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6 Peristiwa Penting di Bulan Syawal yang Sangat Berpengaruh dalam Sejarah Islam, Salah Satunya Pernikahan Nabi

6 Important Events in the Month of Syawal that Have Great Influence in Islamic History, One of Them is the Marriage of the Prophet

Dream - Syawal becomes a month of victory for Muslims around the world. Yes, in this month, we commemorate Eid al-Fitr, which signifies that Muslims have completed the Ramadan fasting for one month. However, friends of Dream also need to know that in the month of Syawal, there are also various important events that greatly influence the history of Islam. This, of course, needs to be known by Muslims as part of knowledge and also a rich source of learning. Moreover, in these stories, it also shows the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in preaching.

So, this will provide many examples for us, especially for Muslims. Now, here are some important events in the month of Shawwal as summarized by Dream through various sources.

6 Important Events in the Month of Syawal that Have a Significant Influence in Islamic History, One of Which is the Marriage of the Prophet

"Important Islamic Events in the Month of Syawal"

There are various important events in the history of Islam that occurred in the month of Shawwal. The following is quoted from

1. Uhud War

The Battle of Uhud occurred in the third year of the month of Shawwal after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad to Madinah. This battle happened due to the resentment of the Quraysh people towards the Muslims because their brothers were killed in the Battle of Badr. In this battle, the Islamic army consisted of 1,000 people and was led by the Prophet Muhammad, along with two cavalry units and 100 soldiers wearing armor.

While the Quraysh people consisted of 3,000 individuals led by Abu Sufyan along with 100 cavalry soldiers and 700 armored troops. In this battle, the Quraysh prevailed over the Muslim community.

2. Khandaq War

The Battle of Khandaq took place in the fifth year of the month of Syawal after the migration of the Prophet Muhammad to Madinah. This battle was followed by 3,000 personnel of the Islamic community against the infidels who numbered 10,000 personnel. Some even say that the infidel forces numbered 15,000. This battle was triggered by the calls and invitations of the Jews to several groups and leaders of a tribe. They felt emotional and humiliated seeing the efforts of the Islamic community in spreading their religion.

The Jewish community also planned a strategy to attack the Muslim community. This evil plan reached the ears of the Muslims and was conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslim community then held a consultation to organize a strategy, namely by digging a trench to the north of the city of Madinah. With brilliant ideas and a spirit of unity, the Muslim community finally achieved victory.

6 Important Events in the Month of Syawal that Have a Significant Influence in Islamic History, One of Which is the Marriage of the Prophet

3. Hunain War

The Battle of Hunain occurred in the month of Syawal in the 8th Hijri year in the Hunain valley, which serves as a link between Makkah and Thaif. This battle consisted of 12,000 personnel, namely 10,000 residents of the city of Madinah and 2,000 from the city of Makkah. Meanwhile, the enemy forces numbered 20,000 personnel. At the beginning of the war, the Muslim community was indeed successfully pushed back by the disbelievers.

However, the Prophet called the Muslim troops to retreat and delivered the news that Allah SWT would grant victory to the Muslim community in this war. The war resumed and the Islamic forces grew stronger. Eventually, the Muslim community emerged victorious according to what Allah SWT had informed the Prophet saw.

4. Thai War

The 'Thaif War' occurred in the month of Syawal in the year 8 Hijriah after the Hunain war. In this war, the Muslim community pursued the remaining Quraysh forces who fled to Hunain, hid in the city fortress, and prevented the Islamic community from penetrating the fortress. Eventually, the Prophet Muhammad changed his strategy by blockading the entire Thaif region. Eventually, the people of Thaif surrendered and expressed their desire to join the Islamic forces.

6 Important Events in the Month of Syawal that Have a Significant Influence in Islamic History, One of Which is the Marriage of the Prophet

5. Prophet's Marriage

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married Sayyidah Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) and Sayyidah Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) in the month of Shawwal. This is as explained in the following hadith: "From Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), she said: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married me in the month of Shawwal. In another narration: Indeed, the Prophet married Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) in the month of Shawwal." That is why in the month of Shawwal, there are many couples who hold weddings. This is because it is considered a good month, just as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did.

6. The Birth and Death of Imam Bukhari

Dear Dream friends, of course you are no stranger to the name Imam Bukhari. Yes, the famous Islamic scholar who made a great contribution to knowledge, especially the hadith of the Prophet. Imam Bukhari was born on the 13th of Syawal in the year 194 Hijri in the city of Bukhara, Uzbekistan. He also passed away on the night of the 1st of Syawal and was buried on the day of Eid al-Fitr on the 1st of Syawal.

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