The translation of "7. Marsupial" from 'Bahasa' to 'English' is "7. Marsupial". There is no change in the text, so it remains the same.

Sure! Here’s the translation with the HTML tags preserved: "Marsupials also have whiskers! Kangaroos, koalas, wombats, opossums, and other members of the group all have whiskers. Baby kangaroos are born with whiskers, which they use to find their way out of their mother's pouch."

The translation of
8. Primata

The translation of "8. Primata" to English is "8. Primates".

"From the largest mountain gorilla to the smallest mouse lemur, our primates indeed have whiskers. Like other mammals, many primates use their whiskers to search for food, navigate, and assist in social interactions."

The translation of "9. Burung" to English is "9. Bird".

"About one third of bird species have rictal feathers. Scientists argue that this whisker-like structure may help birds navigate and forage, but no one is certain of its function."

The translation of
The translation of

The translation of "10. Ikan" to English is "10. Fish".

Some fish have whisker-like structures, called barbels. Like whiskers, barbels help fish sense what is around them. Fish can use their barbels to touch and taste.

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