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6 Doa agar Selamat dari Fitnah Akhir Zaman yang Wajib Diketahui Umat Islam

6 Prayers to Stay Safe from the Trials of the End Times that Muslims Must Know

"Fitnah akhir zaman terbesar adalah fitnah Dajjal." translates to "The greatest trial of the end times is the trial of the Dajjal."

Dream - The Day of Judgment becomes the end of every creature's life in the world. That is why the Day of Judgment is also called the end of time. In Islam, we must believe in the existence of the Day of Judgment as the fifth pillar of faith. However, only Allah SWT knows when the Day of Judgment will occur. One thing that friends of Dream need to be wary of is the fitnah of the end times. The greatest fitnah is the Dajjal. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad saw:

"Since the creation of Adam until the occurrence of the Doomsday, there is no greater trial than the trial of Dajjal." (HR. Ahmad)"

6 Prayers to Protect from the Trials of the End Times that Muslims Must Know
6 Prayers to Protect from the Trials of the End Times that Muslims Must Know

Well, here are some prayers to avoid the temptations of the end times as summarized by Dream from various sources.

"Forms of Slander in Islam, Especially in the End Times"

"Slander in Islam is a test or trial that befalls humanity, especially those that arise in the end times."

The form of slander can be in the form of religious slander, moral slander, political slander, social slander, and economic slander. Religious slander, for example, includes the spread of heretical teachings and radical thoughts that threaten the stability of the beliefs of Muslims. Meanwhile, moral slander includes the spread of pornography, adultery, and free association that damage religious values. Some examples of forms of slander in the end times include the spread of false information (hoaxes) through social media.

Then the act of terrorism, which is motivated by a misguided understanding of religion, as well as slander against scholars or religious leaders. To handle it, Muslims need to strengthen their faith and knowledge of their religion. Seeking refuge in Allah SWT in worship, increasing piety, and constantly deepening religious knowledge can be ways to counteract such slander. The Prophet Muhammad also taught several prayers that can be used to face such slander.

Among them is a prayer for protection from religious slander, worldly slander, and grave slander. By increasing prayers and relying on Allah, Muslims are expected to be able to overcome the trials of slander in this end times.

"Slander in the End Times warned by Prophet Muhammad"

"Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave a warning regarding the trials of the end times that will arise. What are those trials?"

Fitnah Akhir Zaman yang Diperingatkan Nabi Muhammad

Slander Dajjal: The Prophet warned his people about the emergence of Dajjal, who will bring great slander and temptation to mankind. Dajjal will claim to be a false prophet and mislead many people. Slander of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal: The Prophet also warned about the emergence of Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal, who will mislead many people with false power and miracles.

Slander of Disputes and Conflicts: Hadith records that the Prophet warned his people about the increasing disputes and conflicts in the end times, both among the Muslim community and among humanity at large. Slander of Spreading Lies: The Prophet also warned about the emergence of end-time slander in the form of spreading lies that influence and sway many people.

Slander of Lack of Religious Knowledge: Rasulullah emphasized the importance of religious knowledge in facing the slander of the end times, but also warned that there will be a lack of religious knowledge in society. Slander of Materialism and Spiritual Ignorance: Rasulullah also warned about the rampant materialism and spiritual ignorance in the end times, which will cause many people to distance themselves from religious teachings and truth.

"Rasulullah warned about various trials of the end times through recorded hadiths, as a form of advice and warning for his people to always be vigilant and strengthen their faith and religious knowledge in facing those challenges."

6 Prayers to Protect from the Trials of the End Times that Muslims Must Know

"Practice to Avoid the Temptation of Dajjal"

"To avoid the slander of Dajjal in the end times, Muslims can perform several special prayers."

Like a prayer of protection from the slander of Dajjal, a prayer to be saved from the temptations of Dajjal, and a prayer to be given strength of faith in the end times. Besides praying, increasing closeness to Allah is also important to keep away from the slander of Dajjal. Ways to do this include increasing worship, such as prayer, fasting, charity, and reading the Qur'an. Some signs of the coming of the Day of Judgment mentioned in the Qur'an and by Prophet Muhammad include the emergence of Dajjal as the greatest trial.

Then, the emergence of a large-scale war, the spread of crime and oppression, as well as the abundance of slander and temptations that will test the faith of mankind. By increasing acts of worship, praying for protection from the temptation of Dajjal, and paying attention to the signs of the end times mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah, Muslims can strengthen their faith and distance themselves from the temptations of the last days.

"Prayer to be Protected from the Slander of the End Times"

The following are prayers that friends of Dream can practice to avoid the temptations of the end times:

Doa Terhindar dari Fitnah Akhir Zaman

1. Prayer to be Protected from the Temptation of Dajjal

Allahumma inni audzubika min 'adzabi jahannama wa min adzabil qabri wa min fitnatil mahya wal mamati, wa min syarri fitnatil masihid dajjal. Artinya: "Ya Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of Hellfire, from the punishment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the trial of the false messiah, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal" (Narrated by Muslim).

2. Prayer to be Protected from Sudden Calamities

Allaahummadfa' 'annal ghalaa-a, wal balaa-a, wal wabaa-a, wal fahsyaa-a, wal munkara, was-suyuufal mukhtalifata, wasy-syadaa-ida, wal mihana maa zhahara minhaa, wa maa baathana min baladinaa haadzaaa khaassatan, wa min buldaanil muslimiina'aammatan. Innaka'alaa kulli syai'in qadiir. Translation: O Allah, repel from us calamities, trials, epidemics, indecencies, evil deeds, different types of swords, misfortunes, and any afflictions that may appear from our specific city and from the general cities of the Muslims. Indeed, You have power over all things.

Meaning: "O Allah, protect us from calamity, disaster, evil, injustice, various disputes, cruelty, and war, both apparent and hidden, in our country specifically and in the Muslim community in general. Indeed, You, O Allah, have power over everything."

3. Prayer for Goodness in the World and Hereafter

"Rabbanā, ātinā fid dunyā hasanah, wa fil ākhirati hasanah, wa qinā 'adzāban nār. Artinya: 'Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat, dan lindungilah kami dari azab neraka.'" Translation: "Our Lord, give us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the fire."


4. Prayer to Not be Humiliated on Judgment Day

Wa lā tukhzinī yauma yub'aṣu. Yauma lā yanfa'u māluwwa lā banūn. Illā man atallāha biqalbin salīm. Artinya: "And do not disgrace me on the day they are resurrected. (That is) on the day when wealth and children will not benefit (anyone), except those who come to Allah with a sound heart." (Q.S. Asy-Syu'ara: 87-89)

5. Prayer to be Protected from the Evil of the Oppressors and Infidels

Rabbi fa lā taj'alnī fil-qaumiṭ-ṭālimīn. Artinya: Ya Tuhanku, maka janganlah Engkau jadikan aku berada di antara orang-orang yang zalim". Translation: "O my Lord, do not make me among the oppressors."


6. Prayer for Glory on the Last Day

Rabbana amanna faktubna ma'as syahidin. Artinya: "Ya Tuhan kami, kami telah beriman, maka catatlah kami bersama orang-orang yang menjadi saksi (atas kebenaran Al Quran dan kenabian Muhammad)". Translation: Our Lord, we have believed, so record us among the witnesses. It means: "O our Lord, we have believed, so write us down among the witnesses (to the truth of the Quran and the prophethood of Muhammad)."

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