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"75 Islamic Grateful Words Full of Meaning and Soothing to the Heart"

"Through words of gratitude, we can remind ourselves of all the blessings that Allah SWT has bestowed upon us."

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

Dream - Gratitude is a form of self-acceptance towards everything that has been given by the Almighty. There are many ways to always be grateful.

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

Not only that, gratitude can also be expressed through words that have deep meaning and certainly soothe the heart. Through these grateful words, they can also serve as a reminder of all the blessings that God has given. Moreover, by always being grateful, life will feel more peaceful. By being grateful, this will also bring us closer to God. Because in our hearts and minds, the name of God is already embedded. Now, here are Islamic grateful captions quoted from various sources.

"Words of Islamic Gratitude"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Here are meaningful and heart-touching Islamic words of gratitude. "As Muslims, it is our duty to appreciate all the blessings bestowed upon us by Allah SWT, regardless of how we live in this world. He enhances His blessings for those who are grateful, but for those who constantly complain, surely He will punish them as well." "To become a better Muslim, we must learn to be grateful for what we have."

"There are many prayers that can help us get what we want. Therefore, we must also recite prayers to keep our hearts in the right place and be grateful to Allah SWT for everything He has given us." "Not everyone can thank Allah SWT for His blessings. If you can thank Him for His blessings, you must feel very lucky because you can express your gratitude to Him and be a blessing for yourself." "You must be grateful. No matter how bad your situation is." "More than 151,000 people die in this world every day, I am grateful to Allah for still giving me time to improve my afterlife."

"Remember always and never forget to say Alhamdulillah for everything that Allah has blessed us with." "Alhamdulillah for everything I have, Alhamdulillah for everything I have, and Alhamdulillah for everything I will have."

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"Say Alhamdulillah now and always because Allah has given us the opportunity to thank Him." "No matter what difficulties you face, never lose faith in Allah, say Alhamdulillah. Allah is with the believers." "Be grateful no matter what your condition is now. Happiness begins with gratitude that is always expressed." "I try to appreciate the small gifts from Allah. Extraordinary." - Mufti Ismail Menk "Indeed, Allah allows someone to enjoy blessings as long as He wishes. But when His servant no longer thanks Him for it, He turns it into punishment." - Al-Hasan al-Basri "Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you lose everything." - Waleed Basyouni

"The more you appreciate what you have, the more you will be blessed by Him. The more you complain about what you don't have, the further you distance yourself from Him." - Nadir Keval"

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"Grateful for your life, every detail of it, and your face will shine like the sun. Everyone who sees it will be made happy and peaceful." - Rumi "Happiness is achieved through three things: Patience when tested, gratitude when receiving blessings, and repentance when committing sins." - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah "Leaving sin out of fear of Allah is good, but showing gratitude for what He has blessed is better." - Yasir Qadhi "Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have." - HR. Ahmad "Whoever does not appreciate the little, will not be able to appreciate much." - HR. Ahmad

"The richest person is the one who accepts Allah's distribution (destiny) with a happy heart." - Ali bin Husein "When your problems become too heavy to handle, take a rest and count the blessings you have received."

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"There is no eternal suffering, there is no eternal happiness. Except for those who are grateful, they will forever feel happiness." "Be grateful when you do not know something. Because it gives you an opportunity to learn." "Be grateful for the mistakes you make. It will teach valuable lessons." "Do not stop trying when encountering failure. Be grateful because failure is how God teaches us the meaning of sincerity." "The secret of happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity." "Allah knows what is best for you and when the right time is for you to have it.""

"Know that gratitude is the highest level, higher than patience, fear (khauf), and detachment from the world (zuhud). - Imam al-Ghazali"

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"\u201cOften we only see one time when we are sick and forget 99 times when we are healthy. Whenever we lose gratitude, then we will lose our faith. \u2013 Sheikh Kamaluddin Ahmed\u201cGratitude is not just a word of Alhamdulillah. Gratitude is an attitude. It is a lifestyle. It is a way of thinking. Keep being grateful. \u2013 Nouman Ali Khan\u201cGrateful people always adorn their faces with smiles.\u201d\u201cDon't just thank Allah when everything goes well, thank Him even when everything feels difficult."\u201cWhen I cannot express Your beauty in words, I keep Your love in my heart. - Jalaluddin Rumi"

"\u201cWhen you want to praise someone, praise Allah. For no human being gives you more and is more gentle and kind to you than Allah. - Umar bin Khattab\u201cOur only reason for being present in this world is to bear witness to the oneness of Allah. - Buya Hamka"

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"\u201cGrateful for all of God's blessings. The blessings that are visible and the blessings that are invisible. The blessings of the physical and the blessings of the spiritual.\u201d\u201cNo matter how good or bad your life is, wake up every morning and be grateful that you still have it.\u201d\u201cIt is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us happy.\u201d\u201cGratitude will add to the little blessings and multiply the abundant ones.\u201d"Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not achieved"If we think ungratefully, there will be many things to complain about. But if we think gratefully, there are truly countless blessings that we have received."

"The characteristic of human negligence is often complaining when being tested and rarely being grateful when receiving blessings." "To obtain what you like, first you must be patient with what you dislike." - Imam Al Ghazali

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart


"Health is a blessing, while sickness is Allah's love. " "The blessing of good health is a gift from Him that has a wide impact on all aspects of life. Hoping and striving to always be healthy in order to make life more meaningful." - Henny Perwitosari

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"\u201cIf the pleasure of pain is Allah's way of testing your patience, then the pleasure of health is Allah's way of testing the magnitude of your gratitude.\u201d\u201cThe most delightful pleasure in this world is good health. Because whatever you have in this world, you cannot enjoy it if you are sick.\u201d\u201cGratitude increases and the pleasure of health becomes more precious when pain comes. Always be grateful in any condition, especially when you are healthy.\u201d \u2013 Henny Perwitosar\u201cHealth is the most beautiful blessing that we sometimes forget to be grateful for.\u201d\u201cPleasure is sometimes not realized. Only when it is gone, then humans truly realize.\u201d\u201cNo one should feel secure about two things: health and wealth.\u201d \u2013 Ali bin Abi Thalib"

"True wealth is not measured by the amount of possessions, but true wealth lies in a heart that always feels content." HR. Bukhari and Muslim "Do not worry too much about the blessings that Allah has not yet given."

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"Orang yang mengabaikan kesehatan dirinya adalah orang yang menabung masalah untuk masa depannya." "Kesehatan adalah kekayaan terbesar yang memberikan nikmat kebahagiaan dan nikmat kebugaran di sepanjang hari." - Djajendra "Sebelum kamu mengeluh tentang rasa dari makananmu, pikirkan tentang seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan." "Bukan bahagia yang menjadikan kita bersyukur, tetapi dengan bersyukur yang akan menjadikan kita bahagia."

"Words of Gratitude in Arabic and Their Meanings"

"Al'ashkhas almumtanawn dayman yuzayinun wujuhahum biabtisama." (People who are grateful always adorn their faces with smiles.)"Laysat alsaeadat hi alati tajealuna mumtanina, bal aliamtinan hu aladhi yajealuna sueada'." (It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but rather gratitude that makes us happy.)"Kulu ma tahsul ealayh fi hadha alealam lan yakun mthalyan 'iidha lam takun mmtnan lah." (Whatever you acquire in this world will not be perfect if you cannot be thankful for it.)"

"I don't expect to be perfect because I want to complement it with my imperfections.""

75 Islamic Grateful Words that are Meaningful and Soothing to the Heart

"Sanahsul ealaa alkathir min alsaeadat 'iidha shaearna bialiamtinan likuli ma nahsul ealayhi." (We will gain a lot of happiness if we can be grateful for everything we receive.)"Siru alsaeadat fi thalathat 'ashya'i: alsabra, walshukra, wal'iikhlas." (The secret to happiness lies in 3 things: patience, gratitude, and sincerity.)"Kun mmtnan lil'akhta' alati tartakibuha. wasawf yaelam darsan qiaman." (Be grateful for the mistakes you make. It will teach valuable lessons.)"Ladaya alkathir li'akun mumtanana lah. 'ana bisihat jayidat wasaeidat wamahbubati. alhamd lilah." (I have many things to be grateful for. I am healthy, happy, and loved. Alhamdulillah.)""

"Alsaeadat basitat jdan, nahtaj faqat 'an nakun shakirin lilnieam alati wahabaha allah lana." (Happiness is very simple, we just need to be grateful for the blessings that Allah has given us.)"Alhamdulilhi, 'uhawil dayman 'an 'akun mmtnan likuli alnieam alati manahatni 'iiaaha." (Alhamdullah, I always try to be grateful for all the blessings that You have given me.)"

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