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30 Kata-Kata Semangat untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Jadi Motivasi yang Membangkitkan saat Alami Masa-Masa Sulit

"30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, Becoming Uplifting Motivation during Challenging Times"

Dream - Words of encouragement for a boyfriend in English can be given as a sign of deep affection. Yes, in a relationship, supporting each other is very important. Especially when your boyfriend experiences moments where he feels down. That's when his heart and mind are truly chaotic. In that condition, he definitely needs someone who can give him peace, namely his own girlfriend. Words of encouragement for a boyfriend in English have a very deep meaning. Advising for the better, motivation, and encouragement for him to rise and continue living his future life.

Although so, it would be better if you convey those words with full gentleness. By doing so, your partner will not only feel loved and cared for, but also motivated again for the sake of loved ones.

30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, So Inspirational in Difficult Times
30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, So Inspirational in Difficult Times

The following are words of encouragement for a boyfriend/girlfriend in English as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings"


"A strong hope can make your dreams come true."

(Sebuah harapan yang kuat dapat membuat mimpi anda menjadi nyata.)"

"No one has the ability to do something perfect. But each person is given a lot of opportunity to do something right." (Tidak seorangpun punya kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang sempurna. Tapi setiap orang diberi banyak kesempatan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang benar.) "Nothing is impossible. Anything can happen as long as we believe." (Tidak ada yang mustahil. Semua bisa terjadi asalkan kita percaya.) "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." (Datang bersama adalah suatu awal. Menjaga agar tetap bersama adalah kemajuan. Bekerja bersama adalah keberhasilan.)

"Not all the things that you worry could happen in your life. Stop worrying about something, because worries make you more afraid to do everything." (Tidak semua hal yang anda khawatirkan bisa terjadi di dalam kehidupan. Berhenti khawatir terhadap sesuatu, karena kekhawatiran membuat anda semakin takut untuk mencoba.)"Dream about something and make the dream come true, because this world would not exist if there were dreamed." (Bermimpilah tentang sesuatu dan jadikan mimpi tersebut menjadi kenyataan, karena dunia ini tidak akan ada jika tidak ada yang bermimpi.)

"Our life is very difficult, but there are millions of more difficult life out there." (Hidup kita sangat sulit, namun ada jutaan kehidupan yang lebih sulit diluar sana.) "Life is like a piano, white and black. If God play it, all will be a beautiful melody." (Hidup seperti sebuah piano, berwarna putih dan hitam. Jika Tuhan memainkannya, maka akan menjadi melodi indah.) "The strongest people are not those always win, but they were still going when they crashed." (Orang terkuat bukan mereka yang selalu menang, melainkan mereka yang tetap tegar ketika mereka jatuh.)

"Enjoy difficulties. Because behind difficulties, there must be ease." (Nikmatilah kesulitan. Karena dibalik kesulitan itu pasti ada kemudahan.)

30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, So Inspirational in Difficult Times

"When you're able to forgive & smile to the person who hurt you, that's when you make sure that you are better than him." (Saat kau mampu memaafkan & tersenyum kepada orang yang menyakitimu, saat itulah kau memastikan bahwa dirimu lebih baik darinya.) "You are responsible for your life. You can not continue to blame others for the mistakes in your life. Life is really about continuing life itself." (Anda bertanggung jawab atas kehiduupan anda. Anda tidak bisa terus menerus menyalahkan orang lain untuk kesalahan-kesalahan dalam hidup anda. Hidup ini sebenarnya adalah tentang melanjutkan kehidupan itu sendiri.)

"Always do your best, and let God do the rest." (Selalu lakukan yang terbaik, dan biarkan Tuhan melakukan sisanya.) "If you are not able to be the best, be different." (Jika Anda tak mampu menjadi yang terbaik, jadilah yang berbeda.) "Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time." (Kelemahan terbesar Anda adalah ketika Anda menyerah dan kehebatan terbesar Anda adalah ketika Anda mencoba satu kali lagi.) "In life, there will be things that come up by itself. But there will be things that also need to struggle to get it." (Dalam kehidupan, akan ada hal yang datang dengan sendirinya. Namun akan ada hal juga yang perlu perjuangan untuk mendapatkannya.)

"Life is not just about making yourself happy, but also sharing your happiness with those around us because happiness increases when shared." (Hidup bukan hanya tentang membuat diri sendiri bahagia, tetapi juga membagikan kebahagiaan kepada orang di sekitar kita karena kebahagiaan bertambah saat dibagikan.) "Never blame others in your life. Good people make you happy, bad people teach you, and the best people make you remember them." (Jangan pernah menyalahkan orang lain dalam hidupmu. Orang baik membuatmu bahagia, orang jahat mengajarkanmu, dan orang terbaik membuatmu mengingat mereka.)

"Work like you do not need money, Love like you'll never get hurt, and dance like no one is looking." (Bekerjalah seperti kamu tidak butuh uang, Cintailah seperti kamu tidak akan pernah tersakiti, dan berdansalah seperti tidak ada orang yang melihat.)

30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, So Inspirational in Difficult Times


"Good people will not be harmed by God. If it happens only test God for patience." (Orang baik tidak akan dirugikan oleh Tuhan. Jika itu terjadi hanya ujian Tuhan bagi kesabarannya.)

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." – Christian D. Larson (Yakinlah kepada diri sendiri. Pahami bahwa ada sesuatu di dalam diri lebih besar dari rintangan apapun.)

"There is no elevator to success. You need to take the stairs." – Zig Ziglar (Tidak ada lift menuju sukses. Anda perlu naik tangga.)


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." – Walt Disney (Semua impian dapat terwujud, apabila kita memiliki keberanian untuk mengejar mereka.) "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." – Thomas A. Edison (Kelemahan terbesar kita terletak pada sikap mudah menyerah. Cara paling pasti untuk sukses adalah selalu mencoba sekali lagi.) "Dreams don't work unless you do." – John C. Maxwell (Impian tidak tercapai kecuali Anda meraihnya.) "You never fail until you stop trying." – Albert Einstein (Anda tak kunjung gagal sampai Anda berhenti mencoba.)

"Reach your ambition as high as the skies. Dream it as high as the skies. If you fall, you are going to fall among the stars." – Ir. Soekarno (Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit. Bermimpilah setinggi langit. Jika engkau jatuh, engkau akan jatuh di antara bintang-bintang.)"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." – Albert Einstein (Di tengah setiap kesulitan terdapat peluang.)"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us." – Alexander Graham Bell (Saat satu pintu tertutup, pintu lain terbuka; tapi kita sering melihat begitu lama menyesali pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu yang telah terbuka.)"

"If you can dream it, you can do it." – Walt Disney (Jika kamu bisa memimpikannya, kamu dapat melakukannya.)

30 Words of Encouragement for Boyfriend in English and Their Meanings, So Inspirational in Difficult Times
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