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70 Kata-Kata Akhir Zaman, Jadi Renungan dan Pengingat untuk Perbanyak Amal Kebaikan

"70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds"

"Manusia sudah semakin dekat dengan akhir zaman." translates to "Humanity is getting closer to the end of time."

Dream - Signs of the end times have started to become apparent in recent times. In the future, when the time has come to an end, humanity and the universe will experience a tremendous day called Judgment Day. Judgment Day is the day when all of our deeds and actions will be held accountable before Allah SWT. Therefore, it is important for us to always remember the afterlife and constantly improve our deeds.

70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds

"As a reminder of the importance of preparation for that day, here Dream presents 70 end-time words as material for reflection and self-reminder to increase good deeds."

"Final Words of the Era for Reflection Material"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The words of the end times are wise expressions that remind us of the afterlife and the importance of preparing for it. Therefore, these words of the end times become important reminders in living our daily lives."


"End times are the greatest test of our faith." "In the end times, goodness becomes rare, and evil prevails." "When the end times arrive, faith becomes the most valuable weapon." "Facing the end times, we need to strengthen our relationship with Allah." "End times are a call to increase goodness and piety." "In the end times, many trials test the stability of our faith."

"The sign of the end times is the emergence of many wicked actions and sins.""In the end times, many disregard moral and ethical values.""Patience becomes the key to facing trials in the end times.""The end times are a time to increase remembrance and prayer.""The emergence of small signs of the end times is a warning for us.""Beware of worldly temptations in the end times, as they can ruin the afterlife."

"The end times are a time to deepen our knowledge of religion." "Obedience to Allah becomes a helper in this difficult end times." "Maintaining noble character is a challenge in the end times full of temptations." "Injustice prevails in the end times, but the truth remains steadfast." "The end times are a time to get closer to the Qur'an." "Love for the Prophet Muhammad becomes a light in the midst of the darkness of the end times."

"The end times teach us to be wise and patient." "There are many trials in the end times, but the strength of faith is our provision." "Preserving religion in the end times is the main duty of Muslims."

70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds

"The end of time is a call for mutual help and doing good." "Holding firmly to the Sunnah of the Prophet is a guide in the end of time." "In facing the end of time, we need to increase our piety and sincerity." "The end of time teaches us to be more vigilant and cautious." "The end of time is a call to be more pious towards Allah."

"In facing the end of times, we need to have a strong understanding of religion." "The end of times is a test for our moral and spiritual integrity." "The importance of maintaining faith amidst the turmoil of the end of times." "In the end of times, honesty and truth will become rare."

"Islamic Words of Wisdom about the End of Time"

The following end-time words remind us of the importance of doing righteous deeds and living life with full awareness of the hereafter. Preparation for the Day of Judgment is an obligation for every human being, and these pearl words serve as a strong reminder of that.

"The end times teach us not to be trapped in the temptations of the world." "Obedience to Allah is a protection in the difficult end times." "The end times are a call to perform righteous deeds and do good." "The end times are a time for introspection and self-improvement." "Honesty and trustworthiness are sources of blessings in the end times." "The end times are a time to increase in seeking forgiveness and repentance."

"When the end times come, piety towards Allah becomes the greatest provision." "Maintaining the integrity of the family is a challenge in the end times." "Praying for Allah's protection is a wise step in the end times." "The end times teach us to remain steadfast and not tire of doing good." "Loyalty to religion is the key to happiness in the end times." "The end times are a time to strengthen Islamic brotherhood and fraternity."

70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds

"The end times teach us to be grateful for the blessings of Allah that we still receive." "Courage in conveying the truth is obligatory in the end times." "Facing the end times, we need to increase our acts of worship and charity."

"Facing the end of time, we need to guard our hearts and intentions." "Competing in goodness is advised in the end of time, which is full of trials." "Sincerity in worship becomes the key to success in the end of time." "The end of time teaches us to become more patient and rely on Allah." "The end of time is a time to draw closer to Allah and improve the quality of worship."

"Kata-Kata Akhir Zaman sebagai Pengingat Hari Kiamat" translates to "Words of the End Times as a Reminder of Judgment Day."

"The Day of Judgment makes people realize that they must strive for righteous deeds in order to obtain a good place in the afterlife." "Reflect on the Day of Judgment, lest we be lured by worldly pleasures alone." "The Day of Judgment is the time when the truth will be revealed and every deed will be counted fairly."

"Reminder about the Day of Judgment is the key to maintaining good morals and deeds." "Prepare righteous deeds as provisions to face the certain coming of the Day of Judgment." "Do not be too absorbed in the world, as the Day of Judgment can come at any time without us knowing." "Reflect on the life after the Day of Judgment, so that we always remember that all our actions have consequences in the hereafter.""

"Remember that the Day of Judgment is a time when there is no place to escape, all humans must face it without exception." "The Day of Judgment is a time when everyone will regret their bad deeds in the world, so let's not be among them." "Reflect on the power of Allah who will command the Day of Judgment, and prepare to face it with a sincere heart." "Reminding ourselves of the Day of Judgment will make us more cautious in our actions and always do good to others."

70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds

"Don't let the busyness of the world make us forget about the Day of Judgment, because it is one of the biggest tests for mankind. Reflect on life after the Day of Judgment, so that we always remember that all our actions have consequences in the hereafter."

"Do not let the Day of Judgment become a terrifying specter, but instead make it a motivation to continue doing good deeds." "Reminding ourselves about the Day of Judgment will make us more grateful for all the blessings that Allah has given us." "Believe that the Day of Judgment is a definite promise from Allah that will surely come, so prepare yourself as best as you can."

"Reflection on the Day of Judgment is the perfect moment to contemplate how small we are in the face of Allah's greatness, and how important it is to always be obedient to Him." "Prepare yourself for the afterlife, because the world is only a temporary stopover." "Every trial is a test for you, be patient and believe that Allah will give you the best." "Prepare yourself for the day when no one can help you except Allah."

70 Words of the End Times, Becoming Reflection and Reminder to Increase Good Deeds

From various pearls of wisdom about the end times above, we can contemplate the meaning and wisdom behind this fate. May we all be given strength and patience in facing death and living life with full consciousness of the afterlife. Amen.

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