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Jawaban Rasulullah SAW atas Pertanyaan Rahib Yahudi, Jadi Bukti Suka Bohong dan Berkhianat

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Response to the Question of a Jewish Monk, Becomes Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray"

The characters of the Jewish people are also explained by Allah SWT in the Quran.

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

"Dream - Al-Quran holds many stories that are filled with lessons. One of the stories that is told is about the Bani Israil, which also reveals the bad character within themselves."

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

It is narrated that Allah SWT sent Prophet Moses to help free the Bani Israil who were treated cruelly by Pharaoh and demanded that they worship only one God. However, what did the Bani Israil do? After being freed, they did not show gratitude to Allah SWT. Instead, they associated partners with Allah SWT and did not listen to what Prophet Moses preached. They went on to make a golden calf statue and worship it. Through several narrated stories, it shows that the Jews have bad qualities. The same goes when a Jewish monk asked Prophet Muhammad a question that was answered well.

What happened and what did they do? Here is as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Answer of Prophet Muhammad to the Question of the Jewish Monk"

One day the Jewish monks asked Prophet Muhammad some questions. If those questions could be answered by him, then they would follow and acknowledge him.

The first question asked by the Jewish monk to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was: "Explain to us how a baby resembles its mother, even though the sperm comes from its father!" The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) answered, "I swear by Allah and by His days among the Children of Israel, do you know that male sperm is white and thick, while female ovum is yellow and thin? Whichever of the two is dominant, the resemblance will occur in it." The monk replied, "Yes, Allah, that is true."

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

Then, the second question: "Explain to us, how do you sleep?" The Prophet Muhammad answered: "I swear by Allah and by His days in the Children of Israel, don't you know that my sleep is like what you assume, that my eyes do not sleep, while my heart is awake (not sleeping)." The monk replied, "Yes, Allah, that's true." The Prophet Muhammad said, "That's how I sleep too, my eyes sleep, but my heart does not sleep."

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

Then, the third question: "Explain to me what Israel has forbidden upon itself!" The Prophet Muhammad answered: "I swear by Allah and by His days among the Children of Israel, do you know that the favorite food and drink of Israel used to be camel meat and camel milk? Then, when he became ill, Allah cured him, and he forbade himself from consuming the food and drink that he used to love as an expression of gratitude to Allah. He forbade himself from eating camel meat and drinking camel milk." The monk replied, "Yes, Allah, that is true."

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

Then, the fourth question: "Explain to us about the spirit!" Rasulullah saw answered: "I swear by Allah and by His days in Bani Israil, do you know that Jibril came to me?" The monk answered: "Oh Allah, that is true. But O Muhammad, we are against him. He is an angel, but he behaves harshly and sheds blood. If he didn't do that, we would surely follow you."

"Character of Jewish People"

"Through the story between a Jewish monk and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Allah SWT also revealed verses that explain the characteristics of the Jewish people."

"Should they then break their covenant every time they make it, and throw it away? Indeed, most of them do not believe." (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 100) Through the above verse, according to the interpretation of Al-Muyassar, it explains the bad condition of the Children of Israel in their violations of the agreements. Every time they make an agreement, they throw it away and violate it.

The Answer of Prophet Muhammad SAW to the Question of the Jewish Monk, Becoming Evidence of Liking to Lie and Betray

"And when a Messenger from Allah came to them confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know (that it is the Book of Allah)." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 101) According to the interpretation of Al-Muyasaar, when the Prophet Muhammad came to them and brought the Quran that was in line with the content of the Taurat, they threw the Book of Allah SWT behind their backs. Their behavior was like that of ignorant people.

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