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Kisah Pohon Kurma Menangis karena Rindu pada Rasulullah, Bukti Cinta yang Sangat Besar

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Story of the Date Palm Tree Crying out of Longing for the Prophet, Proof of a Great Love"

The story is to awaken Muslims to love the Prophet Muhammad saw more than anything, including oneself.

The Story of the Date Palm Tree Crying because of Longing for the Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Great Love

Dream - Every journey in the life of the Prophet Muhammad is full of extraordinary lessons, especially for Muslims. Like the previous prophets, the Prophet Muhammad was also blessed by Allah SWT with several special miracles. One of them, which will last until the Day of Judgment, is the Quran that is currently being read by Muslims.

The Story of the Date Palm Tree Crying because of Longing for the Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Great Love

Other miracles given by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the ability to hear the cries of date palm trees. For ordinary people, this ability may sound strange. However, with faith, Muslims believe that this ability possessed by the Prophet Muhammad is nothing but the power of Allah SWT. Behind the cries of the date palm tree, there is actually a very special story. It is even able to awaken Muslims to love the Prophet Muhammad more than anything else, including themselves. To know the story, here is a summary as compiled by Dream through various sources.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The date palm tree cries because it misses the Prophet Muhammad."

It is narrated that during the time of the Prophet, there was a date palm tree that cried because it missed the Prophet. This happened because the date palm tree no longer heard the remembrance (dhikr) recited by the Prophet since he started using the pulpit during his sermons.

The following text is translated from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This story is also narrated in a hadith reported by Imam Muslim from Jabir ra: "The Prophet saw used to stand on a date palm tree when delivering a sermon. After a pulpit was made for him, we heard something from the trunk of the date palm tree, like the sound of a pregnant camel's cry, so Prophet Muhammad saw came down and placed his hand on the date palm tree trunk. After that, the tree trunk became silent." Then, in another narration, it is explained: "On Fridays, the Prophet saw would sit on the pulpit. Then the date palm tree on which he used to deliver sermons would cry out, almost splitting apart.""

Then, in another narration it explains that the date palm trunk screamed like a child. Then the Prophet Muhammad held and embraced the date palm trunk. The date palm tree groaned like a crying child whose cry was trying to be stopped. Then the Prophet Muhammad said, "It cries because of the remembrance (dhikr) that it used to hear." (Narrated by Bukhari)

The Story of the Date Palm Tree Crying because of Longing for the Prophet Muhammad, Proof of Great Love

Great Love for the Prophet Muhammad

"Through the above hadiths, it has been proven how great the love of a date palm tree is for the Prophet Muhammad. Where humans in general may not know that a date palm tree, which is considered a plant that cannot speak, actually has such a great love for the Prophet Muhammad."

Great Love for the Prophet Muhammad

Until Imam Hasan Al-Bashri said, "O Muslims, even a date palm trunk can groan with longing to meet the Prophet Muhammad. You should be even more deserving of longing for him." (Fath Al-Bari) This story teaches the Muslim community that it is obligatory for a Muslim to love the Prophet Muhammad. Because it is through this love that the perfection of a Muslim's faith can be shown. The Prophet Muhammad said, "The faith of one of you is not complete until he loves me more than his parents, his children, and all of mankind." (HR. Bukhari)

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