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9 Keutamaan Menjaga Pandangan agar Tidak Terjerumus pada Perbuatan Zina

9 Virtues of Guarding One's Gaze to Avoid Falling into Adultery

Dream - Islam mandates its followers to guard their gaze from prohibited matters. The eyes can lead to wrongdoing if not protected from forbidden things. This is why Muslims need to be cautious in safeguarding their gaze to avoid falling into the act of adultery.

9 Keutamaan Menjaga Pandangan agar Tidak Terjerumus pada Perbuatan Zina

Usually, the sin of the eyes can lead a Muslim to commit wrongdoing. Islam mandates that one should lower their gaze to avoid committing adultery, which results in a major sin. Abu Maryam Thariq bin 'Athif, through his work titled Ghadul Bashar, mentions that lowering the gaze means preventing or reducing. Ghadul bashar can also be interpreted as closing the eyelids.

9 Keutamaan Menjaga Pandangan agar Tidak Terjerumus pada Perbuatan Zina

According to etymology, ghadul bashar is an effort of a Muslim man and Muslimah to restrain their gaze from things that are forbidden by Allah SWT. We should not look intentionally and enjoy these forbidden sights. The scholars agree that Muslims should only look at things that are permissible.

"Allah SWT berfirman:" translates to "Allah SWT says:"
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do.

"(Quran Surah An-Nur verse 30)"


"Preserving Modesty"

Ghadul bashar is the foundation and means to protect oneself from forbidden things. That is why Allah SWT commands us to guard our gaze first and foremost. Because guarding our gaze also means protecting our modesty from committing sinful acts.


"Prophet Muhammad PBUH said:"

"Indeed, Allah has decreed upon the descendants of Adam their share of adultery. He knows this without any doubt. The eyes can commit adultery, and its adultery is looking at what is forbidden. The ears can commit adultery, and its adultery is listening to what is forbidden. The tongue can commit adultery, and its adultery is speaking what is forbidden. The hands can commit adultery, and its adultery is touching what is forbidden. The feet can commit adultery, and its adultery is walking towards forbidden places. The heart can desire and fantasize. As for the genitals, they can either confirm or deny what has been mentioned." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

9 Virtues of Guarding One's Gaze According to Ibn Qayyim

9 Virtues of Guarding One's Gaze According to Ibn Qayyim

1. Cleaning the Heart and the Pain of Regret

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: A person who guards their gaze will have a pure heart and be saved from the suffering of regret. Meanwhile, a person who enjoys wandering their eyes and delights in witnessing forbidden things will later regret the dangers caused by it.


2. Bringing the Light of Faith

The virtue of guarding one's gaze is that it can bring forth the light of faith and inner peace. A person who strives to guard their gaze will be bestowed with tranquility and constantly given happiness because they can control their desires. Guarding one's gaze means "khauf" or fear of Allah SWT.


3. Having a Sense of Truth

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The virtue of guarding one's gaze will also lead a person to the intuition of truth. Because their heart is already filled with the light of faith, so the truth will come to them. A Muslim who guards their gaze means they are striving hard to prevent the sins that are detested by Allah SWT."


4. Opening the Way for Knowledge

Preserving HTML tags: "Preserving sight means opening the way for the entry of knowledge. Because knowledge is the light from Allah given only to servants who are clean from transgressions. By preserving sight, it means someone is resisting their carnal desires to commit adultery. A person who is protected from transgressions will find it easier to absorb knowledge by the power of Allah SWT."


5. Growing Courage to Convey the Truth

The virtue of guarding one's sight is that it can cultivate courage in conveying the truth. A person who guards their sight will also possess strength and steadfastness in faith. They are able to control their desires, and the devil will separate themselves from them. Their desires will weaken, while the strength in obedience will become stronger.

6. Cleaning Lustful Crimes

Preserving HTML tags: "Keeping one's gaze means striving to cleanse oneself from the behaviors of crime caused by lust. Many murder cases are apparently caused by the presence of lust. This proves that people who cannot keep their gaze will easily fall into the temptation of the devil's desires."

7. Pintu Neraka Tertutup

7. Closed Gates of Hell

By guarding one's gaze, a person will also have a great chance to be saved from the fires of hell. Because the door to hell is closed for those who consistently guard their gaze. A person who guards their gaze will be saved from committing adultery and other sins.

8. Strengthening the Mind

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "People who guard their sight, their mind will become stronger and firmer. It means everything will be considered according to reason and morality. They will not act solely based on following their desires."


9. Free from Lust

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Lust from desire is very dangerous, especially if someone does not have a legitimate partner. Lust can have negative consequences if it cannot be controlled. Therefore, Muslims need to lower their gaze to avoid falling into inappropriate desires."

9 Keutamaan Menjaga Pandangan agar Tidak Terjerumus pada Perbuatan Zina

That is the virtue of guarding one's gaze that Sahabat Dream needs to know. By knowing it, we can distinguish what can be seen by the eyes and what is forbidden. Guarding one's gaze is very important as the initial foundation to avoid falling into adultery.

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