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"76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude"

These words are indeed simple, but they can make them feel very valuable.

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

Dream - You must agree that parents are the greatest gift that every child in the world has. They are the ones who give us love and genuine affection, they also patiently guide us from learning to crawl, walk, until we can run fast.

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

Parents are willing to wake up in the middle of the night and even not sleep at all to calm us down when we cry all night. Growing up, sometimes we often disappoint and hurt our father and mother and make our mother cry. There are many misunderstandings, annoyance, and even anger that can arise in the relationship between parents and children. However, no matter how intense the disputes that may occur, they will never hate or turn away from the love they have bestowed upon you since you were born. There are many ways to make parents happy. One of them is through a string of love pearls for them.

The following is a series of words of love pearls for parents that you can say to them. It may be simple, but these words will make them feel very valuable.

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Pearls of Love Words for Both Parents"

"Father and Mother are like lamps that illuminate life. Like the light of a candle that always faithfully illuminates every corner of the road. And as a spirit that motivates to stay strong and keep moving forward." "The goodness of a father is higher than a mountain, and the goodness of a mother is deeper than the ocean." "Parents never expect wealth from their children, but sincere attention and love from their children, son-in-law, and grandchildren, that is what they truly hope for."

"“A mother's heart is like a secret door where love resides, eternal affection, and not to be hurt but for true happiness.” “A mother is the most beautiful woman, the strongest woman, the greatest woman, and the greatest creation of God.” “Child, you are the most special gift for your mother and father.” “You always want your mother and father's attention, but do you always pay attention to them?” “Children may not be good at listening to their parents' advice, but they never fail to imitate them.” “Father can make you believe in yourself because he believes in you...” “Child, no matter how bad your behavior is, you will always be your father and mother's child.”"

"“When you are grown up, married, and have a new life. That's when your love is divided, no longer full for Father \/ Mother,” “The most beautiful sight under the starry sky is seeing a happy Mother.”"

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Mother is the strongest mother in the world...""The most beautiful word for every human being is the word 'Mother' and the most beautiful call is 'My Mother'. It is a word full of hope and an expression of love that comes from the deepest sincerity of the heart.""A mother can hold and care for her children's hands for only a moment, but a mother can hold her children's hearts forever.""No matter how big the material is, it will never be enough to repay the love and affection you have given me, oh mother.""Seek blessings in this world by respecting and loving your father, and seek blessings in this world and the hereafter by fully serving your mother."

"Father, who doesn't talk much, seems indifferent. But the truth is, all that is in his heart is only us." "A mother's love is comforting, and a father's love is strengthening."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude


“Father is able to wipe away his tears because God provides a strong shoulder to support his sorrow.”

“Mother... I know how difficult it is for you to care for me, raise me, and educate me until I become an adult, but I will not waste all of that, I promise Mother... your sacrifices will be your happiness in the future.”

“The happiness of both parents is a measure of your success as a child.”

“Parents can always teach their children to survive and keep going even when they are no longer here.”

“The main target of successful people is to make their parents happy in the future.”

“A mother's love is like fuel that enables a mother to do impossible things become possible.”


"Without a father and mother, what is the meaning of this life, only emptiness will be felt, therefore I will strive to make their days full of happiness. Father, Mother, you are the best and everything to me. Making our parents happy is the gateway to success in our lives."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Parents are like a bone used by a child to sharpen and refine their teeth." "No matter how ugly their appearance and nature, they are still our parents who deserve respect." "Whoever disobeys their parents will be disobeyed by their own children in the future. And whoever does not pray for their parents will have a narrow livelihood." "Behind the success of a child, parents play an important role. Because they always support, not only in terms of material things, but also in the prayers they always offer." "There are millions of ways to make a mother happy, and all of them are true."

"“Do not hurt a woman. Because from a woman we can learn about sacrifice & sincerity, just like a mother.” “Even though you can give stars, millions of treasures, but all of that is not enough to repay the love of a mother.”"

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Before you were conceived, Mother wanted you to exist. Before you were born, Mother loved you. Before you came out of the womb, Mother was willing to die for you. This is the miracle of a mother's love. "Parents postpone experiencing the joy of today to see their children experience joy in the future." "A father's kindness is higher than a mountain and a mother's kindness is deeper than the sea." "Parents don't always give the right commands. But following their commands will always be the truth." "Mother, you are the most beautiful woman, the strongest woman, the greatest woman, and the most magnificent creature of God in His creation."

"Father and Mother, I know how difficult it is for you to take care of me, raise me, and educate me until I grow up, but I will not waste all of that. I promise, your sacrifices will be your happiness in the future."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Mother is like a song that never ends in my heart. The song brings peace, happiness, and her entire being. Sometimes I do forget the lyrics of that song, but I will never forget its melody. The older I get, the more I think about father and mother. "Mother, Father, maybe I walk very slowly, but believe me, it is my struggle to make you happy. I used to be proud and happy with what you have given. But now I feel ashamed because I haven't been able to give you anything and still get what I need from you. Father, Mother, pray for your child to be able to do that soon. Mother is an angel on earth sent by God to always protect and care for her child."

"Mom, forgive me for sometimes misunderstanding your anger, causing me to unintentionally snap at you. I know you're angry because you love me."\u201cFather is a daughter's first love who will never betray or hurt her heart.""

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Parents, there are times when I do not follow your words, there are times when I feel hatred and want to rebel. But know that deep inside my heart, I love you." "I may not be a good child, but it doesn't mean I don't love my parents." "Mother, from your hands I have learned a lot about love and affection. Father, from your hands I have learned how to maintain that love and affection. Thank you for helping me go through life." "Thank you, father, for my happiness that comes from your hard work in seeking a living day and night." "Mother, you will always be a home for my prayers to settle. And you are heaven for me to return to in the future." "From afar, I always pray for your good health until we can be together again, just like when I was a child."

"Father, Mother, I miss you so much. I really want us to be able to eat together at the dining table just like in my childhood days." "My only goal in moving to this magnificent city is to be able to make my parents happy."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Mother, father, even though we are separated by a distance that creates a barrier of longing. I promise with all my strength and determination that I will try my best to make you happy. I hope that every prayer you make in each prostration will accompany my determination." "Father, mother, I know that in every prostration of yours, you sincerely pray for me. However, I cannot come home for now, I miss you so much!" "I am staying in someone else's hometown, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss and love you, father and mother. There is a task that I am currently undertaking and I will dedicate everything to both of you." "The thing I remember the most is when mother said, 'When I am not around, take care of yourself, don't be consumed by wealth.'"

"O Father and Mother, be patient with me. If your anger is because of my inability to do something, then patience will guide me to continue to strive to become what you want. So be patient and pray for me."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Ibu bisa menggantikan siapapun, tapi engkau tak bisa digantikan oleh siapapun."
"Ayah Ibu itu layaknya pelita sebagai penerang hidup. Ibarat cahaya lilin yang selalu setia menerangi setiap sudut jalan. Dan sebagai semangat yang menjadi motivasi tuk tetap kuat untuk terus melangkah maju."
"Terima kasih Ibu, karenamu aku memahami air mata. Dan karena engkau pula aku memahami cinta yang sebenarnya cinta yang tidak bisa diberikan oleh orang lain."
"Ibu bagaikan pintu untuk jalan keluar semua masalah, dan Ayah adalah rumahnya untuk semua anak berlindung dari semua masalah."
"Ibu adalah sahabat sejati, hanya ibulah yang tetap bersamaku dalam semua kesusahan, kesedihan dan saat tergelap dalam hidupku."

"The comfort provided by a mother is very different from a father. A mother provides with love and full of emotions, while a father provides comfort with his strength and great spirit."

76 Words of Love Wisdom for Both Parents that Touch the Heart, as a Form of Gratitude

"Don't ever ignore the condition of your father and mother when they are still around, because when they are no longer there, you will feel the emptiness of your days without them." "A father is willing to work hard to make his family happy. Be a great father." "Father's love is sometimes not visible, because he is not good at showing it." "And a mother's love is like this life, without you needing to ask, without you needing to, it will come on its own." "The strength of your love and guidance has brought me to this position in life. Thank you, father. I love you." "A mother's love is peace. We don't need to struggle to get it, we also don't need to deserve it."

"World and life change from day to day, from year to year, but your love and memories will never fade away." "One hug for our parents today is far more joyful than a thousand hugs on their tombstones later." "No one loves you more than your mother. And she's still willing to love you, even though she's not the one you love the most." "Words are not enough to tell you how much I love you, father. You are my inspiration. Your love is a precious gift in my life."

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