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Dream - "Doraemon" is one of the most iconic animated series that has entertained millions of viewers around the world with its funny antics. Behind the laughter and thrilling adventures presented, this series is also filled with valuable lessons that its audience can take away. Thus, there are many funny yet wise words from Doraemon that we can encounter. Telling the story of the friendship between Doraemon, a cat robot from the future, and Nobita, a boy who often faces various problems, this series presents many moral values such as the importance of hard work, the courage to face challenges, and the true meaning of friendship and cooperation.

40 Funny but Wise Doraemon Quotes, Both Entertainment and a Source of Life Inspiration

"Through various advanced tools possessed by Doraemon, we are invited to reflect on the impact of technology in everyday life, while still remembering the importance of humanitarian values."

Sure! Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Thus, "Doraemon" not only becomes an enjoyable watch, but also a life lesson that can inspire viewers of all ages. Below are the funny yet wise words of Doraemon as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Kata-Kata Doraemon Lucu tapi Bijak

The translation of "Kata-Kata Doraemon Lucu tapi Bijak" to English is "Doraemon's Words are Funny but Wise".

"Real men are like Giants. Even though they are stubborn and like to fight, they are afraid of their parents and care for their younger siblings."

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "It's up to you what you want to be, as long as it's useful for society."In my opinion, dreams are beautiful things."People become great after going through various obstacles and suffering."Don't think too much about the future. Just think about what you need to do in the present for your future."Not being able to sleep is indeed very suffering and torturous. I understand that suffering."That animal is indeed cute; if you love them, they will love you back."When you keep depending on others, your life will be a mess."

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: ```html "MuhStopping the plan halfway is not good." "I will not be a great prince without friends like you." "I can't stay here anymore, by your side. Will you be okay without me?" "Don't be sad, it only makes you weaker." "If you don't have what you like, then like what you currently have." "It's better to be a fool and not understand anything than to be an educated person who doesn't know the way." "We can still change the future if we have the spirit." ```

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "You won't be a child forever."A wicked person is someone who refuses to take responsibility."Life turns out to be full of struggles."Even if it's just a game, you must not cheat."If you don't have what you like, then like what you have right now."I always hope for you, as one step that I take."If there is an intention to learn, you can do it anywhere."If you accumulate small efforts every day, you will make history.""

"If money falls from the sky, no one suffers. Especially you.""

40 Funny but Wise Doraemon Quotes, Both Entertainment and a Source of Life Inspiration

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English', preserving the HTML tags: ```html "Sahabat terbaik adalah dia yang tidak tergantikan oleh siapapun." "Your best friend is the one who cannot be replaced by anyone." "Tenang, yang penting dari manusia bukan mukanya. Tapi otaknya, kekuatannya." "Calm down, what matters in a person is not their face, but their brain and strength." "Kalau perasaanmu gembira, tentu semuanya akan beres. Tapi kalau kamu bengong aja sendiri. Khan menjadi menderita gitu." "If you're feeling happy, everything will be fine. But if you're just zoning out alone, you will suffer." "Susah juga ya, mukanya besar tapi nyalinya kecil." "It's tough, isn't it? Having a big face but a small courage." "Di dunia ini kejujuran adalah hal yang bodoh." "In this world, honesty is a foolish thing." "Berterimakasih kepada sahabatmu, karena sahabatmu menutupi kekuranganmu." "Be grateful to your friend, because your friend covers your shortcomings." "Ingin mewujudkan impian gadis pujaan. Tapi tak kuasa, apalah dayaku." "I want to realize the dreams of the girl I adore. But I am powerless, what can I do?" "Membuat dengan perasaan, senang membuat kue jadi terasa lebih nikmat." "Creating with feeling, it's enjoyable to make cakes, making them taste even better." ```

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "You must know the main purpose of your future. So that you can fully understand your life's purpose."That parent is pitiful, as there is no one greater than them to turn to for support."A friend is someone who can understand your tears and can distinguish between a happy smile and a fake smile on your face."If the entire population in Japan were to be reduced to the same level as your intelligence, then the world would collapse."Eating is for living. Eating is a basic necessity. Life must eat, even though life is not solely for eating.""

"That here, in a world always surrounded by friends and family, is a place that is just as enjoyable as heaven. "Even if it's just a game, you must not cheat." "In school, you have to study first before there is a test. But in real life, we always get the test first before we learn the lesson." "

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