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Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan<br>

Funny Moment Woman Forgets to be a Bride, Becomes MC Instead due to Habit

Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan

Dream - Most couples nowadays choose to entrust their wedding reception to experienced wedding organizers. Usually, the WO has prepared all the needs starting from welcoming guests, MC, music accompaniment, and even catering at once.

If you have used the services of a wedding organizer, the bride only needs to sit sweetly and enjoy the happy moments and welcome the guests. However, there are brides who cannot stay still and have funny behaviors at their wedding. Sometimes the bride even forgets that she is the queen for a day. Like this woman from Malaysia named Ain Nadiah Joyah who acts like an MC at her wedding even though she is the bride. This incident was recorded by her friend named Nadia on her TikTok account @nadianazzuan.

"If the member is always the MC at other people's wedding events. He forgets that he is the bridegroom,""
write video description.


In the video, it can be seen that the woman called Ain Nadiah bowed and tried to welcome when the MC invited the bride to step onto the stage. Suddenly, Ain Nadiah just remembered that she was the bride at the event.

Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan
Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan

"Ain Nadiah also slapped her head as if realizing her mistake. The woman then smiled while trying to hide her embarrassment because her friends saw her funny action."

"The person is already accustomed to helping the bride and groom as an MC at wedding events. After watching this video, he laughed at himself,"
"Nadia Nazzuan, a friend of Ain Nadiah, revealed as reported by MStar."


Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan

Nadia Nazzuan also explained that Ain Nadiah works as a freelance MC in the same office as her. Both women met in 2017 and became colleagues as well as friends.

"Kami bersahabat dari 2017, satu kantor dan dia pernah jadi MC di pernikahan saya. Dia memang sahabat susah senang saya sejak dulu,"
Nadia's word.


Momen Kocak Wanita Lupa sebagai Pengantin, Malah Jadi MC karena Kebiasaan

"Nadia Nazzuan then showed a recording of her best friend's funny actions when she became a bride. The bride then thanked her for capturing that moment. The woman also said that the video recorded by Nadia Nazzuan would be the most beautiful memory on her wedding day."

The video shared by Nadia Nazzuan on her TikTok went viral. Many netizens were entertained and commented on the video. "Afraid that after getting married, I'll end up searching for a buffet," wrote the account @9711_aminah. "Laughing out loud, it's already stuck in my heart," wrote the account @helmunia. "Pick up alone, ride alone," wrote the account @nm_biz_n_art_venture. "I'm so afraid that suddenly I'll go to work as a food guard after getting married. Being a table guard too often," wrote the account @aira_rif. "I'm so afraid of making mistakes because of the habit of working overtime," wrote the account @bybybymielll. Report: Yulia Putri.


Bila member dah selalu jadi emcee majlis kahwin orang. Dia lupa dia pengantin 🤣

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