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40 Kata-Kata Tahun Baru Islam Bahasa Arab dan Artinya, Ciptakan Momen Pergantian Tahun yang Berkesan

"40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create Memorable Year Transition Moments"

Dream - After celebrating Eid al-Adha, which falls on the last month of the Hijri calendar, Muslims will soon welcome the Islamic New Year 1446 H. In the Gregorian calendar, the first day of Muharram 1446 H, which is the beginning of the Hijri year, falls on July 7, 2024. Muharram is the first month in the Hijri calendar. It is also considered a noble and virtuous month in Islam. That is why Muslims are encouraged to engage in various acts of worship during the month of Muharram, such as voluntary fasting, remembrance of Allah, supplication, and other acts of worship.

Well, to celebrate this good moment, Dream friends can share Arabic Islamic New Year words. The use of Arabic language will make the atmosphere of this Islamic New Year feel more memorable.

40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create a Memorable New Year Moment
40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create a Memorable New Year Moment

The following is the Arabic New Year's words that can inspire you as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Islamic New Year Words in Arabic and Their Meanings".

Every year and you are well (Kullu 'am wa antum bi-khayr) Meaning: May you all be well every year.

I hope you have a new beginning full of hope and inspiration. Artinya: Semoga Anda memiliki awal yang baru penuh harapan dan inspirasi. I wish you days full of love and peace. Artinya: Semoga Anda memiliki hari-hari penuh cinta dan kedamaian. We wish you a year full of success and achievements. Artinya: Kami berharap Anda memiliki tahun yang sukses dan penuh pencapaian. Every year, may you be well. Artinya: Semoga Anda semua dalam keadaan baik setiap tahun.

I hope you have a year full of optimism and new challenges.
Artinya: I hope you have a year full of optimism and new challenges.
I wish you a prosperous and happy year.
Artinya: I wish you a prosperous and happy year.
I wish you a year full of health and happiness.
Artinya: I wish you a year full of health and happiness.
I wish you a new beginning full of opportunities.
Artinya: I wish you a new beginning full of opportunities.


علملة اهتيار إلمبرير. ننمةل أنابل هالاني الثلهاية قيهص قيمنان الثنماه والالنيان ('Am hijri jadid mubārak. Namtalik an nabadā' hadha al-'am bi thiqah qawiyyah wa īmān qawiyy) Artinya: Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriah. Semoga kita dapat memulai tahun ini dengan keyakinan yang teguh dan iman yang kuat.

نمنيل أناني الهالني هالهخاري الجداري الالهرار انابهية ونالهيا (Natawajjahu an yakuna al-'am al-hijriyah al-jadidah 'āman mazdharan wa nabilan) Artinya: Semoga Tahun Baru Islam tahun ini menjadi tahun yang makmur dan mulia."

عام هجري جديد مبارك. نأمل أن يوجهك النبي والقرآن ('Am hijri jadid mubārak. Namtalik an yuwa'ik al-nabi wa al-Qur'ān) Artinya: Selamat Tahun Baru Islam. Semoga Nabi dan Al-Qur'an memberikan petunjuk kepada Anda.

40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create a Memorable New Year Moment

"Happy New Hijri Year 1445. We ask Allah to grant you exceptional achievements and success in the coming year. Happy New Hijri Year. May Allah protect you from all danger."

املة اسم أرومي مباركك. نامل أنحيبننا شخف سمر محرسم أمرساك أردبنلي أرلا الةنداد با الاحاقاد بحريادداي الهاقادان أرلا الإساري الشخفادايادداي ('Am Islamiyyah jadid mubārak. Namtalik an yuhawwizna shahr Muharram 'ala al-i'tiqād bi bidāyah jadīdah) Artinya: Selamat Tahun Baru Islam. Semoga Muharram ini mendorong kita untuk percaya pada awal yang baru.
في السناير الهاخريادايا نالمانكيادياداياددايادداياد، نادمنن اسماك اسمر ألاسي اسمر اللʇ بلسماد ابعاتاد (Fi Sanah Al-Hijriyah Al-Jadidah, natawajjahu an yasma' Allah jamia du'ā-ik) Artinya: Di Tahun Baru Islam ini, semoga Allah mendengar semua doa-doamu.
لنبداد العباري السمادايادداياد بلسماد الدارسي الشخفاداياددايادداي با الدارساك اللʇ من الدارساك اللʇ من اللʇ مان الأل راسم الدارساك الأل (Lanabda' al-'am al-hijriyah al-jadid bi al-du'ā' 'ilā Allah min ajli rafāhiyat al-jamia) Artinya: Mari kita mulai Tahun Baru Islam dengan berdoa kepada Allah untuk kesejahteraan kita semua.

"Happy New Hijri Year. We ask Allah to grant us inner peace, piety, and devotion. شهر محرم مبارك. نسأل الله أن يحمي أمة الإسلام من كل خطر وشر" translates to "Happy Muharram month. We ask Allah to protect the Islamic Ummah from all dangers and evils."

"\u0639\u0627\u0645 \u0647\u062c\u0631\u064a \u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f \u0645\u0628\u0627\u0631\u0643. \u0646\u0633\u0623\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0623\u0646 \u064a\u0628\u0642\u0649 \u0628\u0627\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u062c\u0646\u0629 \u0645\u0641\u062a\u0648\u062d\u064b\u0627 \u0648\u0623\u0646 \u064a\u0645\u0646\u062d\u0646\u0627 \u0631\u062d\u0645\u062a\u0647 \u0648\u0628\u0631\u0643\u062a\u0647 ('Am hijri jadid mub\u0101rak. Nasta'sil Allah an yabqa b\u0101b al-jannah mufata\u1e25an, wa an yamnaha ra\u1e25matuhu wa barkatuhu) Artinya: Selamat Tahun Baru Hijriah. Semoga pintu surga tetap terbuka, dan Allah memberikan rahmat dan berkah kepada kita." Translation: "Happy New Hijri Year. We ask Allah to keep the door of heaven open and to grant us His mercy and blessings."

40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create a Memorable New Year Moment

"May Allah accept from us and from you (Taqqabal Allah minna wa minkum) Meaning: May Allah accept our worship from us and from you. I wish for you a year filled with peace, joy, and prosperity (Atamanna lakum sanah mali'ah bis-salam wa al-farah wa ar-rahah) Meaning: I hope for you a year filled with peace, joy, and prosperity. I wish for you a new beginning filled with hope and success (Atamanna lakum bidayat jadidah mali'ah bil-amal wa an-najah) Meaning: I hope for you a new beginning filled with hope and success."

I wish you a new year filled with hope and happiness. (Atamanna lakum 'aaman jadidan mali'an bil-amal wa as-sa'adah) Meaning: I hope for you a new year full of hope and happiness. Happy New Year. (Aam sa'id) Meaning: Happy New Year. We hope this year is filled with goodness and happiness for you. (Nasa'al Allah lakum 'aman mali'an bikhair wa sa'adah) Meaning: We hope this year is filled with goodness and happiness for you. May Allah accept our good deeds from us and from you in the new year. (Taqabbal Allah minna wa minkum salih al-a'mal fi al-'am al-jadid) Meaning: May Allah accept our good deeds from us and from you in the new year.

We ask Allah to make it a year of goodness and happiness. (Nasa'al Allah an yaj'alha sanah khairun wa sa'adah) Meaning: We pray that Allah makes it a year of goodness and happiness. My wishes for you are a year filled with happiness and success. (Tamaniyati lakum bisanah mali'ah bissa'adah wa an-najah) Meaning: My hope for you is a year filled with happiness and success. May Allah bless you with goodness, prosperity, and blessings. (A'idahu Allah 'alaykum bi-al-khair wa al-yumn wa al-barakat) Meaning: May Allah bless you with goodness, prosperity, and blessings.

Let's start this year with a good intention and positive thoughts.

40 Islamic New Year Arabic Words and Their Meanings, Create a Memorable New Year Moment

I wish you a year full of health and abundance. "Atamanna lakum sanah mali'ah bissihhah wa ar-rukha'" means: I hope you have a year full of health and abundance. I wish you a new year full of happiness and peace. "Atamanna lakum sanah jadidah mali'ah bissa'adah wa as-salam" means: I hope you have a new year full of happiness and peace. May Allah continue to bless you with happiness. "Adama Allah 'alaykum al-afrāḥ" means: May Allah continue to bless you with happiness. May Allah provide you with lawful and good sustenance. "Razaqkum Allah rizqan halalan tayyiban" means: May Allah provide you with lawful and good sustenance.

I hope you have a bright and successful year. (Atamanna lakum 'aman masyriqan wa mali'an bil-najah) Meaning: I hope you have a bright and successful year. We hope you have a new year filled with love and happiness. (Natamanna lakum 'aman jadidan mali'an bil-hubb wa as-sa'adah) Meaning: We hope you have a new year filled with love and happiness. I hope you have a year filled with optimism and success. (Atamanna lakum sanah mali'ah bit-tafa'ul wa an-najah) Meaning: I hope you have a year filled with optimism and success.

"\u0623\u0639\u0627\u062f\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0639\u0644\u064a\u0643\u0645 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u062e\u064a\u0631 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u064a\u0645\u0646 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0631\u0643\u0627\u062a (A'adah Allah 'alaykum bikhair wa yaman wa barakat)" means: May Allah grant you goodness, peace, and blessings. "\u0623\u062a\u0645\u0646\u0649 \u0644\u0643\u0645 \u0639\u0627\u0645\u064b\u0627 \u062c\u062f\u064a\u062f\u064b\u0627 \u0633\u0639\u064a\u062f\u064b\u0627 (Atamanna lakum 'aman jadidan sa'idan)" means: I wish you a happy new year.

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