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"Dream - On August 17, Indonesia celebrates its independence day, a historic moment that serves as a milestone of pride and a symbol of the nation's freedom. This day should be welcomed with joy, a sense of pride, and immense gratitude. Dream friends can also exchange words of congratulations for Independence Day on August 17 to celebrate it. All the people of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, unite in a fervent spirit of nationalism."

30 Words of Independence Day Greetings on August 17 in English and Their Meanings, Make Your Social Media Captions Cooler

"By remembering the struggle of the fallen heroes, we reflect on how precious the independence fought for with blood, sweat, and tears."

The spirit of unity and oneness becomes more evident, adorning every corner of the country with various lively activities and celebrations. That spirit is also reflected in the series of words for Independence Day greetings on August 17 in English that look cool when you share them on social media. Here are some words for Independence Day greetings on August 17 in English along with their meanings as summarized by Dream from various sources.

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to English while preserving the HTML tags is:

"Let's use this Independence Day to recommit ourselves to the ideals of our nation." (Let's use this Independence Day to recommit ourselves to the ideals of our nation.)"

"As we celebrate, let's also think about how we can contribute to our nation's development." (As we celebrate, let's also think about how we can contribute to our nation's development.)"On this Independence Day, let's reflect on how far we've come and how far we still need to go." (On this Independence Day, let's reflect on how far we've come and how far we still need to go.)"Independence is not just freedom from colonial rule, but freedom to achieve our full potential." (Independence is not just freedom from colonial rule, but freedom to achieve our full potential.)"

"Freedom comes with responsibility. Let's be responsible citizens and build a great nation." (Kebebasan datang dengan tanggung jawab. Mari menjadi warga negara yang bertanggung jawab dan membangun bangsa yang hebat.)"Independence Day reminds us of our shared history and our shared future." (Hari Kemerdekaan mengingatkan kita akan sejarah bersama dan masa depan bersama kita.)"Freedom is not free. Let's honor those who sacrificed for our independence." (Kebebasan tidak gratis. Mari menghormati mereka yang berkorban untuk kemerdekaan kita.)"

"As we celebrate our independence, let's also celebrate our unity in diversity." (As we celebrate our independence, let's also celebrate our unity in diversity.) "Our founders dreamed of a free and prosperous Indonesia. Let's work to make that dream a reality." (Our founders dreamed of a free and prosperous Indonesia. Let's work to make that dream a reality.) "On this Independence Day, let's pledge to make Indonesia a better place for all." (On this Independence Day, let's pledge to make Indonesia a better place for all.)

"Celebrating the spirit of freedom and unity on this Independence Day. Merdeka!" (Celebrating the spirit of freedom and unity on this Independence Day. Merdeka!)"

30 Words of Independence Day Greetings on August 17 in English and Their Meanings, Make Your Social Media Captions Cooler

```html "On this special day, let's remember the sacrifices of our heroes and work towards a better Indonesia." (Di hari yang istimewa ini, mari kita ingat pengorbanan para pahlawan kita dan bekerja menuju Indonesia yang lebih baik.)"Proud to be Indonesian today and every day. Happy Independence Day!" (Bangga menjadi orang Indonesia hari ini dan setiap hari. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan!)"From Sabang to Merauke, we are one nation. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!" (Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, kita adalah satu bangsa. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia!) ```

"Independence is a precious gift. Let's honor it by working hard for our nation's progress." (Kemerdekaan adalah hadiah yang berharga. Mari menghormatinya dengan bekerja keras untuk kemajuan bangsa kita.)"Happy Indonesian Independence Day! May our nation continue to prosper and grow." (Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia! Semoga negara kita terus makmur dan berkembang.)"Wishing a joyous Independence Day to all Indonesians. Let's build a brighter future together." (Mengucapkan Hari Kemerdekaan yang menyenangkan untuk semua orang Indonesia. Mari kita bangun masa depan yang lebih cerah bersama.)"

"Happy 79th Independence Day, Indonesia! May our nation always stand strong and united." (Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-79, Indonesia! Semoga bangsa kita selalu berdiri kokoh dan bersatu.)"Our diversity is our strength. Let's celebrate our independence with unity in diversity." (Keberagaman kita adalah kekuatan kita. Mari rayakan kemerdekaan kita dengan persatuan dalam keberagaman.)"The red and white flag flies high today, reminding us of the courage of our ancestors." (Bendera merah putih berkibar tinggi hari ini, mengingatkan kita akan keberanian leluhur kita.)"

"Freedom, unity, prosperity. These are our goals. Happy Independence Day!" (Freedom, unity, prosperity. These are our goals. Happy Independence Day!)"

30 Words of Independence Day Greetings on August 17 in English and Their Meanings, Make Your Social Media Captions Cooler

"Red and white in my heart. Celebrating Indonesian Independence Day!" (Merah putih di hatiku. Merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia!)"Proud Indonesian, today and always. #IndependenceDay" (Bangga menjadi orang Indonesia, hari ini dan selalu. #HariKemerdekaan)"From diversity comes strength. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!"(Dari keberagaman muncul kekuatan. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia!)"79 years of freedom, unity, and progress. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!" (79 tahun kebebasan, persatuan, dan kemajuan. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan, Indonesia!)"

"To my beloved family and friends, let's celebrate our nation's independence together!" (For my beloved family and friends, let's celebrate our nation's independence together!)"Happy Independence Day! Let's make memories and celebrate our nation's history together." (Happy Independence Day! Let's make memories and celebrate our nation's history together.)"Freedom, family, and friendship - three things to be grateful for this Independence Day." (Freedom, family, and friendship - three things to be thankful for this Independence Day.)"

"On this special day, I'm grateful for the freedom we enjoy and the loved ones we share it with." (On this special day, I am grateful for the freedom we enjoy and the loved ones we share it with.) "To my Indonesian family near and far, wishing you a joyous Independence Day celebration!" (To my Indonesian family near and far, wishing you a joyful Independence Day celebration!)"

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