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70 Kata-Kata Bijak Islami Tentang Wanita Muslimah, Jadi Pedoman Sehari-Hari

"70 Wise Islamic Words About Muslim Women, Becoming a Guide for Daily Life"

Dream - Islam positions women in a highly respected position. This is emphasized in several verses of the Quran and hadith. In the Quran, in Surah Luqman verse 14, where Allah SWT commands us to respect both parents, especially the mother. The Prophet mentioned the mother three times as the person who deserves the most respect and should be treated well.

70 Wise Islamic Words About Muslim Women, Becoming a Daily Guide

That shows how Islam truly places women in a very high position.

"For that reason, the existence of Islamic wise words about women is also important to appreciate their existence. This can also remind us of the importance of women's role in Islam. In addition, Islamic wise words about women can also serve as a reference on how to behave as a righteous woman or how to approach women in accordance with the teachings of Islam."

"For example, you may perceive the hijab as a limitation. But after reading the wise Islamic words about women below, you will realize that it is actually a form of respect for women in Islam. Well, here Dream summarizes from several sources wise Islamic words about women that can at least make you reflect and gain a new perspective in life."

"Islamic Words for Women"

"Wanita bukanlah pakaian yang bisa kamu pakai dan kamu lepas semaumu. Mereka terhormat dan memiliki haknya"."Islam mewajibkan wanita menutup aurat karena Islam melindunginya dari pandangan buas para lelaki"."Wanita itu sama seperti bunga. Mereka harus diperlakukan dengan lembut, baik, dan penuh kasih sayang". - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Women are not garments that you can wear and take off as you please. They are honorable and have their rights"."Islam obliges women to cover their bodies because Islam protects them from the lustful gaze of men"."Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love". - Ali bin Abi Thalib


"A good Muslim woman, with her good character and wise demeanor, is like a pearl in the seventh heaven, not just anyone can see and touch her". "A good woman is for a good man. And a good man is for a good woman as well". - Surah An-Nur 26. "When you love someone for the sake of Allah, that love will never fade away". "Men dream of a perfect woman. Women dream of a perfect man. They don't know that Allah SWT created them to complete each other". - Ahmad Al Sughairi"

"A righteous man will not lead you away from Allah. If he does, then he is the wrong man". - Abdul Bary Yahya" "When your heart hopes too much for someone, then Allah inflicts upon you the pain of a hope, so that you may know that Allah is extremely jealous of a heart that hopes for other than Him. So Allah prevents you from that matter so that you may return to hoping in Him". - Imam Shafi'i "The hijab is not just a protection for women but it represents the magnitude of their strength and beauty".

"When making a decision involving Him, and letting go of something we love for shari'a reasons. Don't be afraid! Because Allah will replace it for you, even better, believe it." "A person's religion is in accordance with the religion of their close friend. You should see who their close friend is." "This world is an adornment, and the best adornment is a righteous woman." - HR. Muslim, Ibnu Majjah, and Nasa'i "A good woman is one who understands the need for entertainment." "Every mother is a school for her children."

"Wise Islamic Words About Women"

"And know that indeed victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulty. And after difficulty, surely ease will come". - HR. Tirmidzi"Islam elevates the status of women from the earth's bottom until eventually paradise is placed under her feet"."Be a Muslimah who possesses two beauties, outer beauty protected by the hijab syar'i. Inner beauty adorned with noble character"."

"Human beings in ancient times were almost naked. After their intelligence developed, they began to wear clothes. What I am wearing now symbolizes the highest civilization and thinking that humans have ever achieved. This is not a regression. Undressing is the regression that will take us back to ancient times." - Tawakkul Karman "It is not patience if it still has limits, and it is not sincerity if it still feels pain." "For all the pain you experience, be patient and endure, because Allah knows your limits."

"It is far better to lose something for God than to lose God to gain something". "The human heart is like a cup. The more you fill it with love for Allah, the less space is left to be filled with love for the world". "Allah has already written the name of your soulmate. All you need to do is strengthen your relationship with Allah". "Waiting for you in patience is more beautiful to me than expressing it. Waiting for you in prayer is more meaningful than explaining it"."

"The best jewelry for a woman is her modesty"."Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that"."A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who do not like her".

"If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, obeys her husband, it will be said to her, 'Enter paradise'. - HR. Ahmad" "Women are the pillars of a nation, if the women are good, then the nation is also good, but if the women are bad, then the nation is also bad." - Prophet Muhammad PBUH

"Wise Islamic Words About Women"

"Allah made you a Muslimah because He wants to see you in paradise, all you need to do is deserve it." "The world is an adornment, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife." (Narrated by Muslim) "Islam elevates the status of women from the foundation of the earth to ultimately placing paradise beneath her feet." (Dr. Maulana Ansari)

"If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her: Enter paradise." (HR. Ahmad) "The best adornment for a woman is her sense of modesty." (Fatimah, daughter of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) "Every mother is a school for her children." "Women are the pillars of a nation, if its women are good, then the nation is also good, but if its women are bad, then the nation is also bad." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

"Women are not clothes that you can wear and take off as you please. They are honorable and have their rights." (Umar bin Khattab) "Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love." (Ali bin Abi Thalib) "Muslim women are the diamonds of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers." "Muslim women use their mouths to speak the truth, their voices for goodness, their ears for compassion, and their hearts to love those who do not like them."

"Muslim women use their mouths to speak the truth, their voices for goodness, their ears for compassion, and their hearts to love those who dislike them." "A righteous and wise Muslim woman is like a pearl in the seventh heaven, not just anyone can see and touch her." "A woman should not be like the moon that everyone can see without any cover, but a woman should be like the sun that makes eyes bow down before looking at her.""

"Wise Islamic Words About Women"

"Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that." "And know that indeed victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulties. And after hardship, surely ease will come." (HR. Tirmidzi) "Hijab is not just a protection for women but also portrays the strength and beauty within them.""

"Patience is not true patience if it has limits, and sincerity is not true sincerity if it still feels pain." "Be a Muslimah who possesses two beauties, outer beauty protected by the hijab syar'i. Inner beauty adorned with noble character." "Allah's promises never disappoint, and if you still feel disappointed, there may be something wrong with your faith." "It is far better to lose something for the sake of Allah than to lose Allah in order to gain something." (Mufti Menk)

"When your heart is shattered, it's good. With a broken heart, the light of God will easily enter it." (Shaykh Hamza Yusuf) "Do not let your tongue mention the flaws of others, for you also have flaws and others also have tongues." "What's wrong if life is not perfect? After all, this is not paradise." (Nourman Ali Khan) "Why should Muslim women wear hijab? Because their beauty is for their husbands, not for everyone."

"A strong person is not someone who never cries, but someone who remains steadfast amidst temptations."For all the pain you experience, be patient and persevere, because Allah knows your limits."O my brothers and sisters, one day your body will be covered with a cloth from head to toe. Do not let your last day on earth be the first day you wear a hijab."Hijab is not just about what you wear, but also about your attitude and words.""

"Islamic Words for Muslimah Women"

"The Muslim woman is a hidden gem, valued for her wisdom and strength in facing trials." "When a Muslim woman wears a hijab, she not only covers her body, but also shields her heart with piety and purity." "The elegance of a Muslim woman radiates from the purity of her heart and her obedience in following Allah's commands."

"Muslim women are examples of patience and perseverance, facing life's trials with strong faith."When a Muslim woman adorns herself with noble character, she becomes a light that illuminates her family and society."The gentleness of a Muslim woman is not a sign of weakness, but a strength that inspires goodness and compassion."Muslim women value their dignity by guarding their modesty and avoiding behaviors that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings.""

"When Muslim women strive for knowledge, they open the door to wisdom and enlightenment for future generations. " "The faithfulness of a Muslim woman strengthens the family and builds a solid foundation for living life. " "Muslim women are the main pillar in building a society based on high moral and spiritual values."

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