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"120 Wise Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life, Still Relevant Until Now"

Dream - Khalifah Umar bin Khattab is one of the great leaders in the history of Islam known for his wisdom and meaningful advice. Among the various pearls of wisdom from Umar bin Khattab, there are many pieces of advice that remain relevant to this day.

120 Wise Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life, Still Relevant Today

The advice of Umar bin Khattab is able to provide inspiration and motivation for Muslims in facing various life situations. From his advice, we can learn about wisdom, firmness, and perseverance in facing the destiny of life.

120 Wise Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life, Still Relevant Today

The Wise Advice of Umar bin Khattab

1. "Speak only when your words are better than your silence." 2. "Do not be afraid to speak honestly, because honesty brings peace." 3. "Do not let arrogance ruin you, stay humble." 4. "Never procrastinate on important matters, do them immediately."

5. "Do not complain too much, because it will only make you weak." 6. "Give everyone their rights, because everyone has their own rights." 7. "Do not be too attached to material possessions, because they are only temporary." 8. "Provide assistance to those in need, because charity brings blessings." 9. "Do not easily be influenced by seduction and temptation, guard your morals well."

10. "Appreciate differences of opinion, because it is a normal thing in life." 11. "Do not regret what has happened, but learn from that experience." 12. "Do not let anger control you, because it will only ruin your relationship with others."

13. "Do not expect too much from humans, because humans can only give what has been determined by Allah." 14. "Never give up in achieving your dreams, stay strong and never give up." 15. "Do not forget that every action you take will have consequences, whether good or bad."

The text in 'Bahasa' translates to "Meaningful Advice from Umar bin Khattab" in English.

1. "Do not be afraid of humans who can only harm your body, but fear Allah who can harm your faith." 2. "Speak the truth, for the words that come out of your mouth reflect the state of your heart." 3. "Do not delay goodness, for sometimes good intentions never happen."

4. "Never underestimate any kindness, no matter how small, because every kindness holds great value in the eyes of Allah." 5. "Respect the elders, for they have endured various trials in life before us." 6. "Do not rejoice excessively when receiving abundance, and do not be too saddened when facing shortcomings. Because life is full of tests from Allah."

7. "Worship with sincerity, because sincere worship is the key to success in this world and the hereafter." 8. "Be cautious in your actions, because every action will be held accountable before Allah." 9. "Do not complain too much, because every trial is part of Allah's plan to strengthen us." 10. "Be a just person, because justice is the foundation for living life."

11. "Do good sincerely without expecting rewards from humans, because true rewards can only be obtained from Allah." 12. "Avoid arrogance and pride, as these qualities will distance us from goodness and the pleasure of Allah." 13. "Do not judge others, as only Allah has the right to judge His servants."

14. "Improve relationships with others, because forgiving each other is the key to inner peace." 15. "Do not be too obsessed with wealth and possessions, because true happiness is when our hearts are at peace in His satisfaction."

120 Wise Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life, Still Relevant Today

The following translation from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Words of Advice from Umar bin Khattab as a Guideline"

1. "Do not be a thorn in the eyes of others, but be a flower that radiates goodness." 2. "Speak only if it is better than silence, remain silent if it is better than speaking." 3. "Do not postpone goodness until tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come for you." 4. "Be patient, because every patience will surely be rewarded."

5. "Do not judge someone based on their appearance, but judge them based on their heart." 6. "Be grateful for the blessings that have been given, and do not complain too much." 7. "Do not approach sin, because it will ruin your heart." 8. "Do good without expecting anything in return, because Allah sees what you do." 9. "Do not be ashamed to learn, because knowledge is a light." 10. "Be firm in principles, but gentle in heart."

11. "Do not rush in making decisions, consider carefully." 12. "Do not delay prayer, for it is the pillar of religion." 13. "Be a fair leader, for every justice will bring prosperity to your people." 14. "Guard your tongue, for an unguarded tongue can cause sins." 15. "Complete your deeds with sincerity, for Allah only accepts sincere deeds."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Advice from Umar bin Khattab on Motivation"

1. "You should improve yourself before expecting goodness from others" 2. "There is no wealth better than moral wealth" 3. "Do not remain silent about the truth, because silence towards the truth is a sign of agreeing with falsehood"


4. "If you find your own mistakes, fix them. If you find someone else's mistakes, cover them with kindness." 5. "Do not delay doing good, because delaying it is the beginning of regret." 6. "Speak carefully, because the tongue can be a sword that hurts." 7. "Do not give up when facing trials, because every trial is a test of faith." 8. "Be humble, because humility is the key to success."

9. "Live simply, so as not to be trapped in distracting luxury" 10. "Be grateful for what you have, so you always feel content with what you have" 11. "Fight for justice, even if it means fighting against yourself" 12. "Do not underestimate small acts of kindness, because every kindness holds great value in the eyes of Allah" 13. "Handle trust responsibly, because trust is a responsibility that must be accounted for"

120 Wise Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life, Still Relevant Today

14. "Treat everyone fairly, regardless of their status and wealth." 15. "Do not blame fate for failures, because failures are lessons to become better."

Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Life

1. "Hold on to honesty, because honesty brings blessings in life." 2. "Don't easily be provoked by emotions, because uncontrolled emotions will only cause losses." 3. "Don't complain too much, because complaining will only weaken the heart."

4. "Do not be arrogant about the success that has been achieved, because arrogance will only ruin the goodness of the heart." 5. "Be patient in facing trials, because trials are tests from Allah." 6. "Strive to always be a beneficial person to others." 7. "Do not easily believe in words and promises, because many people are not loyal." 8. "Do not be too afraid of poverty, because sustenance has been determined by Allah."

9. "Be friends with honest and good people, because friends will influence ourselves." 10. "Be open-minded in accepting criticism, because criticism is the best way to grow." 11. "Don't be too obsessed with wealth and the world, because the world is just a temporary place." 12. "Don't be too busy finding other people's mistakes, but it's better to improve ourselves."

13. "Do not regret what has happened, but take the wisdom from it and keep moving forward." 14. "Never postpone goodness, because time will never wait for us." 15. "Guard your heart and mind from the temptations of Satan, so that you will always be under the protection of Allah SWT."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Advice from Umar bin Khattab about Faith and Islam".

1. "Do not be a slave to fear, except to Allah." 2. "Do not make the world your goal, because the world will make you its slave." 3. "Destroyed is the person who fasts but speaks ill with their mouth." 4. "Love your brother as you love yourself."

5. "We do not postpone obedience to Allah except for eating, drinking, and sleeping." 6. "A person who glorifies while crying is more noble in the sight of Allah than a person who laughs while sinning." 7. "Know that every prayer that is not uttered sincerely will surely be rejected." 8. "When your heart feels hardened, increase reading the Qur'an." 9. "Do not make adversity an excuse to abandon prayer."

10. "The heart that is farthest from Allah is the heart that is hard and does not fear Allah." 11. "It is true that patience brings good luck." 12. "Do good to those who mistreat you, and be friends with those who uplift you."

13. "Leave what doubts you, and take what makes you confident." 14. "Be cautious with money, because money is the greatest source of evil." 15. "Indeed, Allah tests His servants with pleasure and difficulty, so be patient in every test of His."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Advice of Umar bin Khattab is Full of Wisdom".

1. "Give advice to others as you would give advice to yourself." 2. "The most noble thing about humans is good character." 3. "Truly, there is no goodness in staying silent when witnessing wrongdoing." 4. "Uphold justice even if it is against yourself or your family."

5. "Do not be angry, because anger can damage your sanity and wisdom." 6. "Life is short, do not waste your time in vanity." 7. "Behave well towards your parents, because heaven lies at the mother's feet." 8. "Be a person who understands before you are called a person who does not understand." 9. "Respect those who are older than you, because they are the ones who treat you as you are now."

10. "Never expect anything from humans, except from Allah." 11. "Always be grateful for all the blessings that have been given." 12. "Obey your husband, because the husband is the leader in the household." 13. "Wisdom is to be wise in facing everything." 14. "Indeed, wealth is not great wealth, but wealth is a rich heart and soul." 15. "Strengthen your faith with knowledge, so as not to be deceived by narrow-minded knowledge."

The Wise Advice of Umar bin Khattab

1. Hold on to the truth, even if it's bitter. 2. Don't be arrogant, because arrogance is a deadly disease. 3. Don't trust this world too much, because the world is only temporary. 4. Improve yourself before trying to improve others. 5. Be firm in justice, but gentle in kindness.

6. Never postpone goodness, because time waits for no one. 7. Be a person full of patience, because patience brings goodness. 8. Treat everyone fairly, whether they are siblings or enemies. 9. Always be grateful for what Allah has given. 10. Do not let emotions control you, but control your emotions.

11. Behave well towards others, even if they behave badly towards you. 12. Learn from mistakes, as mistakes are the best teacher. 13. Be humble, as humility brings blessings. 14. If you are unable to provide benefits, at least do not cause harm. 15. Love others as you love yourself.

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