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2 Spesies Baru Tarantula Ditemukan di Ekuador, Salah Satunya Agresif

"2 New Species of Tarantula Discovered in Ecuador, One of Them is Aggressive"

In the untouched wilderness of Ecuador's jungle, scientists have revealed surprising facts, the existence of two previously unknown species of tarantulas. Researchers from Universidad San Francisco de Quito discovered these arachnids in dense forests along the slopes of the Andes in the western region.

Psalmopoeus chronoarachne: A vulnerable species of tarantula

The newly discovered Tarantula was found at the end of February 2023, hanging 1.5 meters above the forest floor on the slopes of the eternal green mountain forest known as Cordillera Occidental. Despite being recently discovered, this peculiar spider has already faced serious threats, as its natural habitat falls victim to destructive human activities such as mining and agriculture.

The sensational etymology of its scientific name "refers to the saying that this spider can 'count its time' or be reduced by anthropogenic activities that have a significant impact. The name 'Psalmopoeus chronoarachne' addresses conservation concerns about the survival and prevalence of spider species in the natural environment, as expressed by researchers in their recently published paper in the scientific journal ZooKeys."

Psalmopoeus Satanas: A new fiery tarantula species

The second tarantula, Psalmopoeus satanas, has a more interesting background. Researcher Roberto J. León-E first encountered this uniquely named creature perched on a bamboo fence in San José de Alluriquín.


The initial attitude of the spider is not disappointing. León-E remembers, "The name Psalmopoeus Satanas is very fitting because the initial individuals collected indeed have a strong attitude!"

The creature showed defensive behavior followed by quick and sporadic movements, almost invisible to the naked eye.


"Threat of tarantula species extinction"

Interestingly, this spider turns out to be the first tarantula ever captured by León-E. Despite having a difficult temperament and occasional attacks, it still has a deep sense of affection.

Habitat Tarantula Faces Threat

The habitat of this tarantula, located in the northern region of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes Mountains, approximately 900 meters above sea level, faces several urgent threats. Agricultural land and mining concessions, coupled with relentless urban and agricultural land expansion, have resulted in severe degradation and fragmentation of their natural environment.

"Protecting tarantulas"
"Important to consider that the residential area of these arthropods is not under legal protection. The implementation of protected areas in these regions is crucial to preserve the remaining population of endangered species and to encourage research on tarantula species that are still undescribed or unknown in the area."

Pedro Peñaherrera-R, who pioneered research on these animals, said.


"Tarantula smuggling awareness"

Roberto J. León-E reaffirms this sentiment, stating, "We encourage the future efforts of researchers, organizations, and the Ecuadorian and international governments to effectively understand the reality of tarantula smuggling threats and the necessary conservation status for each species in the country."


Based on the initial conservation assessment, both tarantulas meet the criteria to be classified as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The potential loss of P. chronoarachne and P. satanas, as well as the ecological consequences of their extinction, require serious consideration.

"Spesies ini mungkin mempunyai peran penting dalam ekosistem mikro bertingkat di wilayahnya masing-masing." Translation: "This species may have an important role in the multi-level micro ecosystems in their respective regions."
"revealed the researchers."


Illegal Tarantula Trading

Apart from the aforementioned direct dangers, the illegal trade of wild tarantulas as pets poses a hidden threat not only to these two species but also to Ecuador's tarantulas in general. Many tarantula species can easily be found for sale online through various websites and social media platforms.

Pedro Peñaherrera-R emphasizes this worrying fact.

2 Spesies Baru Tarantula Ditemukan di Ekuador, Salah Satunya Agresif

"During the writing of this article and the publication of other articles, we have found that a species we described (Neischnocolus cisnerosi) is currently involved in illegal pet trade!"

Urgent need for conservation

The need for strong conservation efforts becomes clear when a newly discovered tarantula in Ecuador faces numerous threats, both natural and human-made. It is important for policymakers, scientists, and local communities to come together to initiate comprehensive protection measures, ensuring the survival of this unique species and maintaining the delicate ecological balance they contribute to.

In short, through joint efforts, we can not only save these extraordinary creatures but also uncover valuable insights into their ecological roles and the complex web of life they help support. The time to act is now, as the fate of Ecuador's tarantulas depends on the balance.


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