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"Portrait of Old Life in Train Carriages in the 80s, Fried Rice Seller Cooking in a Kuali Like a Street Food Stall"

Dream - Train has been used as a mode of transportation by the Indonesian people for a long time. Used by millions of passengers every year, train operators continue to improve for the comfort of their passengers. The facilities enjoyed by train passengers are now much more modern. Even when compared to the earth and the sky. In the past, inter-province trains did not enforce rules as strict as they do now. Apart from the comfort it provides today, the condition of trains in the past holds many memories. Many people long for the old KAI just to reminisce about the past. As seen in the viral post on Instagram account @dunia.nostalgia.

Potret Lawas Kehidupan di Gerbong Kereta Tahun 80-an, Penjual Nasi Goreng Masak di Kuali bak Warung Kaki Lima

In the video, the design of the train appears to be very different from the current economy train of KAI. Instead of air conditioning, passengers can only rely on the train's air circulation from the windows.

Reading newspapers and books

Then a number of netizens admitted that during that era, cell phones had not yet invaded Indonesia. When bored, people would choose to read books or newspapers that were offered.

Aroma bercampur aduk

The translation of the text "Aroma bercampur aduk" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The scent is mixed and stirred."

Not only that, the distinctive smell of train carriages also becomes a memory of the old Indonesian Railways (KAI). Speaking of the aroma, a few people remember the atmosphere like a traditional market, becoming an old icon of KAI.

In the video, it can be seen that the vibes of the train at that time were more populist and there was no passenger discipline yet. The presence of roaming vendors in the train cars is a normal thing that train passengers usually experience.

Potret Lawas Kehidupan di Gerbong Kereta Tahun 80-an, Penjual Nasi Goreng Masak di Kuali bak Warung Kaki Lima
Potret Lawas Kehidupan di Gerbong Kereta Tahun 80-an, Penjual Nasi Goreng Masak di Kuali bak Warung Kaki Lima

Various snacks to heavy meals are offered to passengers at relatively cheaper prices compared to train food. One heavy meal that is equally attention-grabbing is KAI fried rice, apparently available since the 80s era.

Portrait of a fruit vendor on a train

Portrait of a fruit vendor on a train

It's not just oily food, healthy snacks like fruits can also be easily bought without having to visit food stalls. Just raise your hand, the fruits will be delivered by the vendor.

The phenomenon is flooded with comments from netizens who are brought back to memories of when the popular train was operating. "I miss riding the train in the old days, I used to often ride the Medan - Siantar train, at that time there were many vendors selling snacks inside the train, after getting off the train, it still felt like being rocked inside the train," wrote the account @herlinathiara. "I remember the first time I traveled to Bandung in '95, the economy class ticket price was still 7500 rupiah.. I brought my wife and a 9-month-old child," wrote the account @putut.wijaya. "It brings back childhood memories.. riding the small train in Bandung for 2000 rupiah. Falling into the middle of the rail and smelling really bad, then bathing at the police station.. and carrying a bag like a panda doll filled with cotton.. smelly and heavy," wrote the account @1719novibamboo. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

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