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"125 Funny and Popular Wise Words, Life Mottos that Make You Laugh Out Loud"

Dream - The wheel of life always turns. Sometimes we are on top, there are times when we have to feel sadness and disappointment because of the problems we face. However, it does not need to be excessively mourned. What is important is how we can resolve it all.

125 Funny and Popular Wise Words, Life Mottos That Make You Laugh Out Loud

When you are facing problems, of course, someone really needs a heart remedy. One way is by reading funny wise words. Funny wise words can be the best mood booster and life motivator when you are in a bad mood or bored with things around you. Besides being able to restore your spirit, maybe the funny but wise quotes can also entertain yourself.

"Moreover, funny words that make people laugh out loud are especially popular to be used as social media statuses. There are many funny wise words that can relieve burdens on your shoulders. However, if you are still confused in finding them, here Dream summarizes some funny wise words from several sources that you can use as references."

125 Funny and Popular Wise Words, Life Mottos That Make You Laugh Out Loud

"Wise and Funny Words, Most Hilarious and Popular"

"Don't take life too seriously, remember that life is like a camera, smile when you want to take a picture!" "If you feel useless, remember that a Christmas tree is only used once a year!" "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But if there's no sugar, sometimes life only gives you bitter oranges!"


"Enjoying life is like chasing fried chicken: sometimes, you have to be quick, clever, and prepared to dive into failure!" "Don't worry if everything seems dark. Even a camera needs darkness to produce good images!" "Wise people don't get married. After getting married, they become wise here and there." "Failure is delayed success... lies are delayed honesty." "The heart wants to hold a mountain, but alas, it belongs to the neighbor."

"There is no difficult job in this world. Any job, no matter how difficult it is, will feel light if it is not done."\u201cDarling\u2026 this morning I couldn't eat because I missed you, in the afternoon I also didn't eat because I was thinking of you, and at night I couldn't sleep because I was hungry.\u201d\u201cHumans are created in pairs, and if you are still single until now, maybe your soulmate has died when they were still a baby.\u201d\u201cSuccess starts with a dream, and dreams come when we sleep. So if all of you want to succeed, it's better to sleep now.\u201d"

"Beautiful women are not a guarantee for a happy and enjoyable life, but even less so for ugly women." "In a healthy butt, there is strong fart." "Love your neighbor, but don't get caught red-handed." "Money is not everything... There is still Mastercard and Visa." "The best way to realize your dreams is to wake up from sleep." - P. Valery "Silence is golden, gold is yellow, yellow is poop, so silently poop."

"When you achieve success, your friends will see who you truly are. But when you fall, you will see who your true friends are." "Every problem will surely have a root for its solution, if you haven't found it yet, then dig and search for that root until old." "If your intelligence is not able to convince and impress someone, then confuse them with your foolishness.""

"Smart is someone who can master difficult lessons, but clever is someone who can copy from the smart ones." "Failure is delayed success, just as lying is delayed honesty." "Suppressing laughter is unhealthy. Laughter will descend and wet your pants." - P. Valery.

"Wise and Funny Words Most Hilarious and Popular"

"I don't envy wealth or power... but I envy sleeping on my side." "Clothes are like a protective fence, A fence should protect without obstructing the beautiful view." "Rowing first, swimming to the shore... suffering first, recovering later."


"Never fall in love with a village, because one is already troublesome, what if it's a whole village?" "Practicing makes us perfect, but no human is perfect, so why bother practicing?" "Because of a drop of indigo, the whole pot of milk is ruined... Because of a beautiful lady, I forgot to wear pants." "The more we learn, the more we know, the more we know, the more we forget, the more we forget, the less we know. So why are we busy learning?"

"If someone throws a stone at you, do not throw it back at them. Respond with a smile and throw flowers at them.. But try to make sure the pot is thrown as well." "A beautiful woman is not a guarantee that our life will be enjoyable, especially if she is ugly." "Find a righteous wife (who forgets to wear a bra) to become a blissful marriage (once hit, wanting more) & be a husband who is ready (ready to style with any fashion).""

"There is no heavy work, no matter how heavy the work is, it will feel light if we don't do it." "Don't try to interfere with your friend, because maybe your friend doesn't want to be skinny." "Some people can't break up with their partner because they still love them, but some others can't because they don't have a partner." "Regret always comes at the end, because if it comes at the beginning, it is called registration.""

"Be the person who is most grateful for what has been given. If you are someone ugly, then be grateful so that you can become something to be proud of." "If you fail today, then never give up. Keep repeating your failures until your boss gives up." "Money is not everything, but everything will require money." "Beauty is indeed relative, depending on the camera angle and the intensity of light."

"Wise and Funny Words, Most Hilarious and Popular"



"Where there is a road, there will surely be many vehicles." "Work hard until your neighbors think your fortune comes from black magic." "Stop looking for perfect people. Just find someone with money, a car, and a house." "Success starts with a dream. Therefore, let's sleep more." "You don't need motivational words, what you need is the words 'huge discounts'."

"Do not repeat the same mistakes. There are still many other mistakes that need to be tried. Where there is an opportunity, there is public funding. It's called life. There will surely be many trials. If there are many clothes, then do laundry. Problems can make us more mature, so let's have more problems. If you want a partner who can make your life filled with wealth, don't look for a partner, look for black magic."

"How many people are still living in negligence. While their burial shrouds are being woven."Knowledge is like underwear, if you have it, there's no need to show it off."To mathematics, be mature and solve your own problems. I'm tired of solving yours."Rowing once, the fatigue won't disappear for two or three days."When life closes the door on you, just open it again. It's just a door, that's how it works.""

125 Funny and Popular Wise Words, Life Mottos That Make You Laugh Out Loud

"Don't soak in a failure. Just soaking clothes already makes you exhausted, let alone soaking in it." "Just be patient, okay? Your heart is like a tango. How many layers? Hundreds."

"Wise and Funny Words, Most Hilarious and Popular"

"Silence will not solve the problem, but silence will also not create problems." "Learn from armpit hair, even though it is always squeezed but still resilient and keeps growing." "No matter how heavy your problems are, don't weigh them. It won't help." "Super friends, if you want to look handsome, hang out with ugly people."

"Patience is indeed difficult because the reward is heaven. Imagine if it were easy, the reward would be just an umbrella." "Nothing is eternal, except for change and expenses." "Money is indeed not taken to the grave. But if there is no money, it feels like dying." "Life is already difficult and sometimes full of problems. That's why sometimes life just needs to be laughed at." -Ernest Prakasa "Just because you're right doesn't mean I'm wrong. You just haven't lived in my position yet."

"Beauty is relative, depending on the camera angle and the intensity of light.""Money is not everything. There are still credit cards and other things.""When life closes the door of opportunity for you, just open it again. It's just a door, that's how it works.""Humans can plan, but the balance also determines.""Why is it difficult to move on? Because from elementary school until now, what we have learned is to memorize or remember, not to forget."

"Example of a parking attendant. Even though he has many cars, he never becomes arrogant because he knows that they are all just entrusted to him."If someone calls you ugly, don't lose hope. Because that person may not be lying."If someone mocks you for being ugly, just stay calm. Tell them that you are not a mirror."Currently focused on making money, to buy Padang rice. The rest is for buying a Pajero Sport."Motivation does not last long. Taking a shower also does not last long. That's why we recommend doing it every day.""

"Something that cannot be bought in this world is health, happiness, and cellphone signal." "Always follow your heart. But don't forget to bring your brain too." "They say after darkness comes light. Turns out, if it's not bright yet, they won't go home." "Foolish people are happier, with their foolishness." "As high as a stork flies. In the end, it will also become soy sauce."

"Wise and Funny Words, the Most Hilarious and Popular"

"Try to be like a turtle—comfortable in your own shell." - Bill Copeland "If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is definitely not for you." - Steven Wright "You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred." - Woody Allen


"Don't worry about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." - Charles Schulz "Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth." - Robert Bloch "Bad decisions make good stories." - Ellis Vidler "Be like a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside." - Katherine Gaskin "I have to be successful because I like expensive things." - Lisa Lieberman-Wang

"If you don't know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else." - Yogi Berra "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway." - Robert Downey Jr. "I found something. The future is unpredictable." - John Green "Well-behaved women seldom make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich "Whatever you do, always give 100 percent. Unless you're donating blood." - Bill Murray

"Consider postage stamps: Their usefulness consists of the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there." - Josh Billings "You can't have everything. Where would you put it all?" - Steven Wright "Edison failed 10,000 times before he made the electric light. Don't be discouraged if you fail a few times." - Napoleon Hill "I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx

"Life should not be taken too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert Hubbard "His insomnia was so severe that he couldn't sleep during office hours." - Arthur Baer "Money won't make you happy... but everyone wants to find it for themselves." - Zig Ziglar

"Wise and Funny Words, the Most Hilarious and Popular"

"Keep trying, never give up, keep praying to God. But remember, don't just ask for what you want." "When you're lazy, it doesn't mean you're diligent." "It's better to wait for Harapan Jaya than to wait for false hope." "Work like a tuyul. It doesn't have to be seen, doesn't need praise, doesn't need attention. But the results are clear."

"Living without a purpose is like being in a desperate need to use the restroom but not finding one, restless." "Stop pursuing knowledge, because knowledge is innocent." "It's wrong when many people say that life is only once. The truth is, live every day and die only once." - Cak Lontong "When all the work feels more unpleasant, remember the installments." "When you are poor, not successful, all your wise words sound like farts. But when you are rich and successful, your farts sound very wise and inspiring."

"We are friends. Always remember, when you fall, I will lift you up, after I finish laughing." "There is no difficult job in this world. Any job, no matter how heavy, will feel light if not done." "One sign of a thinking person is usually the last one to laugh." "A woman's best makeup is her ambition. But cosmetics are easier to buy." "You must be enthusiastic, even if no one says 'good luck, my dear.'"

"Life is simple. Fry, lift, then drain." "Don't give up if you fail. Repeat your failures every day until your boss gives up." "Don't be proud to be called 'darling', something that falls down in less than five minutes is also called 'darling'." "True friends will not judge each other, they will judge others together." "Behind a successful person, there must be an ex who regrets." "Motivators and speakers cannot make me work diligently. Only installments and bills can."

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