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Muslimah Must Know! These are the 7 Criteria of an Ideal Wife According to Islamic Sharia, One of Them is Not Complaining Too Much.

Muslimah Must Know! These are the 7 Criteria of an Ideal Wife According to Islamic Sharia, One of Them is Not Complaining Too Much.

Dream - The ideal wife is a partner desired by every man. Yes, for a man who is about to get married, choosing the right woman is very important to walk together in married life later. The same goes for women who will also choose their partner as the best imam for their family. So, what are the criteria for an ideal wife according to Islamic law?

Well, here are some criteria for an ideal wife according to Islamic law as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Muslimah Wajib Tahu! Inilah 7 Kriteria Istri Idaman Sesuai Syariat Islam, Salah Satunya Tidak Banyak Mengeluh

"Criteria for Ideal Wife According to Islamic Law"

"In the Al-Quran and hadith, it has been explained how a woman should be chosen to become a wife. The following are some criteria for an ideal wife that need to be known."

1. Obey Allah SWT

The ideal wife is a woman who is obedient to Allah SWT. She always follows every command of Allah SWT. Whether it is in worship, covering the body, and so on. When a woman has a good heart, it will be easier for her to be established by the sharia. This is because she is aware of the Islamic law that commands her to cover her body.

In addition, she also obeys her husband, as long as it is not something wrong. The obedience of a wife to her husband in good matters can bring the presence of Allah SWT's blessings and happiness both in this world and the hereafter.

Muslimah Wajib Tahu! Inilah 7 Kriteria Istri Idaman Sesuai Syariat Islam, Salah Satunya Tidak Banyak Mengeluh

2. Pleasant Wife

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The pleasant appearance of a wife pleases her husband's eyes, and this can prevent the husband from looking at something forbidden. Therefore, Islam highly recommends that a wife presents herself in the best way possible when in front of her husband. For example, when the husband returns from work, he can see something pleasing and comforting to his heart, which is his wife."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Rasulullah saw said: "The best wife is the one who pleases you when you see her, obeys you when you command her, and takes care of herself and your belongings when you are away.""

Muslimah Wajib Tahu! Inilah 7 Kriteria Istri Idaman Sesuai Syariat Islam, Salah Satunya Tidak Banyak Mengeluh

3. Take care of yourself when your husband is not around.

The ideal wife is a woman who can take care of herself when her husband is not around. She preserves her honor and her husband's belongings. In other words, she can keep her husband's trust. When the husband is not at home, she should not receive guests, especially men who are not mahram.

"Except for urgent matters. For example, when there is a need to fix damages inside the house and a handyman needs to be called. In such situations, it is advisable for women to be accompanied by other women or their family members. Additionally, when a wife intends to leave the house, it is important to ask for permission from her husband."

4. Protecting Her Husband's Wealth

The ideal wife is a woman who can take care of her husband's wealth. Especially in managing household finances. Therefore, one must be careful when spending money. It is better to use money that is truly needed for household necessities and of course beneficial. It is important for a wife to have the trait of contentment in managing the family's economy.

Not excluding in establishing a simple lifestyle.

Muslimah Wajib Tahu! Inilah 7 Kriteria Istri Idaman Sesuai Syariat Islam, Salah Satunya Tidak Banyak Mengeluh

5. Not Complaining Much and Easy to Be Grateful

"As a righteous wife, one should not complain too much and be easy in expressing gratitude. By being grateful, God willing, Allah SWT will increase His blessings upon His servants, even if not always in the form of wealth. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: 'There are many women who will be the inhabitants of hell.'"

Then, the women who heard that statement asked him: "Why is that, Rasulullah?" He saw answered: "They complain a lot and they rarely express gratitude." When a woman always complains about something that happens in her household, it can make it difficult for her to be grateful for the kindness her husband gives.

6. Serving her Husband

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The ideal wife is a woman who is devoted to her husband. This does not mean that women are being demeaned. However, the husband is the leader in a household. Especially if the husband can fulfill his responsibilities as a leader without demeaning his wife, a household life that is in accordance with Islamic law can be achieved."

Even in a hadith it is explained, "The best of people are those who are beneficial to others." Through this hadith, it is realized that simply serving others already elevates one's status. So, how about serving one's husband?

7. Does not mention the shortcomings of her husband

A good wife will certainly not disclose her husband's shortcomings without a valid reason. The intention is to share with the purpose of finding a solution to the problem. Similarly, Islam prohibits revealing secrets regarding the intimate matters between husband and wife. This is because the Prophet Muhammad himself has forbidden such actions.

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