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60 Kata-Kata Lucu yang Bikin Kesal Bacanya, tapi Bijak dan Menghibur Banget

"60 Funny Words that Make You Annoyed Reading Them, but Wise and Very Entertaining"

Funny words that make you frustrated to read, but wise and entertaining.

Dream - Funny words are occasionally important for oneself to provide refreshment to the mind. Especially for Dream friends who are busy every day with brain-draining work. Reading funny words will give new energy that can make your tiredness subside or even disappear. However, there are also funny words that make someone feel annoyed.

However, despite making you annoyed, you still laugh at the series of words that tickle your funny bone. Here are the funny words that make you annoyed as compiled by Dream through

60 Funny Words that Make You Annoyed to Read, but Wise and Very Entertaining
Kata-Kata Lucu yang Bikin Kesal Bacanya

"Kata-Kata Lucu yang Bikin Kesal Bacanya" translates to "Funny Words that Make You Annoyed Reading Them"

"Earlier this morning, I temporarily lost my glasses, but it turns out they were already being worn and hung around my neck." "I almost fell asleep in the wrong bed."

"Eating 20 skewers of satay, but when counted only 19."Forgot the key inside the house when going out."Wrong choice of shampoo, it made the hair tangled."I will start a diet tomorrow... tomorrow... oh, maybe tomorrow again!"Hoping for a big discount, went to the store but it was sold out!"Only bought one item at the supermarket, but had to wait in line for a long time."Panic looking for the phone, turns out it was being used for a call."Not finished painting nails, something spilled!""

"Wanting to arrive quickly at the destination, ended up getting lost." "Cooking half-cooked eggs, oh it turns out they melted in my hand." "Stepping on the gas on the road, oh turns out the fuel is still far from empty." "Searching for the phone, turns out it was in my grasp." "Taking a small walk, still ended up missing the end." "Looking for the address of the rabbit's house, ended up starving." "The naughtiness, it rained when I brought a small umbrella." "Misplacing underwear, it's inside out." "Intending to sleep early, ended up staying awake until late at night." "Towards the end of the month, the wallet gets thinner."

"Funny Words that Make You Annoyed but Wise"

"Do not trust too much in sweet words, maybe it's just undissolved sugar." "If words could depict feelings, I would become a novel with an unclear ending."

"Sometimes it's hard not to get frustrated, but what can we do, life doesn't always go as planned." "It's annoying, but honestly, I can't refuse if offered delicious food." "Often annoyed with people, but turns out I also sometimes make others annoyed." "A true friend is someone who is always there, except when asked for money." "Having trouble moving on? Try to take a little step, surely you can move on." "Don't underestimate short people, because when they get angry, height cannot be relied upon."

"If you don't know the meaning of patience, try asking the person who delivers chicken noodle soup, they definitely know." "If you're frustrated with life, just try asking for an inheritance from a wealthy person."

60 Funny Words that Make You Annoyed to Read, but Wise and Very Entertaining

"Kata-Kata Lucu yang Bikin Kesal tapi Sarat Makna" translates to "Funny Words that Make You Annoyed but Full of Meaning" in English.

"Single is like WiFi in the village, sometimes available but unable to connect."

"Eating vegetables is important, but eating martabak is also important, right?"Don't fall in love too often, or you'll get a headache on your own."Waiting for someone is like waiting for rain in the dry season, exhausting but sometimes there is hope."Don't eat too much instant noodles, or it will become 'Annoying noodles'."Life is like a coin, it has two sides and often gets lost under the sofa."A sailor says, 'The ocean is my home', but I prefer a home with an en-suite bathroom.""

"When life gives you oranges, ask for sugar at the same time." "If happiness is simple, why bother thinking about mathematical formulas?"

60 Funny Words that Make You Annoyed to Read, but Wise and Very Entertaining

"Funny Words that Annoy but Laden with Meaning"

"Positive thinking is good, but eating ice cream is also good, right?"

"Hoarding those things makes the room full, but the heart is even fuller with memories."Sleeping is important, but staying up late is also important, because of Netflix."Eating spicy food is challenging, but going to the toilet is even more challenging."Looking for a job is like finding a needle in a haystack, difficult but sometimes you find it."Being busy is tiring, but being bored is also tiring. Life is a paradox."Walking is healthy, but driving a car is more enjoyable."Having a toothache is torturous, but the cost of dental treatment is even more torturous.""

"Losing something is sad, but losing one's sanity is even sadder."Saving money is difficult, but spending it is much easier.""

60 Funny Words that Make You Annoyed to Read, but Wise and Very Entertaining
Funny Words that are Annoying but Very Entertaining

Funny Words that are Annoying but Very Entertaining

"Looking for a job is like looking for a life partner, you have to accept what is there even if it doesn't meet your expectations."

"Why do donkeys have big ears? Because they need space to store all kinds of words that need to be spoken."I'm not skinny, I can only store food in unseen places."Now it's hard to find a loyal girlfriend, like looking for a needle in a pile of hay."That's why, never judge a book by its cover. Who knows, there might be an interesting continuation of the story inside."If love is a game, why am I always the loser?""

"Payday is like a cloud in the dry season, always anticipated but often doesn't appear." "Being single is like a dish that never gets finished, when you finally try it, turns out it tastes bitter." "You should stop drinking coffee. Try finding a friend who can support you, like martabak." "I want to be like Superman, but unfortunately, my underwear is not allowed to be worn outside."

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