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80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"80 Words for Friends, Cool, Short, and Meaningful Friendship"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Feeling happy and affectionate towards friends can be expressed through words for cool and brief friends."

Dream - Friends are people who have emotional closeness with us. At a certain level, friends can become close friends and trusted individuals, besides family, to share our feelings. They are always there in important situations, both in happiness and sorrow. In maintaining a friendship, it is necessary to preserve certain aspects to keep it going. It is not uncommon for trivial problems to strain a friendship. You can express your joy and affection to your friends with cool and concise words.

The following is a translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following are words for friends about friendship that can inspire Dream's friends."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"Words for Cool Friends"

"The most beautiful thing about friendship is understanding and being understood, without ever forcing or wanting to win alone."

"Good friends will not harm, but good friends will advise, protect, and sincerely love." "A friend is someone who can teach you things that you can't learn from any school." "Friendship doesn't need mutual understanding because friends will accept things that can't be understood." "A friend is someone who is always by your side, when you are sick to look back, or afraid to look forward."

"Friends are not those who come to you when you need them, but those who stay with you when the whole world distances itself."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"True friendship is like health, its value is only realized after we lose it." "I'd rather accompany a friend when I'm alone than accompany a lover who doesn't have time for me when I'm alone in loneliness." "A friend is like eyes and hands. When the eyes cry, the hands wipe, when the hands are injured, the eyes cry." "Being friends doesn't mean we trust them, but being friends means how we can be trusted by them. Trust is important."

"Words for Short Friends"

"True friends will appear and comfort us when we are broken, instead of running away when we melt."

"Friend is someone who will wake us up from sleep, even when we are having sweet dreams." "Everyone is different, unique in their own way. You must respect them, but it doesn't mean you have to like everything about them." "Friendship based on sincerity and love will give birth to eternity in togetherness." "When in difficulty, they disappear, when in happiness, they come joyfully. No, they are not friends!"

"If tomorrow comes, I want to be like the days before. Days spent with friends and companions to be able to do positive and enjoyable things together."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"Friendship is motivation and inspiration, not just prestige and small talk." "If you desire glory, seek friends from those who fear Allah subhanahu wataa'la." "If you find a true friend who never fades away, whether in times of joy or sorrow. Promise in your heart to always remain faithful to them." "A true friend is the one who accompanies you when everyone else distances themselves from you."

Kata-Kata untuk Teman Terbaik

"Words for Best Friends"

"Friend is a sibling that God never gave to us." –Mencius"

"True friends are those who come when the whole world is going away from us. - Walter Winchell Two people can no longer be friends if they cannot forgive each other's failures. - Jean de la Bruyere True friends are those who come when the whole world is going away from us. - Walter Winchell Nothing feels as lonely as when you already have a true friend. - Bill Watterson Iron sharpens iron, friend sharpens friend. - Prophet Sulaiman"

"Having someone I have to fight for gives me strength. I can't fight for myself. But for others, I can kill." – Emilie Autumn

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"Friendship is like wetting your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth inside." - Robert Bloch "A friend will hold back their laughter and help you up when you fall. But a true friend will laugh hysterically until they also fall." "One of the benefits of having an old friend is that you can act foolish with them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kata-Kata untuk Teman Sejati

Words for True Friends

"Every friend represents our world, a world that may not have been born until they arrived, and only through this meeting does a new world come into existence." –Anais Nin.

"True friends are those who are there for you when they would rather be somewhere else." -Len Wein. "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one." -C.S. Lewis. "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light." -Helen Keller. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Friendship is one of the best medicines not owned by everyone. So you have to preserve it if you have it."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"We will never know exactly when friendship is formed. We will only always know that friendship has been there." "A friend is someone who enters your life and creates a beautiful impact in your life." "True friends are hard to find, so appreciate them once you find them." "One true friend is worth more than a thousand ordinary friends."

Words for Hypocritical Friends

Words for Hypocritical Friends

"Stupid times with friendship. I need even more enemies. At least they are honest if they don't like me." - Manasa Rao Saarloos

"Seeing you reminds me of loose change, worthless and two-faced." "Hypocrites are those who criticize food, but eat it again, and praise other food, but throw it away." "It's better to be hated, but be yourself. Rather than being a hypocrite just to be liked by others." "Instead of being busy taking care of others, it's better to correct yourself first." "Say what you feel. That's called honesty, not rudeness."

"If you want to know how people talk about you in front of others, then listen carefully to how they talk about others in front of you."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"I think I need glasses. Wherever I look, people always seem to have two faces.""It's really hard to find someone who says thank you after being helped.""How can people believe in you, when you never prove it with your actions."

Words for True Friends

Words for True Friends

"Good friends are like four-leaf clovers: hard to find and lucky to have." - Irish proverb

"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends." - Jane Austen "A true friend is someone who sees the good in you, even though they know you are a little cracked." - Benard Meltzer "A good friend knows all your best stories, but a best friend has lived them with you." "Many people will come in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt "A true friend is someone who comes in when the whole world goes out." - Walter Winchell"

"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you for who you are."

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan


A faithful friend laughs at your not-so-good jokes and sympathizes with your problems when they're not too bad." - Arnold H. Glasgow

Never leave a friend. Friends are the only ones we have to help us through this life - and they are the only thing from this world that we can expect to see in the future." - Dean Koontz

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down." - Arnold H. Glasgow


"Good friends are connections to life - ties to the past, a path to the future, the key to sanity in a truly crazy world." - Lois Wyse

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"A friend is someone who sees your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden." "A true friend is a rare person who comes to find you in a dark place and brings you back into the light." "A friend is someone who knows you as you are, understands where you are, accepts you as you are, and gently allows you to grow." - William Shakespeare "Friendship is an emotional bond, just as friendship is a human experience." - Simon Sinek

"Because there is nothing as valuable as a friend, never miss the opportunity to make one." - Francesco Guicciardini

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan

"True friends are the ones who overlook your failures and tolerate your successes." - Doug Larson "True friendship, like true poetry, is very rare and precious like pearls." - Tahar Ben Jelloun "There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends who become family." "A true friend is like a bright diamond, beautiful, valuable, and always stylish." - Nicole Richie

Words for Friends in English and Their Meanings

Words for Friends in English and Their Meanings

"A best friend is the person who knows all about your badness, but still likes you." (Best friend is someone who knows all your flaws, but still likes you).

"Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious." (Persahabatan adalah sumber kesenangan terbesar, dan tanpa teman, hal yang paling menyenangkan pun menjadi membosankan). - Thomas Aquinas

"My best friend is the best medicine in this world. The ingredients are simple. It is just caring and sharing." (Teman terbaik adalah obat terbaik di dunia ini. Bahan-bahannya sangat simpel. Yaitu kepedulian dan berbagi)."

"We will always be friends until we are old and die. Then we will be new best friend again." (Kita akan selalu berteman sampai kita tua dan mati. Kemudian kita akan kembali menjadi teman terbaik).

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan


"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."

(Salah satu kualitas paling indah dari persahabatan sejati adalah memahami dan dipahami). - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"A best friend is like a rare diamond. Its hard to find and lucky to have."

(Teman terbaik itu seperti berlian langka. Sangat sulit untuk ditemukan dan beruntung bagi yang memiliki).

"A perfect friend is someone who come in when your whole world has gone out."

(Teman yang sempurna adalah orang yang datang ketika duniamu berantakan)."


"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same."

(Seorang sahabat adalah orang yang mengenali dan mencintaimu sebagaimana engkau mengenali dan menyayanginya). - Elbert Hubbard"

80 Kata-Kata untuk Teman, Keren, Singkat dan Penuh Makna Persahabatan


"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood." (Salah satu sifat terindah sahabat sejati adalah mau mengerti dan dimengerti). - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"If one suffers we all suffer. Togetherness is strength. Courage." (Jika satu orang menderita, kita semua menderita. Kebersamaan adalah kekuatan. Keberanian). - Bertrand Aristide


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