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6 Teknologi Mesir Kuno, yang Ternyata Masih Dipakai Hingga Sekarang

6 Ancient Egyptian Technologies, which are Still Used Until Now

Before the emergence of modern civilization, the world had known ancient civilizations. Although Greek civilization is famous, it is not the oldest. Ancient Egyptian civilization is known as one of the civilizations that has the most discoveries compared to other civilizations and can be used as a learning model for future generations. Here are some amazing discoveries from ancient Egyptian civilization!

Source: Interesting Engineering

1. Hour.

1. Hour.

Egypt made their famous sundials by using obelisks. Ancient Egyptians saw the shadow of the obelisk moving around them every day.

Through this method, they successfully identified the longest and shortest duration of the day. During the night, they relied on a water clock designed from a stone container with a small hole at the bottom to measure time.

2. Surgical Instruments.

2. Surgical Instruments.

The oldest surgical manuscript can be traced back to Egypt with the discovery of the Edwin Smith Papyrus in 1600 BC.

This document details 48 surgical cases, including various types of injuries such as fractures, wounds, dislocations, and tumors. The manuscript provides details about the types of injuries, patient examination procedures, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment methods performed. Additionally, this manuscript also notes the use of cotton, bandages, plasters, and cauterization, indicating that these surgical techniques and tools were known and used at that time.

<b>3. Tinta.</b>

3. Ink.

Along with the use of papyrus, the ancient Egyptians also developed ink creation techniques, a revolutionary innovation in their time.

Initially, they combined plant sap, soot, and beeswax to create a mixture of ink. Over time, soot was then replaced by various other materials, including red ochre, which allowed them to create various colors in the ink-making process.

4. Metal.

4. Metal.

The ancient Egyptians successfully pioneered the technique of bronze making around 3000 BC.

They found that by mixing a small amount of tin ore into copper ore, they could create a material known as bronze. The special characteristic of bronze lies in its hardness and durability, surpassing other metals during a period later known as the Bronze Age. This innovation paved the way for the production of various tools made of bronze, including weapons, armor, building materials, and decorative items.

<b>5. Pasta Gigi.</b>

5. Toothpaste.

"In ancient Egypt, toothpaste was made from a mixture of powdered cow hooves, ash, burnt eggshells, and pumice."

One recipe that is more similar to modern toothpaste involves ingredients such as rock salt, mint, dried iris flowers, and pepper seeds. Interestingly, this recipe even comes with a kind of "advertisement" offering the benefit of "powder for perfect white teeth". Dental care technology at that time reflected the creativity of the ancient Egyptians in creating solutions to maintain oral hygiene and health.

6. Writing Ability.

6. Writing Ability.

Ancient Egyptians were one of the first human groups in the art of writing and recording.

They developed the oldest form of writing known as hieroglyphs, which later evolved into the Egyptian hieratic and demotic script. Furthermore, Greek and Akram scripts also emerged as a result of the development of this innovative writing system.

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