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"75 Words of Satire for a Partner who Doesn't Appreciate Us, Sharp and Piercing"

Dream - Sometimes love life doesn't always go smoothly. Sometimes one of them feels unappreciated by their partner. When emotions are controlled and communication is not smooth, often someone will feel upset and end up with a big fight. Some couples choose to remind their partners by making sarcastic remarks to their unappreciative lover through status or social media.

"Although not directly stated rudely, these sarcastic words for an unappreciative boyfriend can be conveyed well. Let's just take a look at some sarcastic sentences for a boyfriend who doesn't appreciate us."

75 Sarcastic Words for a Partner Who Doesn't Appreciate You, Subtle but Very Piercing

"Satire Words for a Boyfriend who Doesn't Appreciate Us"

1. Darling, not everyone is willing to be a substitute every time you need them only. 2. If you feel better off without me, maybe you should try living without me. 3. Love is not a reason to belittle and not appreciate others.


4. Sorry if I only feel like your second choice. 5. A boyfriend/girlfriend should not only know how to find strengths, but also appreciate their partner's weaknesses. 6. Maybe I should remind you, true love should not ignore their partner's feelings and efforts. 7. When I am always used as a place to vent, but belittled when I need someone to listen, it hurts. 8. If you don't appreciate it, it's better to be honest that there are no feelings left.

9. There is no need to exaggerate yourself, if your heart is small and unable to appreciate others. 10. I deserve more than just a drop of attention amidst your busyness. 11. Love should make you better, not the other way around, making others feel unappreciated. 12. Perhaps it's best if we distance ourselves if it will only make me feel unappreciated. 13. When I always give my best but it's not appreciated, maybe it's time to leave.

14. If you keep comparing me to others, maybe you will realize that I can be better without you.
15. I am not a doll to be kept when not needed, I also have feelings that deserve to be respected.

75 Sarcastic Words for a Partner Who Doesn't Appreciate You, Subtle but Very Piercing

"Sarcastic Words for a Boyfriend who Doesn't Appreciate Us"

1. You are always busy with yourself, am I here just to be a complement to your life? 2. Thank you for treating me like a disposable item that you can just throw away. 3. I don't know if you really love me or just want to have someone who is always by your side.

4. Maybe for me it's just a dream if you will ever appreciate my efforts for you. 5. I'm tired of trying to be the best in your eyes, while you only see and judge from the surface. 6. You prefer to be busy with other people instead of giving the attention that you should give to me.

7. If you continue like this, it's no wonder that you will eventually lose someone who is always loyal to accompany you. 8. I am not a doll that you can play with as you wish, I am a human being with feelings. 9. Maybe you need to learn to prioritize someone who is always there for you, not just when you need them. 10. Sometimes, I feel more valuable when I am not around you, because you will only realize how important my presence is.

11. Hopefully one day you will realize that loving also means giving proper appreciation and attention to your partner. 12. I deserve to be loved and respected, not just taken for granted. 13. If you continue like this, maybe it's time for me to choose someone who truly appreciates my existence.

14. I am better off alone than being beside someone who never truly appreciates me. 15. Maybe you need to relearn the true meaning of love and appreciation in a relationship.

75 Sarcastic Words for a Partner Who Doesn't Appreciate You, Subtle but Very Piercing

"Sarcastic Words for a Very Indifferent Girlfriend"

1. How many times have I asked for your attention, but it seems like you're just indifferent. 2. I'm not a cat that can be ignored like that, please pay a little attention to me. 3. Maybe being indifferent is normal for you, but don't forget that feelings can also be hurt.


4. There is nothing more painful than being constantly ignored by the person we love. 5. What's the point of being in a relationship if you're always indifferent like that, it's better to just be friends. 6. Every time I confide in you, why are you always so indifferent? 7. If I think about it again, maybe I'm better off alone than being in a relationship with someone as indifferent as you. 8. I just want a little attention, not asking for the world and the stars.

9. Sometimes it feels like talking to a wall because you are so indifferent. 10. If you continue to be this indifferent, maybe you are not the right person for me. 11. Forgive me if I am too bothersome with my desire to be noticed by you. 12. It seems like it's not love that I feel if I am constantly being ignored.

13. Rethink, am I still worthy of being treated so indifferently? 14. It doesn't mean I'm spoiled, I just want a little attention from my boyfriend. 15. Maybe it's better for me to find a more caring boyfriend instead of continuing to be a victim of your indifference.

75 Sarcastic Words for a Partner Who Doesn't Appreciate You, Subtle but Very Piercing

"Sarcastic Words for a Partner who Doesn't Appreciate Us"

1. You seem to forget that I am not an emotionless robot that can be ignored just like that. 2. I may be patient, but it doesn't mean you can treat me however you want. 3. You always complain but never want to listen to my problems.


4. It's really enjoyable to have a partner who pays more attention to their phone than me. 5. How can we last long if you continue to disregard my feelings? 6. I am not a support system ready to accommodate all your emotions without limits. 7. Maybe I should make an appointment with you so that you can remember me for a while. 8. I never thought that being stingy in giving attention is an advantage.

9. Why do I feel like I'm just a scenery in your life that can be ignored easily? 10. Do you still remember that mutual respect is the key in our relationship? 11. If only you could spare a little time to look at my happiness. 12. Maybe you should buy a watch so you can manage your time better for me.

13. Only butterflies that escape from their cocoon, not lovers who escape from attention. 14. I never ask for much, just a little attention and understanding from you. 15. If it continues like this, maybe it's better for us to end this relationship before it becomes more painful.

"Satirical Words for a Partner who Doesn't Appreciate Us"

1. I am not your dishwasher, please appreciate my effort! 2. You already know I am tired, yet you still ask for help to carry things. 3. When was the last time you said thank you to me? 4. I am not a robot who is always ready whenever you need me.


5. Don't pretend to be cute, I also need attention. 6. You always underestimate my opinion, even though I also have an opinion. 7. A partner should respect each other, not just do whatever they want. 8. Don't only know how to ask, but never give. 9. Students should be given attention, not treated as a last resort. 10. I also need attention, not just a device that is beside you.

11. Don't pretend to be busy all the time, but when I need you, you're not there. 12. Don't act indifferent, I also need your attention. 13. Step out of your comfort zone and appreciate my efforts. 14. I'm tired of being the second choice all the time. 15. Start appreciating before I leave you.

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